Command Reference

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db2licm - License Management Tool Command parameter clarification


This documentation update applies to the -p parameter |of the db2licm command. The keyword MEASURED is no longer valid and is ignored by DB2.

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RESTORE DATABASE command TSM example


The example for TSM (example 6) is missing single quotes around the TSM |options and should state:

| |

db2 restore db sample use TSM options "'-fromnode bar -fromowner dmcinnis'"
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db2demigdbd usage examples


The following examples of using db2demigdbd are |shown organized by operating system.


To demigrate system database directory files on UNIX and Linux:

 db2demigdbd $HOME/sqllib 1 

To demigrate the local system database directory files on UNIX and Linux: |

 db2demigdbd  ~/user/NODE0000  1 

To demigrate the system and all local database directory files in the instance |on UNIX and Linux:

 db2demigdbd  $HOME/sqllib  2 

To demigrate system database directory files on Windows:

 db2demigdbd  d:\sqllib\db2  1 

where db2 is the current instance.


To demigrate the local system database directory files on Windows: |

 db2demigdbd  d:\db2\NODE0000  1 

To demigrate the system and all local database directory files in the instance |on Windows:

 db2demigdbd  d:\sqllib\db2 2 

Usage Notes:


Once you have run the db2updv8 command to |update the system catalogs to the current Version 8 level, falling back to |V 8.1 is not supported.


Additional information:


For an example of how to run the command in a DPF (Database Partitioning |Feature) environment, see the technote located at

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db2ckbkp command usage note correction


The '-p' option displays the number of pages of each object type. However, |the output for the db2ckbkp command with the '-p' |option does not show the number of pages for all different object types if |the backup was done for DMS table spaces data. In this case, it only displays |the total of all pages as SQLUDMSTABLESPACEDATA. |The value of zero is displayed for SQLUDMSLOBDATA and SQLUDMSLONGDATA for DMS table spaces.


Here is a sample output section of db2ckbkp -p with |the backup done for DMS table spaces data:


|      SQLUDMSLOBDATA (0e):          0 
|      SQLUDMSLONGDATA (0f):         0                              
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Naming conventions for database objects and for IDs


The following conventions that apply when naming database manager objects, such as |databases and tables.

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The following conventions apply when naming user IDs and authentication |IDs.


REORGCHK command

The index statistics formulas used within the REORGCHK command have been revised. The new formulas and their explanations are:

All formulas are based on statistics. The statistics and the results from these formulas are estimates only. You should review the results of REORGCHK with this information in mind.


Reorganizes an index or a table.

The REORG INDEXES ALL FOR TABLE table-name option reorganizes all indexes that are defined on a table by rebuilding the index data into unfragmented, physically contiguous pages. If you specify the CLEANUP ONLY option of the index option, cleanup is performed without rebuilding the indexes. If you attempt to use this command against indexes on declared temporary tables, the SQLSTATE 42995 error will be returned.

The REORG TABLE table-name option reorganizes a table by reconstructing the rows to eliminate fragmented data, and by compacting information. The reorganization of the table is done by one of two methods:

Allows only limited read-only access to the data during the first phases of the reorganization.
Allows access to the data throughout the reorganization but without being able to ensure perfectly ordered data. Inplace table reorganization is allowed only on tables with type-2 indexes and without extended indexes.

When you choose either type of reorganization, the indexes for the table are rebuilt after the table is reorganized. However, with the inplace method, the index will be imperfectly reorganized and may require that you reorganize the indexes later to reduce index fragmentation and to reclaim index object space.


For a classic (offline) REORG TABLE like the default in DB2 Universal Database(TM) (UDB) Version 7, enter the following command

   db2 reorg table employee index empid allow no access indexscan 
The defaults are different in DB2 UDB Version 8.
Usage notes

DB2 UDB provides two methods of reorganizing tables: classic and inplace. In general, classic table reorganization is faster, but should be used only if your applications function without write access to tables during the reorganization. If your environment does not allow this restriction, although inplace reorganization is slower, it can occur in the background while normal data access continues.

Classic table reorganization provides the fastest table reorganization, especially if you do not need to reorganize LOB or LONG data. In addition, indexes are rebuilt in perfect order after the table is reorganized. Read-only applications can access the original copy of the table except during the last phases of the reorganization, in which the permanent table replaces the shadow copy of the table and the indexes are rebuilt.

Inplace table reorganization is slower and does not ensure perfectly ordered data, but it can allow applications to access the table during the reorganization. In addition, inplace table reorganization can be paused and resumed later by anyone with the appropriate authority by using the schema and table name.

