Release Notes

39.4 Additional Notes for Distributing Compiled SQL Procedures

On UNIX systems, ensure that the instance owner (i.e., the user under which the DB2 engine executes) and the owner of the $DB2PATH/adm/.fenced file belong to the same primary group. Alternatively, each of these two users should belong to the other's primary group.

If a GET ROUTINE or a PUT ROUTINE operation (or their corresponding procedure) fails to execute successfully, it will always return an error (SQLSTATE 38000), along with diagnostic text providing information about the cause of the failure. For example, if the procedure name provided to GET ROUTINE does not identify an SQL procedure, diagnostic "100, 02000" text will be returned, where "100" and "02000" are the SQLCODE and SQLSTATE, respectively, that identify the cause of the problem. The SQLCODE and SQLSTATE in this example indicate that the row specified for the given procedure name was not found in the catalog tables.

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