IBM(R) Developer Kit for Linux, Java(TM) 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.3.1, 32-bit version

Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under Notices.

This edition of the README applies to the IBM Developer Kit for Linux, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.3.1, 32-bit version, and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.

(c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1999, 2002. All rights reserved.

(c) Copyright Sun Microsystems, Inc. 1997, 2001, 901 San Antonio Rd., Palo Alto, CA 94303 USA. All rights reserved.

U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

This README file provides information about the IBM(R) Developer Kit for Linux, Java(TM) 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.3.1, 32-bit version (Developer Kit for Linux).

The Developer Kit for Linux enables you to write and then run Java applications and applets. Note that the Runtime Environment for Linux is a subset of this Developer Kit and enables you only to run Java applications. If you have installed the Developer Kit for Linux, you do not need the Runtime Environment.

For the list of distributions against which the Developer Kit for Linux has been tested, see:


  • Overview
  • Version compatibility
  • Contents of the Developer Kit for Linux
  • The just-in-time (JIT) compiler
  • Configuring the Developer Kit for Linux
  • Installing and configuring the Java Plug-in
  • Installing on Red Hat
  • Installing on SuSE
  • Installing if using BEA Weblogic
  • Uninstalling the Developer Kit for Linux
  • Uninstalling the RPM package
  • Uninstalling the compressed TAR package
  • Using the Developer Kit
  • PATH considerations
  • CLASSPATH considerations
  • Running applets with the Applet Viewer
  • Debugging applets with the Applet Viewer
  • Obtaining the IBM build and version number
  • Working with floating stacks
  • Debugging Java applications
  • JPDA
  • JDB
  • Downloading the Java Plug-in HTML Converter
  • Switching the input method in DBCS languages
  • Devanagari fonts
  • Enhanced CORBA support
  • Support for GIOP 1.2
  • Support for Portable interceptors
  • Support for Interoperable Naming Service
  • System properties for tracing the ORB
  • System properties for tuning the ORB
  • System properties for vendor ORB Compatibilty
  • Java 2 security permissions for the ORB
  • ORB implementation classes
  • Implementing the Connection Handler Pool for RMI
  • RMI over IIOP
  • Enhanced BigDecimal
  • Shipping Java applications
  • Troubleshooting
  • Known limitations
  • Information for Japanese users
  • Reporting problems
  • Service and support for independent software vendors
  • Accessibility
  • Java console accessibility
  • Policy Tool and accessibility
  • Notices
  • Trademarks

  • Overview

    The Developer Kit for Linux is a development environment for writing applets and applications that conform to Sun Microsystems Java 1.3 Core Application Programming Interface (API).

    Version compatibility

    In general, any applet or application that runs in Version 1.1.8 of the Developer Kit for Linux should run correctly in this version. Applets that depend on Sun's Java 1.3.1 APIs work only on browsers that support Java 1.3.1 APIs.

    To read Sun's documentation on compatibility, search for it on the Sun Web site at

    Contents of the Developer Kit for Linux

    The following list describes the contents of the Developer Kit package.

    Note: This README file and the accompanying license, copyright files, and demo directory are the only documentation included in this Developer Kit for Linux. You can view Sun's software documentation by visiting the Sun Web site, or you can download Sun's Software documentation package from the Sun Web site

    The documentation package is designed to be extracted into the Developer Kit for Linux software installation directory. If you download the zip file archive version, be sure to preserve the file path names when you extract the files from the archive. If you use pkunzip, specify the -d option.

    The just-in-time (JIT) compiler

    The Developer Kit for Linux includes the IBM just-in-time (JIT) compiler ( The JIT compiler dynamically generates machine code for frequently-used bytecode sequences in a Java application or applet while it is running.