Updated restrictions

The REORG utility does not support the use of nicknames.


Usage notes

Note the following restrictions:

Migrating Databases


Version 8 documentation ambiguously states that no database migration is required if the database has been migrated to a DB2 UDB Version 8 FixPak level. To be specific, database migration is not required between fixpaks once the database is at a Version 8 level (Version 8.1 or 8.2 or a subsequent fixpak). There are changes to the database directory file structure in Version 8.2 and migration is automatically performed for you when you move from Version 7 or Version 8.1 to Version 8.2. However, if you go back from Version 8.2 to Version 8.1, you must run db2demigdbd to restore the database directory file structure. Failing to do so will result in error SQL10004 when you try to access the database.

db2inidb - Initialize a mirrored database command

Do not issue the db2 connect to database command prior to issuing the db2inidb database as mirror command.

Attempting to connect to a split mirror database prior to initializing it erases the log files needed for roll forward recovery.

The connect sets your database back to the state it was in when you suspended the database. If the database is marked as consistent at the time of the suspend, DB2 Universal Database concludes there is no need for crash recovery and empties the logs for future use. If this situation occurs, attempting to rollforward causes a SQL4970 error.

Usage note for the db2iupdt command

Starting with Version 8.2, when you update a DB2 Universal Database instance with the db2iupdt command, you must first stop any DB2 processes running against that instance.

New parameter for the db2sqljcustomize command

The db2sqljcustomize command has a new parameter.

db2sqljcustomize - DB2 SQLJ Profile Customizer command

Stores the value of the -bindoptions and -staticpositioned values in the serialized profile. If these values are not specified when invoking the dbsqljbind tool, the values stored in the serialized profile are used. When the Customizer is invoked with .grp file, the values are stored in each individual .ser file. The stored values can be viewed using db2sqljprint tool.

New parameter for the sqlj command

The sqlj command has a new parameter.

sqlj - DB2 SQLJ Translator command

Specifies that the SQLJ translator generates code for a connection context class that is optimized for DB2 Universal Database. This option optimizes the code for the user defined context but not for the default context. When you run the SQLJ translator with this option, the DB2 Universal JDBC driver file db2jcc.jar must be in the CLASSPATH for compiling the generated Java application.

Monitor and troubleshoot command (db2pd) updates

The Monitor and troubleshoot DB2 command (db2pd) retrieves information from the DB2 UDB memory sets. The db2pd system command has been enhanced in the following ways:

New -hadr parameter

Introduced at Version 8.2 (equivalent to Version 8.1 FixPak 7), the -hadr parameter reports High Availability Disaster Recovery information. Descriptions of each reported element can be found in the High availability disaster recovery section of the System Monitor Guide and Reference

New -utilities parameter

Introduced at Version 8.2 (equivalent to Version 8.1 FixPak 7), the -utilities parameter reports Utility information. Descriptions of each reported element can be found in the Utilities section of the System Monitor Guide and Reference.

New -activestatements parameter

Introduced at Version 8.2.2 (equivalent to Version 8.1 FixPak 9), the -activestatements parameter returns information about active statements. The following information is returned:

The application handle using the active statement, including the node and the index.
For the application associated with AppHandl, the unit of work identifier in which the statement became active.
The statement identifier within the unit of work.
The identifier for the package cache dynamic SQL hash anchor.
The identifier for the package cache dynamic SQL statement unique within the hash anchor.
The effective isolation level of the statement.
The effective lock timeout value for the statement.
The effective degree of parallelism of the statement.
The time the statement started.
The last time the statement was referenced by the application.

New wait option for the -locks parameter

Starting with Version 8.2.2 (equivalent to Version 8.1 FixPak 9), you can specify the wait option with the -locks parameter to return only locks with a waiting status and locks that are being waited on.

New fields returned by the -applications parameter

Starting with Version 8.2.2 (equivalent to Version 8.1 FixPak 9), the -applications parameter returns four new fields:

This new field is the identifier for the package cache dynamic SQL hash anchor of the current statement. The value for this field is 0 if no current statement exists. The current hash anchor identifier is populated only when the application is executing a request related to the statement, such as a FETCH request on a cursor. Once the request processing is complete, the values are set to 0. The value is also set to 0 for static SQL statements.
This new field is the package cache dynamic SQL statement unique identifier within the hash anchor of the current statement. The value for this field is 0 if no current statement exists. The current statement unique identifier is populated only when the application is in the process of executing a request related to the statement. Once the request execution is complete, the values are set to 0. The value is also set to 0 for static SQL statements.
This new field is the package cache dynamic SQL hash anchor identifier of the application's last executed statement. The value for this field is 0 if no last executed statement exists, such as before any dynamic SQL statement is executed. The value is also set to 0 for static SQL statements. The last anchor hash identifier is populated after each request execution is complete and survives until the completion of the next associated request .
This new field is the package cache dynamic SQL statement unique identifier within the hash anchor of the application's last executed statement. The value for this field is 0 if no last executed statement exists or if the last statement executed was static SQL. The last statement identifier is populated after the current request completes and survives until the completion of the next request.

