Release Notes

4Supported LDAP client and server configurations

4The following table summarizes the supported LDAP client and server 4configurations:

4Table 1. Supported LDAP client and server configurations

IBM SecureWay Directory Microsoft Active Directory Netscape LDAP server
IBM LDAP client Supported Supported Supported
Microsoft LDAP/ADSI client Supported Supported Supported

4IBM SecureWay Directory Version 3.1 is an LDAP Version 3 4server. It is available for Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, and 4AIX operating systems, and Solaris Operating Environment. SecureWay 4Directory is shipped as part of the base operating system on AIX and iSeries 4(AS/400), and with OS/390 Security Server.

4DB2 UDB supports IBM LDAP client on AIX, Solaris, Windows 98, Windows XP, 4Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows 2003.

4DB2 UDB supports IBM LDAP Version 3.2.2 on Linux IA32 and 4Linux/390.

4Microsoft Active Directory is an LDAP Version 3 server and is available as 4part of the Windows 2000 Server operating system.

4The Microsoft LDAP client is included with the Windows operating 4system.

4When running on Windows operating systems, DB2 UDB supports using either 4the IBM LDAP client or the Microsoft LDAP client to access the IBM SecureWay 4Directory Server. To explicitly select the IBM LDAP client, use the 4db2set command to set the DB2LDAP_CLIENT_PROVIDER registry variable 4to the value IBM.

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