    All Developer Kit for Linux tools use the JIT by default. You can disable the JIT to help isolate a problem with a Java application, an applet, or the compiler itself. To disable the JIT, type the following at a shell prompt.

        export JAVA_COMPILER=NONE

    To enable the JIT, type the following at a shell prompt:

        export JAVA_COMPILER=jitc

    To determine if the JIT is enabled, type the following at a shell prompt:

    If a JIT is in use, one of the following messages is displayed:

    If no JIT is in use, one of the following messages is displayed:

    Configuring the Developer Kit for Linux

    After you install the Developer Kit for Linux, edit your shell script and add to your PATH statement the directory where you installed the Developer Kit. For more information about the PATH statement, see PATH considerations.

    Installing and configuring the Java Plug-in

    The Java Plug-in is a Web browser plug-in for use with Netscape Communicator for Linux. If you use the Java Plug-in, you can bypass your Web browser's default Java Virtual Machine and use instead a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for running applets or beans in the browser.

    To install and configure the Java Plug-in:

    Installing on Red Hat

    When you are installing on a Red Hat system, to allow the font server to find the Java TrueType fonts, run:

    su root /usr/sbin/chkfontpath --add /opt/IBMJava2-131/jre/lib/fonts

    You must do this at install time and you must be root to run the command.

    Installing on SuSE

    If you are running a SuSE system, there may be a version of this Developer Kit already installed. If this version was supplied by SuSE, it will have been packaged so that it installs under a different directory tree. To avoid unexpected results, you should use YaST2 to remove the SuSE-supplied Developer Kit.

    Installing if using BEA Weblogic

    If you intend to use the BEA Weblogic server, when you install the Developer Kit for Linux packages you must not install the IBMJava2-JAAS-*.rpm. The BEA Weblogic server contains its own implementation of JAAS.

    Uninstalling the Developer Kit for Linux

    The process you use to remove the Developer Kit for Linux depends on whether you installed the RPM package or the compressed TAR package. See Uninstalling the RPM package or Uninstalling the compressed TAR package for instructions.

    Uninstalling the RPM package

    To uninstall the Developer Kit for Linux if you installed the RPM package:

    1. At a prompt, type the following:
          rpm -qa | grep IBM
      The name of the package is displayed.

    2. Use the rpm command, as follows:
          rpm -e pkgname
      where pkgname is the name of the package that was displayed.

    3. Remove from your PATH statement the directory where you installed the Developer Kit.

    4. If you installed the Java Plug-in, remove the Java Plug-in files from the Netscape directory.

    Uninstalling the compressed TAR package

    To uninstall the Developer Kit for Linux if you installed the compressed TAR package:

    1. Remove the Developer Kit files from the directory where you installed the Developer Kit.

    2. Remove from your PATH statement the directory where you installed the Developer Kit.

    3. If you installed the Java Plug-in, remove the Java Plug-in files from the Netscape directory.

    Using the Developer Kit

    The Java tools are programs that are run from a shell prompt; they do not have a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

    The following sections give information on using the Developer Kit for Linux.

    PATH considerations

    After installing the Developer Kit for Linux software, you can run a tool by typing its name at a shell prompt with a filename as an argument.

    You can specify the path to a tool by typing the path before the name of the tool each time. For example, if the Developer Kit for Linux software is installed in /opt/IBMJava2-131/bin, you can compile a file named by typing the following at a shell prompt:


    To avoid typing the full path each time:

    1. Add the following directories to the PATH environment variable:

    2. Compile the file with the javac tool. For example, compile the file by typing the following at a shell prompt:


    The PATH environment variable enables Linux to find executable files, such as javac, java, and javadoc, from any current directory. To display the current value of your PATH, type the following at a shell prompt:

      echo $PATH

    To change the PATH environment variable:

    1. Edit your shell startup file (usually .bash_profile, .profile, or .login depending on the shell) and add to the PATH environment variable the absolute paths to the following directories:
    2. Log on again or run the updated shell script to activate the new PATH setting.