Update to the SET CLIENT command

The SET CLIENT command specifies connection settings for the back end process.

The command parameter SYNCPOINT for this command is ignored as of Version 8. SYNCPOINT continues to be included for backward compatibility.

Update to the PRECOMPILE command

The PRECOMPILE command processes an application program source file containing embedded SQL statements. A modified source file is produced, containing host language calls for the SQL and, by default, a package is created in the database.

The command parameter SYNCPOINT for this command is ignored as of Version 8. SYNCPOINT is continued to be included for backward compatibility.

Update to the UPDATE HISTORY FILE command

Updates the location, device type, or comment in a history file entry.

The command parameter STATUS specifies a new status for an entry.

Previous documentation incorrectly states that the STATUS command parameter can have a value of "I" to mark the entry as inactive. Valid values are:

Marks the entry as active.
Marks the entry as expired.

Updates to the EXPORT and IMPORT commands

The complete "Required connection " subsection for the EXPORT and IMPORT commands is as follows:

Required connection

Database. If implicit connect is enabled, a connection to the default database is established. Utility access to Linux, UNIX, or Windows database servers from Linux, UNIX, or Windows clients must be a direct connection through the engine and not through a DB2 Connect gateway or loop back.

Update to the LOAD command

The complete information for the INDEXING MODE parameter's AUTOSELECT value is as follows:


The load utility will automatically decide between REBUILD or INCREMENTAL mode. The decision is based on the amount of data being loaded and the depth of the index tree. Information relating to the depth of the index tree is stored in the index object. RUNSTATS is not required to populate this information. AUTOSELECT is the default indexing mode.

File type modifiers for the load utility

The SET INTEGRITY command in the description for the "generatedoverride" modifier has been updated.

The description for the "usedefaults" modifier has also been updated.

The updates are as follows:

Table 30. Valid file type modifiers for load: All file formats
Modifier Description
generatedoverride This modifier instructs the load utility to accept user-supplied data for all generated columns in the table (contrary to the normal rules for these types of columns). This is useful when migrating data from another database system, or when loading a table from data that was recovered using the RECOVER DROPPED TABLE option on the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command. When this modifier is used, any rows with no data or NULL data for a non-nullable generated column will be rejected (SQL3116W).
When this modifier is used, the table will be placed in CHECK PENDING state. To take the table out of CHECK PENDING state without verifying the user-supplied values, issue the following command after the load operation:
To take the table out of CHECK PENDING state and force verification of the user-supplied values, issue the following command after the load operation:

This modifier cannot be used with either the generatedmissing or the generatedignore modifier.

usedefaults If a source column for a target table column has been specified, but it contains no data for one or more row instances, default values are loaded. Examples of missing data are:
  • For DEL files: two adjacent column delimiters (",,") or two adjacent column delimiters separated by an arbitrary number of spaces (", ,") are specified for a column value.
  • For DEL/ASC/WSF files: A row that does not have enough columns, or is not long enough for the original specification.
    For ASC files, NULL column values are not considered explicitly missing, and a default will not be substituted for NULL column values. NULL column values are represented by all space characters for numeric, date, time, and /timestamp columns, or by using the NULL INDICATOR for a column of any type to indicate the column is NULL.
Without this option, if a source column contains no data for a row instance, one of the following occurs:
  • For DEL/ASC/WSF files: If the column is nullable, a NULL is loaded. If the column is not nullable, the utility rejects the row.

File type modifiers for the import utility

The description for the "usedefaults" and "codepage=x" modifiers have been updated as follows:

Table 31. Valid file type modifiers for import: All file formats
Modifier Description
usedefaults If a source column for a target table column has been specified, but it contains no data for one or more row instances, default values are loaded. Examples of missing data are:
  • For DEL files: two adjacent column delimiters (",,") or two adjacent column delimiters separated by an arbitrary number of spaces (", ,") are specified for a column value.
  • For DEL/ASC/WSF files: A row that does not have enough columns, or is not long enough for the original specification.
    For ASC files, NULL column values are not considered explicitly missing, and a default will not be substituted for NULL column values. NULL column values are represented by all space characters for numeric, date, time, and /timestamp columns, or by using the NULL INDICATOR for a column of any type to indicate the column is NULL.
Without this option, if a source column contains no data for a row instance, one of the following occurs:
  • For DEL/ASC/WSF files: If the column is nullable, a NULL is loaded. If the column is not nullable, the utility rejects the row.

