Release Notes

6Downloading and uncompressing Spatial Extender FixPaks

6Starting with DB2 Version 8 for Windows Fixpak 3, IBM is providing 6product-specific FixPaks instead of one general FixPak. This change 6affects only DB2 Version 8 products on Windows platforms.

6If you have DB2 Version 8 and DB2 Spatial Extender for Windows installed on 6the same system, you must download the DB2 FixPak image and the Spatial 6Extender FixPak image, and you must uncompress each image under a common 6parent directory. All images must be uncompressed for the GUI 6installation or silent installation to proceed.

6For complete FixPak installation instructions, see the DB2 Version 8 FixPak 66 Readme.

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