Before installing DB2(R) Version 9.1 Fix Pack 1, read the appropriate sections of this readme that apply to your installation.
There is one type of fix pack image for DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 1 on Windows(R):
If you have multiple DB2 copies on the same system, those copies can be at different version and fix pack levels. If you want to apply this fix pack to one or more DB2 copies, you must install the fix pack on those DB2 copies one by one.
If you have more than one DB2 Version 9.1 product installed in a single DB2 copy, you must download and uncompress all of the corresponding product-specific fix packs before starting the fix pack installation process.
This section details the prerequisite information (including software, hardware, and operating system prerequisites) and lists the tasks that must be performed prior to installing DB2 database products.
Before downloading DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 1, perform the following steps:
This action prevents technical problems that might occur after the installation and configuration of the fix pack.
Open APARs describe defects that are not yet addressed in a fix pack, and they might contain workarounds that will impact your use of DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 1. For a list of open DB2 Version 9.1 APARs, refer to:
The space required to install the fix pack is equal to the space required for the DB2 Version 9.1 for Linux, UNIX and Windows general availability (GA) installation. Ensure the space required is available in the location of the DB2 copy that you are updating or in the location where you plan to create a new installation of DB2. Refer to the following topic: "Disk and memory requirements"
Before installing DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 1, perform the following steps:
Fix pack installation images on the FTP site are in compressed format. Before you can apply the fix pack, uncompress the fix pack installation image in a temporary directory. You can uncompress the fix packs into the directory path of your choice, however, you should consider how you plan to install DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 1:
To uncompress the fix pack installation images, perform the following steps:
You can also uncompress the fix pack installation image using an unzip compatible utility. For example, to uncompress the DB2 Enterprise Server Edition product to a directory of your choice, enter: winzip32 v9fp1_win_ese.exe -e
Repeat these steps to uncompress the self-extracting images for all of the DB2 database products you have installed. If you want to perform a silent installation using a response file, all of the images must be uncompressed to subdirectories under the same parent directory.
The license terms and conditions are located in the "db2\license" directory of the uncompressed fix pack installation image. If you install DB2 products using a response file, you must change the keyword LIC_AGREEMENT to ACCEPT within your response file to indicate your acceptance of the license agreement.
If you do not already have a DB2 Version 9.1 for Windows product installed, the installation proceeds but the products go into Try & Buy mode, a complimentary copy for a limited time.
If you have DB2 Version 9.1 products already installed, ensure all DB2 instances, all DB2 services, and all applications are stopped.
To stop all instances and DB2 services, use the services control panel applet (Control Panel ->Administrative Tools -> Services). If you have active database clients, you might have to force these clients off while stopping the instance. To force clients, issue the following command:
db2stop force
For more information on stopping an instance, see
Refer to for a list of DB2 services that run on your system.
DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 1 can be installed in the following ways:
Select the method appropriate for you.
To install DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 1 on a system with a single DB2 database product installed:
Normally, the user account must belong to the Administrators group on the machine where you will perform the installation. Refer to "Required user accounts for installation of DB2 server products (Windows):
Online help is available to guide you through the Setup wizard GUI. To invoke the online help, click Help or press F1.
To install DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 1 on a system with multiple DB2 database products installed:
The Setup wizard GUI detects the other installed DB2 database products.
To install DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 1 using a response file:
setup -u c:\db2fixpk.rsp -t c:\db2fixpk.trc -l c:\db2fixpk.log
If you have more than one DB2 Version 9.1 product installed, the Setup wizard GUI detects the other installed DB2 database products. The installation fails if all uncompressed product images are not in subdirectories under the same parent directory.
For a description of the setup command, refer to
Sample response files can be found in the product-abbreviation\db2\Windows\samples directory. For example, ESE\db2\windows\samples.
This topic describes how to install DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 1 on top of an existing Version 9.1 installation in a Microsoft(R) Cluster Server (MSCS) environment.
To illustrate how to install DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 1 in an MSCS environment, a simple example configuration must be understood. In this example, the initial configuration is a DB2 instance that is comprised of two database partitions. In addition, there are two Cluster Groups:
This is the initial configuration.
To install DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 1 on top of an existing Version 9.1 installation in an MSCS environment:
During the installation process you might have to restart your machine. When this happens the cluster service restarts automatically. Therefore the automatic failback must be set off so none of the groups automatically failback.
After installing DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 1, perform the following steps:
After applying a fix pack, it is not mandatory to recompile applications. However, to take advantage of any changes to the files linked to in the application, recompiling applications is recommended.
If you installed a partitioned DB2 server on Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, or Windows XP, enable the DB2 Remote Command Service security feature to protect your data and resources. To be fully secure, enable either the computer (if the service is running under the context of the LocalSystem account) or a user for delegation (if the service is being run under the logon context of a user).