Table 32. Valid file type modifiers for import: ASCII file formats (ASC/DEL)
Modifier Description
codepage=x x is an ASCII character string. The value is interpreted as the code page of the data in the output data set. Converts character data from this code page to the application code page during the import operation.

The following rules apply:

  • For pure DBCS (graphic) mixed DBCS, and EUC, delimiters are restricted to the range of x00 to x3F, inclusive.
  • nullindchar must specify symbols included in the standard ASCII set between code points x20 and x7F, inclusive. This refers to ASCII symbols and code points.
  1. The codepage modifier cannot be used with the lobsinfile modifier.
  2. If data expansion occurs when the code page is converted from the application code page to the database code page, the data might be truncated and loss of data can occur.

ATTACH command

The USER parameter of the ATTACH command specifies the authentication identifier. When attaching to a DB2 Universal Database instance on a Windows operating system, the user name can be specified in a format compatible with Microsoft Windows NT Security Account Manager (SAM). The qualifier must be a NetBIOS style name, which has a maximum length of 15 characters. For example, domainname\username.


In the Examples section of the RECOVER DATABASE Command for Version 8.2 documentation, timestamps are incorrectly formatted as yyyy:mm:dd:hh:mm:ss.

The correct format is


The UPDATE HISTORY FILE command updates the location, device type, comment, or status in a history file entry.

Updated command syntax
Sözdizim çizgesini okuGörsel sözdizim çizgesini atla>>-UPDATE HISTORY--+-FOR--object-part-+--WITH------------------->
>--+-LOCATION--new-location--DEVICE TYPE--new-device-type-+----><
Updated command parameters
FOR object-part
Specifies the identifier for the history entry to be updated. It is a timestamp with an optional sequence number from 001 to 999.
Cannot be used to update entry status. To update the entry status, specify an EID instead.
STATUS new-status
Specifies a new status for an entry. Only backup entries can have their status updated. Valid values are:
Active. Most entries are active.
Inactive. Backup images that are no longer on the active log chain become inactive.
Expired. Backup images that are no longer required because there are more than NUM_DB_BACKUPS active images are flagged as expired.
Backup images that are no longer available for recovery should be marked as having been deleted.
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db2updv8 - Update database to version 8 current level command


This command updates the system catalogs in a database to support the current |level in the following ways:

| |
|Authorization |


|Required connection |

Database. This command automatically establishes a connection to the specified |database.

|Command syntax |
Sözdizim çizgesini okuGörsel sözdizim çizgesini atla|>>-db2updv8-- -d--database-name--------------------------------->
|   '- -u--userid-- -p--password-'  '- -h-'
|Command parameters |
-d database-name
Specifies the name of the database to be updated. |
-u userid
Specifies the user ID. |
-p password
Specifies the password for the user. |
Displays help information. When this option is specified, all other | options are ignored, and only the help information is displayed. |
|Example |

After installing the current level (a FixPak or a new version), update |the system catalog in the sample database by issuing the following command: |

db2updv8 -d sample
|Usage notes |
  1. This command can be used only on a database running DB2 Universal Database Version 8.1.2 or later. If the command is issued more than once, no |errors are reported and each of the catalog updates is applied only once.
  2. |
  3. To enable the new built-in functions, all applications must disconnect |from the database and the database must be deactivated if it has been activated.

Formatting trap files (Windows)

A new tool, db2xprt.exe, is available to let you format trap files (*.TRP). This tool formats DB2 Universal Database's binary trap files into a human readable ASCII file. Trap files are located in the instance directory (DB2INSTPROF) by default or in the diagnostic data directory path if the DIAGPATH database manager configuration parameter is set.


You must have access to the DIAGPATH directory.

Command syntax

Sözdizim çizgesini okuGörsel sözdizim çizgesini atla>>-db2xprt--+----------+--+----+--+----+--infile--+---------+--><
            +-/p--path-+  '-/m-'  '-/n-'          '-outfile-'
Command parameters

/p path
A semicolon (;) separated path that points to the location or locations where the binary files and PDB files are located.
Displays version information.
Formats a memory dump along with the rest of the trap file.
Format data without regard to line number information.
Specifies the input file.
Specifies the output file.
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