    CLASSPATH considerations

    The CLASSPATH tells the Developer Kit for Linux tools, such as java, javac, and javadoc, where to find the Java class libraries. If you keep the bin and lib directories under the same parent directory level, the executable files can find the classes.

    You need to explicitly set the CLASSPATH only if one of the following applies:

    To display the current value of your CLASSPATH, type the following at a shell prompt:

      echo $CLASSPATH

    If you plan to develop and run applications using different runtime environments, including other versions that you have installed separately, you need to explicitly set the CLASSPATH (and PATH) appropriately for each application. If you plan to simultaneously run multiple applications using different runtime environments, make sure each application is run in its own shell.

    If you want to run only one version of Java at a time, a shell script can be used to switch between the different runtime environments.

    Running applets with the Applet Viewer

    With the Applet Viewer, you can run one or more applets that are called by reference in a Web page (HTML file) using the APPLET tag. The Applet Viewer finds the APPLET tags in the HTML file and runs the applets, in separate windows, as specified by the tags.

    Because the Applet Viewer is for viewing applets, it cannot display an entire Web page that contains numerous HTML tags. It parses only the APPLET tag and no other HTML on the Web page.

    To run an applet with the Applet Viewer, type the following at a shell prompt:

       appletviewer name

    where name is one of the following:

    For example, to invoke the Applet Viewer on an HTML file that calls an applet, type the following at a shell prompt:

      appletviewer $HOME/filename.html
    where filename is the name of the HTML file.

    For example, is the URL of a Web page that calls an applet. To invoke the Applet Viewer on this Web page, type the following at a shell prompt:


    Debugging applets with the Applet Viewer

    You can debug applets using the -debug option of Applet Viewer. When debugging applets, it is best to invoke Applet Viewer from the directory that contains the HTML file that calls the applet. For example:

         cd demo/TicTacToe
         ../../bin/appletviewer -debug example1.html

    You might find documentation on the debugger and its API at the following Sun Web site:

    Obtaining the IBM build and version number

    To obtain the IBM build and version number, type the following at a shell prompt:

    Working with floating stacks

    Certain Linux distributions - Red Hat, for example - have enabled a GLIBC feature called 'floating stacks'. Because of Linux kernel limitations, the JVM will not run on SMP hardware with floating stacks enabled if the kernel level is less than 2.4.10. In this environment, floating stacks must be disabled before the JVM, or any application that starts the JVM, is started. On Red Hat, you disable floating stacks by exporting an environment variable, thus:

    export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5

    On a non-floating stack Linux system, regardless of what is set for -Xss, a minimum native stack size of 256KB for each thread is provided. On a floating stack Linux system, the -Xss values are honored. Thus, if you are migrating from a non-floating stack Linux system, you must ensure that any -Xss values are large enough and are not relying on a minimum of 256KB.

    Debugging Java applications

    To debug Java programs, you can use the Java Debugger (JDB). This debugger interfaces with the Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA) provided by the Developer Kit for Linux. For native JNI binary programs, you can still use gdb for debugging.


    The JPDA classes are included in the tools.jar file, which must be included in the CLASSPATH when running Java programs that use the JPDA (for example, JDB). Only socket communication is supported on Linux.


    A new JDB debugger is included in the Developer Kit for Linux. The JDB starts The Java Virtual Machine Debugging Interface (JVMDI) is now fully supported. The jdb tool included in earlier versions is now included as oldjdb.

    The new JDB uses the JPDA and allows the jdb example tool to attach to a listening Virtual Machine (VM) or to start a new debug session. It is invoked by the jdb command and can be used in the same way that oldjdb works.

    You can use the JDB to debug remote Java applications, including Java applications running on remote machines over a TCP/IP link. To debug a remote Java program, start the java program as follows: <

    java -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,
    -Djava.compiler=NONE <other args> <myapp> <myapp class args> 

    The port on which the JPDA is listening is displayed. At the remote debugging machine, type the following:

    jdb -attach <machine name or ip address>:<port>

    When you launch a debug session using the dt_socket transport, make sure that the specified ports are actually free to use.

