Release Notes

5DBI message updates

5DBI1060E Invalid package name <"pkg-name">


5An incorrect name has been entered. The package either does not 5exist or the name has been entered incorrectly.

5User Response:
5Check to see if the name of the given package exists on the distribution 5media. If so, examine the name to see if it has been misspelled. 5All package names should be in lowercase. 5



5          db2icrt [-a AuthType]
5                  [-p PortName]
5                  [-s InstType]
5                  [-w WordWidth]
5                  -u FencedID InstName

5An invalid argument was entered for the db2icrt command. 5Valid arguments for this command are: 5

5displays the usage information.

5turns debug mode on.

5AuthType is the authentication type (SERVER, CLIENT, or SERVER_ENCRYPT) 5for the instance.

5PortName is the port name or port number to be used by this 5instance.

5InstType is the type of instance to be created (wse, ese, or 5client).

5FencedID is the name of the user under which fenced UDFs and fenced stored 5procedures will be run. This flag is not required if only a DB2 UDB 5client is installed.

5WordWidth is the width, in bits, of the instance to be created (31, 32 or 564). You must have the requisite version of DB2 UDB installed (31-bit, 532-bit or 64-bit) to be able to select the appropriate width. The 5default width value is the lowest bit width supported by the current version 5of DB2 UDB, platform and instance type. 5

5InstName is the name of the instance.

5User Response:
5For more information about this command, refer to the Installation 5and Configuration Supplement manual. Enter the command again with 5the proper options and arguments. 5

5DBI1170E The -w flag only accepts 31, 32 or 64 as possible input.



5When using the db2icrt or db2iupdt command, you can 5specify a value of 31, 32 or 64 for the optional flag -w. You specify 5-w 64 for db2icrt when creating a 64 bit instance. You can 5also specify -w 64 for db2iupdt when updating a 31 or 32 bit 5instance to become a 64 bit instance. The -w flag is not needed 5otherwise. The required bit width to be updated to must be supported 5for the current version of DB2 UDB, platform, and instance type.

5User Response:
5For more information about this command, refer to the Administration 5Guide: Implementation manual. Enter the command again with 5the proper options and arguments. 5



5 Usage:
5db2ilist [-w 31|32|64] [-p] [-a] [inst_name]

5An incorrect argument was entered for the db2ilist 5command. Valid arguments for this command are: 5

5displays the usage information.

5-w 31|32|64
5lists the 31 or 32 or 64 bit instances. The -w option can be used 5with the -p option, and is superseded by the -a option.

5lists the DB2 UDB install path that an instance is running from. 5The -p option can be used with the -a option, and it is superseded by the -a 5option.

5returns all relevant information including the DB2 UDB install path 5associated with an instance, as well as its bitwidth information (32 or 564).
The returned information for 32 means 31-bit for DB2 on Linux (S/390, 5zSeries) 5

5returns the information for the specified instance. If no instance 5is named, db2ilist returns information on all instances of the 5current DB2 UDB release. 5

5User Response:
5Enter the command again as follows:
5  db2ilist [-w 31|32|64] [-p] [-a] [inst_name]

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