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The db2nkill tool is not shipped in DB2 UDB Workgroup 8Server Edition

8Problem 8

The db2nkill tool is not shipped in DB2 Universal Database (UDB) Workgroup Server Edition Version 8. This may cause various problems, including 8failure while using the "db2gcf -k" command.


For example, Issuing the "db2gcf -k -i psustr -p 0 -L" command 8causes the following response:

Instance  : psustr
8DB2 Kill : Failure
8Partition 0 : Failure

The corresponding entry in the db2diag.log file 8is as follows:

2003-07-06- pid:26366 tid:1 level:2
8Common - Generic Control Facility - gcf_kill() probe:220
8impact 0x900002C1 DB2 kill service failed
8data #1 (36 bytes)
8 'psustr', 0 : could not be killed.
8Workaround 8

The same scenario works without any failures on DB2 UDB Enterprise Server Edition. Use the 8db2nkill tool that ships with DB2 UDB Enterprise Server Edition Version 88.

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