SQL Administrative Routines

Incorrect column name documented in result set for SNAP_GET_DYN_SQL table function

The "SNAP_GET_DYN_SQL table function" topic in the DB2 Information Center Version 8.2.2 (equivalent to Version 8.1 FixPak 9) incorrectly documents the result set for the SNAP_GET_DYN_SQL table function.

One of the columns is incorrectly documented as STMT_TXT.

The correct name for the output column is STMT_TEXT.

Snapshot monitor table functions have version-specific views

Version-specific views have been defined on the following snapshot monitor table functions, introduced in DB2 Universal Database Version 8.2.2 (equivalent to Version 8.1 FixPak 9):

The version-specific views are as follows:

Because there is no guarantee that the result tables from the snapshot monitor table functions will remain unchanged from release to release, it is recommended that you use the version-specific views if you want guaranteed result tables. Each view contains all of the columns from the result table of its associated snapshot monitor table function.

GET_DB_CONFIG procedure requires an 8K minimum page size for a user temporary table space

The GET_DB_CONFIG procedure requires a user temporary table space with a page size of at least 8K.

The documented example that shows you how to use the GET_DB_CONFIG procedure should be replaced by the following example.

Using the command line processor (CLP), change the value of the logretain and the userexit database configuration parameters. Retrieve the original (on disk) and updated (in memory) values by calling the GET_DB_CONFIG procedure.


The following is an example of partial output from this procedure call.

Result set 1

-------------     -----------     -----------
            0               1               1
            1               0               0

2 record(s) selected.

Return Status = 0
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