Release Notes

5Installing additional Asian fonts (Linux)

5IBM offers additional font packages for Linux that contain additional 5double-byte character set (DBCS) support for Asian characters. These 5font packages are necessary with some versions of Linux that install only the 5fonts required to display the country-specific or region-specific 5characters.

5If you run the db2setup command and find missing characters in 5the DB2 setup wizard interface, it is likely that your Linux system does not 5have all the necessary fonts installed. To enable the 5db2setup command to properly refer to the fonts embedded in the 5installation CD, perform the following task: 5

  1. 5Enter the following command:
    5export JAVA_FONTS=/<cdrom>/db2/<linux_platform>/java/jre/lib/fonts

    5where <cdrom> is the location of the install image and 5<linux_platform> 3is a directory name with a Linux prefix.

  2. 5Re-run the db2setup command. 5

5If you notice missing characters when using the DB2 GUI tools after 5installation, install the necessary fonts provided with the DB2 5product. These fonts can be found in the fonts directory on 5either of the following CDs: 5

5In this directory, there are two typefaces available: Times New Roman 5WorldType and Monotype Sans Duospace WorldType. For each typeface, 5there is a country-specific or region-specific font. The following 5table lists the eight fonts provided in compressed format in the 5fonts directory.

5Table 4. File names for additional Asian fonts

Font typeface Font file name Country/Region
Times New Roman WT J Japan and other countries/regions
Times New Roman WT K Korea
Times New Roman WT SC China (Simplified Chinese)
Times New Roman WT TC Taiwan (Traditional Chinese)
Monotype Sans Duospace WT J Japan and other countries/regions
Monotype Sans Duospace WT K Korea
Monotype Sans Duospace WT SC China (Simplified Chinese)
Monotype Sans Duospace WT TC Taiwan (Traditional Chinese)
These fonts do not replace the system fonts. These fonts are to be 5used in conjunction with or for use with DB2 Universal Database. You 5cannot engage in the general or unrestricted sale or distribution of these 5fonts. 5

5To install a font: 5

  1. 5Unzip the font package.
  2. 5Copy the font package to the 5/opt/IBMJava2-131/jre/lib/fonts directory. You need to 5create the directory if it does not already exist.
  3. 5Enter the following command:
    5export JAVA_FONTS=/opt/IBMJava2-131/jre/lib/fonts

5As a minimum, you need to install one font of each typeface for your 5country or region. If you are in China, Korea, or Taiwan, use the 5country-specific or region-specific versions; otherwise, use the Japanese 5version of the fonts. If you have space on your system, install all 5eight fonts.

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