Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under Notices .
This edition of the README applies to IBM Developer Kit for Windows, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.3.1, 32-bit version, and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
(c) Copyright Sun Microsystems, Inc. 1997, 2001, 901 San Antonio Rd., Palo Alto, CA 94303 USA. All rights reserved.
(c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1999, 2002. All rights reserved.
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
This README file provides information about installing and configuring the IBM(R) Developer Kit for Windows(R), Java (TM) 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.3.1, 32-bit version packages.
All the packages in this Developer Kit are supported on the following products:
In addition, all packages except the Java Authentication and Authorization Services (JAAS) package are also supported on Windows 98.
Before you can install the IBM Developer Kit for Windows, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.3.1, 32-bit version packages, you must download the Installer package and the packages that you want to install.
You have the option to download large packages in parts. If you do this, you must also download the Merge utility to combine the parts into one file.
Download all packages to the same directory. (The packages and their file names are listed in Attended (interactive) installation .) If you download split packages, download all the parts. Do not change the file names of the files you download.
Before you begin to install, make sure that there is enough space in your TEMP directory to use during installation. By default, this directory is C:\WINDOWS\TEMP.
The amount of temporary space required in the TEMP directory during installation is shown in the following list. (Only the packages shown require temporary space.)
Developer Kit installable package only | 49 MB |
Runtime Environment installable package only | 22 MB |
Java Authentication and Authorization Services (JAAS) installable package only | 4 MB |
Java Developer Kit, Runtime Environment, and JAAS installable packages | 67 MB |
If you do not have enough temporary space, the installation program generates an error and terminates the installation. If you believe that you do have enough temporary space available but you still see this message, verify that the packages you are attempting to install were downloaded completely. You can do this by comparing the file sizes of your packages to the file sizes shown on the Web pages from which you downloaded the packages.
The packages you can install with the Installer and their file names are:
In addition, there is another package you can install that does not require the Installer. This package and its file name are:
This package is provided as a zip file. See Installing Java Communications API for installation instructions.
Other packages are provided as zip files for redistribution with Java applications. These packages are:
If you downloaded any of the packages in parts, you must use the Merge utility to put the parts back together. If you downloaded all the packages as single files, you can ignore this section.
To merge split packages:
Alternatively, you can type the following at a command prompt in the directory where you downloaded the Merge utility:
This extracts the Merge utility and its required data file.
Alternatively, you can type the following at a command prompt in the directory where you downloaded the Merge utility:
This recreates any packages that are split into multiple files.
Note: If you did not download all the parts of a package or if you changed the file names of the parts when you downloaded them, the Merge utility displays an error message and the package is not recreated.
To recreate packages manually, type the following at a command prompt:
copy /b ibm-sdk-xx131.ex1 + ibm-sdk-xx131.ex2 +
ibm-sdk-xx131.ex3 ...
Be sure to specify all the file names; if you changed the file names when you downloaded, specify the file names you used when you downloaded the parts. The name of the combined file you create must be the file name of the original package so that the Installer can recognize the file.
To extract the Installer after you have downloaded the Installer package, double-click the ibm-sdk-in131 object.
Alternatively, you can type the following at a command prompt in the directory where you downloaded the packages:
The Installer and its required data files are extracted.
Unzip the file in the directory where you downloaded the packages.
To install the installable packages you have downloaded:
Alternatively, you can type the following at a command prompt in the directory where you downloaded the packages:
If you downloaded the Developer Kit installable package, the following selections are displayed on the installation panel:
If you select SDK Program Files, the Runtime Environment component is also installed.
If you downloaded the Runtime Environment installable package, the following selection is displayed on the installation panel:
The Runtime Environment is always installed, by
default, in the
If you want to install a Runtime Environment that is separate from the Developer Kit, start the installation process again. This time, select only the Java 2 Runtime Environment component, and specify a directory other than the directory where you installed the Developer Kit.
The Java Plug-in is installed by default when you install the Runtime Environment package or select SDK Program Files while installing the Developer Kit package.
If you are installing the Runtime Environment package and you do not want to install the Java Plug-in:
If you are installing the Developer Kit package and you do not want to install the Java Plug-in:
Note: If you are installing a Runtime Environment that is separate from the Developer Kit (as described in Installing both the Developer Kit and the Runtime Environment) and you do not want to install the Java Plug-In, be sure to deselect Java Plug-in for both the SDK Program Files and the Java 2 Runtime Environment components.
When you install the Runtime Environment (either as part of the Developer Kit installable package or from the Runtime Environment installable package), you are asked whether you want to install the Runtime Environment as the system Java Virtual Machine (JVM). If you do install it as the system JVM, the installation program copies the java.exe and javaw.exe files into the Windows system directory, \Windows or \Winnt depending on your Windows product. If a version of java.exe or javaw.exe currently exists in the Windows system directory, you are prompted to overwrite the existing version with the current version. Installing these files into the Windows system directory makes this Runtime Environment the default JVM for the system.
Note: Installing the Runtime Environment as the system JVM copies ONLY java.exe and javaw.exe into the Windows system directory. No other executables (such as javac.exe or appletviewer.exe) are copied.
Before you install the Java Communications API package, install the Runtime Environment, either as part of the Developer Kit package or from the Runtime Environment package.
To install the Java Communications API:
For example, if you accepted the default directory
when you installed the Runtime Environment, the
comm.jar file is in the
If you unzip the file in another directory, the
files are placed in the same directory structure,
If you intend to use the BEA Weblogic server, when you install the IBM Developer Kit for Windows, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.3.1 packages you must unselect the JAAS optional installation. The BEA Weblogic server contains its own implementation of JAAS.