    Note: Sun's documentation for using jdb assumes that the JVM to be debugged is a HotSpot JVM. However, IBM implementations of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) always run as a Classic JVM. When using IBM's jdb therefore, always assume that the -classic option has been implicitly specified and follow the guidance for debugging a Classic JVM. This requires that the -Xnoagent option be specified, unless the agent class is required in which case the -Xbootclasspath option should be specified to explicitly locate it.

    Downloading the Java Plug-in HTML Converter

    The Java Plug-in HTML Converter is a utility that enables you to convert any HTML page that contains applets to a format that can use the Java Plug-in.

    For more information or to download the Java Plug-in HTML Converter, see the Sun Web site:

    Switching the input method in DBCS languages

    On double-byte character set (DBCS) systems, if you want to switch the input method, you must set an environment variable that represents the keycode you use for switching. Optionally, you can set another environment variable that represents the modifiers of the keycode.

    To specify the keycode to use for switching, set the IBMJAVA_INPUTMETHOD_SWITCHKEY environment variable to some keycode definition in the java.awt.event.KeyEvent class, for example, VK_F4.

    Optionally, specify modifiers of the keycode. To specify modifiers of the keycode, set the IBMJAVA_INPUTMETHOD_SWITCHKEY_MODIFIERS environment variable to some combination of the following three mask definitions in the java.awt.event.InputEvent class:

    Separate the masks by commas.

    For example, you might set the IBMJAVA_INPUTMETHOD_SWITCHKEY_MODIFIERS environment variable to ALT_MASK, CTRL_MASK.

    During Java initialization, the two environment variables are stored.

    To be sure you have set the environment variables correctly, press a key and check it with the key combination you specified. If it matches, a Java pop-up menu with selectable input methods is displayed.

    Devanagari fonts

    This Developer Kit does not ship Devanagari fonts (Devamt.ttf and Devamtb.ttf) in the jre/lib/fonts directory. Instead, where appropriate, Java uses the Monotype Unicode fonts (Times New Roman WorldType and Sans Monospace WorldType) shipped with the IBM platform or IBM software product to support Devanagari (Hindi) fonts.

    Enhanced CORBA support

    IBM Developer Kit for Linux, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.3.1, 32-bit version (Developer Kit for Linux) adds support for these CORBA specifications:

    Support for GIOP 1.2

    This Developer Kit supports all versions of GIOP, as defined by chapters 13 and 15 of the CORBA 2.3.1 specification, OMG document formal/99-10-07, which you can obtain from:

    Bi-directional GIOP is not supported.

    Support for Portable Interceptors

    This Developer Kit supports Portable Interceptors, as defined by the OMG in the document formal/01-09-58, which you can obtain from:

    Portable Interceptors are hooks into the ORB through which ORB services can intercept the normal flow of execution of the ORB.

    Several new classes are introduced in the API to support Portable Interceptors. These are:

    These classes are not part of the Sun Java 1.3 Core API, and could change in future versions of the IBM Developer Kit.

    Support for Interoperable Naming Service

    This Developer Kit has added support for the Interoperable Naming Service, as defined by the OMG in the document ptc/00-08-07, which you can obtain from:

    The default port used by the Transient Name Server (the tnameserv command), when no ORBInitialPort parameter is given, has changed from 900 to 2809, which is the port number registered with the IANA (Internet Assigned Number Authority) for a CORBA Naming Service. Programs that depend on this default might have to be updated to work with this version.

    Several new classes are introduced in the API to support the Interoperable Naming Service:

    These classes are not part of the Sun Java 1.3 Core API, and could change in future versions of the IBM Developer Kit.

    The initial context returned from the Transient Name Server is now an org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExt. Existing programs that narrow the reference to an org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContext will still work, and do not need to be recompiled.

