Release Notes

6Updates to the Business Intelligence Tutorial

6Verifying that the DWCTBC and TBC_MD databases are registered with 6ODBC

6In Version 8, the control database, TBC_MD that is used in the tutorial, 6does not need to be a system ODBC data source. However, the target 6database or database source DWCTBC must be a system ODBC data source.

6Opening the Define Warehouse Source notebook

6The procedure for opening the Define Warehouse Source notebook for the 6Tutorial Relational Source has changed.

6To open the Define Warehouse Source notebook for the Tutorial Relational 6Source: 6

  1. 6From the Data Warehouse Center window, right-click the Warehouse 6Sources folder.
  2. 6Click Define --> ODBC --> 6DB2 --> DB2 Family. 6

6The Define Warehouse Source notebook opens.

6Opening the Define Warehouse Target notebook

6The procedure for opening the Define Warehouse Target notebook has 6changed.

6To open the Define Warehouse Target notebook: 6

  1. 6From the Data Warehouse Center window, right-click the Warehouse 6Targets folder.
  2. 6Click Define --> ODBC --> 6DB2 --> DB2 Family. 6

6The Define Warehouse Target notebook opens.

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