To complete an unattended installation, you must first complete an attended installation and create a response file (setup.iss) that records the choices you made during installation. To work properly, the response file you create must be correct for the computers on which you plan to use it. If necessary, create several response files to use for installing the packages on computers that have different configurations.
To create a response file while running the installation, type the following at a command prompt:
install /r
Depending on your Windows product, a response file (setup.iss) is created in either the C:\Windows or C:\Winnt directory, where C: is the boot drive.
The following message might occur during an interactive installation:
Another Java Runtime Environment is currently installed as the System JVM. Select Yes to overwrite this version or No to exit this installation.
If this message is displayed, select No and exit from the installation. Go to the Windows system directory and delete the following two files:
After you have deleted the files, restart the interactive installation using the command shown at the beginning of this section.
On the system on which you will run the unattended installation, copy the setup.iss response file to either the C:\Windows or the C:\Winnt directory. After you have copied the file to the correct directory, type the following at a command prompt:
install /s /f1c:\Windows\setup.iss /f2c:\setup.log
or /f2
flag specifies the name and location of the
response file. The /f2
flag specifies the name and
location of the log file.If the installation is successful, the log file
contains ResultCode=0
IBM Accessibility Bridge includes three files that are placed in the proper directories during the default JDK 1.3.1 installation. These files and their directories are:
File | Directory |
JawBridge.jar | jre\lib\ext |
JawBridge.dll | jre\bin | | jre\lib |
IBM Accessibility Bridge is disabled by default. To enable IBM Accessibility Bridge, delete the number sign from the beginning of the following line in the file:
IBM Accessibility Bridge requires the Java Accessibility Utilities API (these classes are contained in jaccess.jar). Make sure that jaccess.jar is installed in jre\lib\ext (the same directory as JawBridge.jar).
This Web site tells you how to how to download the Accessibility Utilities:
To uninstall the Developer Kit, whether you installed using attended or unattended installation:
This removes all of the packages that are installed with the Installer. It does not remove the Java Communications API package.
Note: Warning messages might be displayed notifying you that not all files, or registry entries, or both, were removed. This is because Windows believes that certain files are still in use; these files, or registry entries, or both, will be removed during the next reboot.
To uninstall the Java Communications API package, delete the following files from the directory where you installed the Runtime Environment:
By default, the Runtime
Environment is installed in the
The following sections provide basic information about using IBM Developer Kit for Windows, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.3.1.
README files and other documentation
that describe the Developer Kit can be found in the docs
subdirectory of the directory where you installed the
Developer Kit package, the Runtime Environment package,
or both. If you accepted the default directory, the
documentation is in the
To obtain the IBM build and version number, type the following at a command prompt:
java -version
You can disable or enable Java Accessibility support using the JAVA_ASSISTIVE environment variable. To prevent the JVM from loading Java Accessibility support, set the JAVA_ASSISTIVE environment variable to OFF. Disabling the JAVA_ASSISTIVE environment variable is a good idea if you are running the JVM through network access and you have no need for the Java Accessibility support that the JVM loads by default. Disabling the JAVA_ASSISTIVE environment variable increases the JVM loading performance of Java applications that do not provide Java assistive technology support.
The JIT compiler dynamically generates machine code for frequently used bytecode sequences in a Java application or applet during execution. The JIT compiler is enabled by default.
You can disable the JIT to help isolate a problem with a Java application, an applet, or the compiler itself. To disable the JIT, type the following at a command prompt:
To enable the JIT, type the following at a command prompt:
To verify whether or not the JIT is enabled, type the following at a command prompt:
java -version
If the JIT is in use, a message is displayed that includes the following:
JIT enabled: jitc
If the JIT is not in use, a message is displayed that includes the following:
JIT disabled.
To run a Java application, type the following at a command prompt:
java classname
where classname
is the name of the Java class file (Java
application) that you want to run.
Note: If you did not install the Runtime Environment as the system JVM, you must first set the path to include the appropriate directories. To update the path, type the following at a command prompt:
set path=javadir\bin;javadir\jre\bin
where javadir
is the directory where you
installed the Runtime Environment. By default,
this directory is
If you are developing Java applications, see the Developer Kit README for more detailed information about setting the PATH
. The file is in the docs subdirectory of the directory
where you installed the Developer Kit package. The file
name is
The following information might be helpful if you are using the Japanese version of the IBM Developer Kit for Windows, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.3.1, 32-bit version.
If you are running a Java applet using the Java Plug-in with Netscape Communicator and you pass a Japanese string as a parameter value, the parameter value is not passed correctly.
On Windows 98, if you are running the Microsoft Japanese IME, install IME Service Release 1.1 to ensure correct results.
In Windows, a process has two codepages: the Ansi (or Windows) codepage and the OEM (or DOS) codepage. For consistency, Java always uses the Ansi (Windows) codepage when translating output from Unicode, although in some cases the output might be incorrect.
For this reason, in commands like jar, appletviewer, rmid, or rmiregistry, which display usage messages or error messages in a console environment (at the Windows NT command prompt, for instance), the messages output to the console might appear corrupted for European languages (if the translated messages happen to contain national characters).
You can overcome this problem by running the console in the Ansi codepage. To make this work, you must do a 'chcp 1252' command (or your appropriate Windows codepage). You must also change the fonts in the command line window properties to use TrueType fonts.
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