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Do not partition Information Catalog Center tables


Tables that the Information Catalog Manager uses must be contained within 2a single database partition. Numerous methods are available to put the tables 2within a single partition. The following procedure is one approach that works.

  1. Open a DB2 Command Line Processor and issue these commands: 2
    1. 2
      CREATE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP partition_group_name 
      2     ON DBPARTITIONNUM partition_number
    2. 2
    3. 2
      CREATE REGULAR TABLESPACE tablespace_name 
      2     IN DATABASE PARTITION GROUP partition_group_name
      2     MANAGED BY SYSTEM USING ('cname')
    where partition_group_name is the same in 2both commands.
  2. 2
  3. Click Start -> Programs -> IBM DB2 -> Set-up Tools -> Manage 2Information Catalog Wizard.
  4. 2
  5. On the Options page, specify the table space name in the Table space field.
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