    The ORB supports the -ORBInitRef and -ORBDefaultInitRef parameters defined by the Interoperable Naming Service specification, and the ORB::string_to_object operation now supports the ObjectURL string formats (corbaloc: and corbaname:) defined by the Interoperable Naming Service specification.

    The OMG specifies a method ORB::register_initial_reference to register a service with the Interoperable Naming Service. However this method is not available in the Sun Java Core API at version 1.3.1. Programs that need to register a service in the current version must invoke this method on the IBM internal ORB implementation class. For example, to register a service "MyService":

    (( ("MyService", serviceRef);

    where orb is an instance of org.omg.CORBA.ORB, returned from ORB.init(), and serviceRef is a CORBA Object, connected to the ORB. This mechanism is an interim one, and is not compatible with future versions or portable to non-IBM ORBs.

    System properties for tracing the ORB

    A new runtime debug feature provides improved serviceability. You might find it useful for problem diagnosis or it might be requested by IBM service personnel. Tracing is controlled by three system properties. Set to turn on tracing. To format and add to the trace GIOP messages sent and received, set By default, ORB tracing goes to the standard error stream, java.lang.System.err. To direct it to a file, set For example, to trace events and formatted GIOP messages to a file:

    java myapp

    The trace will be sent to the files orbtrc.DDMMYYYY.HHmm.SS.txt and orbmsg.DDMMYYYY.HHmm.SS.txt.

    Do not turn on tracing for normal operation, because it might cause performance degradation.

    The content and format of the trace output could vary from version to version.

    System properties for tuning the ORB

    The following properties help you to tune the ORB:

    System properties for vendor ORB Compatibilty

    The following properties may be necessary to enable non-standard behaviour for some vendor ORBs:

    Java 2 security permissions for the ORB

    When running with a Java 2 SecurityManager, invocation of some methods in the CORBA API classes might cause permission checks to be made, which could result in a SecurityException. Affected methods include the following:



    Required permission


    init resolve


    connect listen


    resolve_initial_references connect


    _is_a connect


    _non_existent connect


    OutputStream _request (String, boolean) connect


    _get_interface_def connect


    invoke connect


    send_deferred connect


    send_oneway connect


    narrow connect

    If your program uses any of these methods, ensure that it is granted the necessary permissions.

    ORB implementation classes

    The ORB implementation classes in this release are:

    These are the default values, and you are advised not to set these properties or refer to the implementation classes directly. For portability, make references only to the CORBA API classes, and not to the implementation. Theses values might be changed in future releases.

    Implementing the Connection Handler Pool for RMI

    Thread pooling for RMI Connection Handlers is not enabled by default. To enable the connection pooling implemented at the RMI TCPTransport level, set the option

    -Dsun.rmi.transport.tcp.connectionPool=true (or any non-null value) This version of the Runtime Environment does not have any setting that you can use to limit the number of threads in the connection pool.

    RMI over IIOP

    Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) provides a simple mechanism to do distributed Java programming. RMI over IIOP (RMI-IIOP) extends the base Java RMI to perform communication using the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) standard Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP protocol). This allows direct interaction with any other CORBA Object Request Brokers (ORBs), whether they were implemented in Java or another programming language.

    For information about IBM and RMI-IIOP, see this IBM Web site:

    The following documentation is available:

    Enhanced BigDecimal

    The Runtime Environment includes an enhanced BigDecimal class ( for Java programming. It is provided (with its supporting class MathContext) as an alternative to the java.math.BigDecimal class.

    If you are using the java.math.BigDecimal class in a Java program and you want to access the class, you must change the import statement in your source code as shown:

    Change import java.math.*; to import*;

    You do not need to change any other code.

    Shipping Java applications

    A Java application, unlike a Java applet, cannot rely on a Web browser for installation and runtime services. When you ship a Java application, your software package probably consists of the following parts:

    To run your application, a user needs the Runtime Environment for Linux. The Developer Kit for Linux software contains a runtime environment. However, you cannot assume that your users have the Developer Kit for Linux software installed.