To enable the DB2 Remote Command Service security feature:
Repeat these steps for each computer or user that needs to be enabled. You must restart your computer for the security change to take effect.
You can disable the DB2 Remote Command Service security feature and return the environment to its previous state using the DB2RCMD_LEGACY_MODE registry variable.
Disable the DB2 Remote Command Service security feature by entering the following command:
This section describes how and where to bind the database utilities (import, export, reorg, the Command Line Processor) and DB2 CLI bind files.
Perform the following actions once for each database in the DB2 database products that you upgraded:
db2 terminate db2 CONNECT TO dbname db2 BIND path\db2schema.bnd BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC SQLERROR CONTINUE db2 BIND path\@db2ubind.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC ACTION ADD db2 BIND path\@db2cli.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC ACTION ADD db2 terminate
where dbname represents the name of a database to which the files should be bound, and where path is the full path name of the directory where the bind files are located, such as $HOME\sqllib\bnd where $HOME represents the home directory of the instance for the database server. db2ubind.lst and db2cli.lst contain lists of required bind files used by DB2 database products. Packages that are already bound will return an SQL0719 error. This is expected.
A "client" here refers to the initiator of a connection to a database in another DB2 copy or on another database server. This role can be filled by any of the following DB2 database products: DB2 Client, DB2 Runtime Client, DB2 Connect products, or a DB2 server product.
If you install DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 1 and you intend to connect to a database that is running on a different operating system or at a different DB2 version or service level, then you must bind the database utilities and DB2 CLI bind files against the database.
Perform the following actions once from each unique combination of operating system and DB2 version or service level:
db2 terminate db2 CONNECT TO dbname db2 BIND path\@db2ubind.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC ACTION ADD db2 BIND path\@db2cli.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC ACTION ADD db2 terminate
where dbname represents the name of a database to which the utilities should be bound, and where path is the full path name of the directory where the bind files are located, such as $HOME\sqllib\bnd where $HOME represents the home directory of the instance on the "client". db2ubind.lst and db2cli.lst contain lists of required bind files used by DB2 database products. Packages that are already bound will return an SQL0719 error. This is expected.
If you are connecting to host databases, bind the new bind files to the host. Use the DB2 Command Line Processor to connect to the host database and bind the utilities as follows:
where path is the full path name of the directory where the bind files are located, such as $HOME\sqllib\bnd where $HOME represents the home directory of the instance
If you want to bind only the specific .bnd files to the database, issue the following commands for each database:
db2 terminate db2 CONNECT TO dbname db2 BIND path\BND\bind_file BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC SQLERROR CONTINUE db2 terminate
where dbname represents the name of your database, path is the full path name of the directory where the bind file is located, and bind_file represents the name of the bind file.
If you have existing spatial-enabled databases, you must bind the list file db2gse.lst after you install a DB2 fix pack. The db2gse.lst file contains the names of the bind files for the stored procedures that DB2 Spatial Extender provides.
To bind the db2gse.lst file:
db2 connect to dbname db2 bind path\bnd\@db2gse.lst db2 terminatewhere dbname represents the name of the database and path is the full path name of the directory where the bind files are located.
For syntax and options for the BIND command, refer to
Once a DB2 database product has been installed, additional DB2 database products can be added. The following recommendations and restrictions apply:
If you have more than one DB2 database product installed in a single DB2 copy, update all of the DB2 database products in that DB2 copy to the same fix pack level. For more information on DB2 copies, refer to "Multiple DB2 copies roadmap":
If you want to install additional DB2 database products in an existing DB2 copy, they must be at the same fix pack level as the existing DB2 database products in that DB2 copy. For example, DB2 Version 9.1 Enterprise Edition is already installed and Fix Pack 1 has been applied. If you want to add the DB2 Query Patroller product to the same DB2 copy, you must install DB2 Query Patroller using the appropriate Fix Pack 1 installation image. If the fix pack image that you are using to add new products is not at the same level as the installed DB2 database products, the installation attempt will not succeed.
After Version 9.1 Fix Pack 1 has been installed, it cannot be removed. The DB2 database products would need to be uninstalled. Refer to "Uninstalling your DB2 product (Windows)":
To contact DB2 Customer Service by phone:
The main Usenet newsgroup for DB2 database product-related questions is
For additional information about changes to the product, review the Fix Pack 1 Release Notes. You can view the latest product Release Notes without installing DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 1 by going to the DB2 Support Web site:
DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 1 can be downloaded from:
The following reference information is available:
The following list details the unique PTF labels for DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 1:
All of the supported languages for DB2 Client products are available in the products' self-extracting zip files on the FTP site.
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