    Your Developer Kit for Linux software license does not allow you to redistribute the Developer Kit for Linux software files. The Runtime Environment for Linux is available for redistribution as a separate package. You can download the Runtime Environment for Linux package from the Web site where you obtained the Developer Kit for Linux package.


    If you encounter a problem after you install the Developer Kit for Linux, check the following list:

    Known limitations

    Information for Japanese users

    Reporting problems

    The SDK is provided as is, with no support unless you are entitled by means of an IBM support contract. For information on known problems and FAQs, refer to:

    You can report problems to the news group. This news group is monitored, but solutions to specific reports are not guaranteed. The newsgroup is available from the following news server:

    When you report a problem, provide the following information:

    1. Describe in detail what you are doing, what you expect to happen, and what is actually happening.

    2. Give details of which operating system level and version you are using, window manager name and version, and the output from java -version. uname -a java -version

    3. Describe precisely how to reproduce the problem.

    4. Include a javacore file either from the application that fails or if this is not possible, from any java application. (A javacore file is generated automatically when there is a failure. You can generate a javacore file by sending a SIGQUIT to the java process. Send a SIGQUIT with CTRL+\ from the command shell, or kill -3 <pid> from the command line.)

    5. Make a testcase available. (The simpler the testcase, the faster the problem can be addressed.)

    6. If your e-mail address is different from the one given in the newsgroup, provide your e-mail address.

    Service and support for independent software vendors

    If you are entitled to services for the Program code pursuant to the IBM Solutions Developer Program, contact the IBM Solutions Developer Program through your normal method of access or on the Web at

    If you have purchased a service contract (that is, IBM's Personal Systems Support Line or equivalent service by country), the terms and conditions of that service contract will determine what services, if any, you are entitled to receive with respect to the Program.


    The READMEs supplied with this Developer Kit and the Runtime Environment have been tested using screen readers. You can use a screen reader such as the Home Page Reader or the JAWS screen reader with these READMEs.

    To change the font sizes in the READMEs, use the function supplied with your browser, usually found under the View menu option.

    Java console accessibility

    The Java console does not respond to the tab key for navigation. Use the control-tab key pair to navigate the console.

    Policy Tool and accessibility

    Policy Tool does not meet accessibility requirements. Policy Tool is used to edit a JVM's security policy files. Because these files are in regular text format, you may edit them with any standard text editor (Notepad on Windows or vi on Unix systems, for example). Information on the policy file location and contents, including required format, can be found at:

    Information about the permissions granted in a policy file can be found at:


    This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A.

    IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the users responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service.

    IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to:

    For license inquiries regarding double-byte (DBCS) information, contact the IBM Intellectual Property Department in your country or send inquiries, in writing, to:

    The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law:


    This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the information. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this information at any time without notice.

    Any references in this information to non-IBM Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this IBM product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk.

    IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.

    Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the purpose of enabling (i) the exchange of information between independently created programs and other programs (including this one) and (ii) the mutual use of the information which has been exchanged, should contact:

    Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions, including in some cases, payment of a fee.

    The licensed program described in this document and all licensed material available for it are provided by IBM under terms of the IBM Customer Agreement, IBM International Program License Agreement or any equivalent agreement between us.

    Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controlled environment. Therefore, the results obtained in other operating environments may vary significantly. Some measurements may have been made on development-level systems and there is no guarantee that these measurements will be the same on generally available systems. Furthermore, some measurement may have been estimated through extrapolation. Actual results may vary. Users of this document should verify the applicable data for their specific environment.

    Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of those products, their published announcements or other publicly available sources. IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the accuracy of performance, compatibility or any other claims related to non-IBM products. Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the suppliers of those products.


    IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the U.S., or other countries, or both.

    Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. The Java technology is owned and exclusively licensed by Sun Microsystems, Inc.

    Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

    This product is also based in part on the work of the FreeType Project. For more information about FreeType see