Application development: Programming Client Applications

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DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Type 4 connectivity to DB2 for VM/VSE is |not supported


The DB2 Universal JDBC Driver does not support type 4 connectivity to DB2 |for VM/VSE databases. The topics titled "Setting up the Windows Java environment" |and "Installing the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver" in the Application |Development Guide: Programming Client Applications, and the DB2 UDB Information |Center incorrectly state that the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver supports type |4 connectivity to DB2 for VM/VSE databases.

DB2 Universal JDBC Driver connection concentrator and Sysplex workload balancing

Java applications that use DB2 Universal JDBC Driver type 4 connectivity to access DB2 UDB for z/OS(R) servers can take advantage of its connection concentrator and Sysplex workload balancing functions.

These functions are similar to the connection concentrator and Sysplex workload balancing functions of DB2 Connect.

The DB2 Universal JDBC Driver connection concentrator can reduce the resources that DB2 UDB for z/OS(R) database servers require to support large numbers of client applications by letting many connection objects use the same physical connection, which reduces the total number of physical connections to the database server.

DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Sysplex workload balancing can improve availability of a data-sharing group because the driver gets frequent status information about the members of a data-sharing group. The driver uses this information to determine the data-sharing member to which the next transaction should be routed. With Sysplex workload balancing, the DB2 UDB for z/OS server and Workload Manager for z/OS (WLM) ensure that work is distributed efficiently among members of the data-sharing group and that work is transferred to another member of a data-sharing group if one member has a failure.

The DB2 Universal JDBC Driver uses transport objects and a global transport objects pool to support the connection concentrator and Sysplex workload balancing. There is one transport object for each physical connection to the database server. When you enable the connection concentrator and Sysplex workload balancing, you set the maximum number of physical connections to the database server at any point in time by setting the maximum number of transport objects.

At the driver level, you set limits on the number of transport objects using DB2 Universal JDBC Driver configuration properties.

At the connection level, you enable and disable the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver connection concentrator and Sysplex workload balancing and set limits on the number of transport objects using DataSource properties.

You can monitor the global transport objects pool in either of the following ways:

DB2 Universal JDBC Driver configuration properties for connection concentrator and Sysplex workload balancing

Each of the following configuration properties is used for connection concentrator and Sysplex workload balancing

Specifies the types of statistics that are written for global transport pool events, in addition to the summary statistics that are written. The global transport pool is used for the connection concentrator and Sysplex workload balancing.

The data type of db2.jcc.dumpPool is integer (int.). The db2.jcc.dumpPoolStatisticsOnSchedule and db2.jcc.dumpPoolStatisticsOnScheduleFile configuration properties must also be set for writing statistics before any statistics are written.

You can specify one or more of the following types of statistics with the db2.jcc.dumpPool property:

To trace more than one type of event, add the values for the types of events that you want to trace. For example, suppose that you want to trace DUMP_GET_OBJECT and DUMP_CREATE_OBJECT events. The numeric equivalents of these values are 2 and 16, so you specify 18 for the db2.jcc.dumpPool value.

The default is 0, which means that only summary statistics for the global transport pool are written.

Specifies how often, in seconds, global transport pool statistics are written to the file that is specified by the db2.jcc.dumpPoolStatisticsOnScheduleFile configuration property. The global transport pool is used for the connection concentrator and Sysplex workload balancing.

The default is -1, which means that global transport pool statistics are not written.

Specifies the name of the file to which global transport pool statistics are written. The global transport pool is used for the connection concentrator and Sysplex workload balancing.

If the db2.jcc.dumpPoolStatisticsOnScheduleFile configuration property is not specified, global transport pool statistics are not written.

Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that an unused transport object stays in a global transport object pool before it can be deleted from the pool. Transport objects are used for the connection concentrator and Sysplex workload balancing.

The default value for the db2.jcc.maxTransportObjectIdleTime configuration property is 60. Setting db2.jcc.maxTransportObjectIdleTime to a value less than 0 causes unused transport objects to be deleted from the pool immediately. This action is not recommended because it can cause severe performance degradation.

Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that an application waits for a transport object if the db2.jcc.maxTransportObjects value has been reached. Transport objects are used for the connection concentrator and Sysplex workload balancing. When an application waits for longer than the db2.jcc.maxTransportObjectWaitTime value, the global transport object pool throws an SQLException.

The default value for the db2.jcc.maxTransportObjectWaitTime configuration property is -1. Any negative value means that applications wait forever.

Specifies the upper limit for the number of transport objects in a global transport object pool for the connection concentrator and Sysplex workload balancing. When the number of transport objects in the pool reaches the db2.jcc.maxTransportObjects value, transport objects that have not been used for longer than the db2.jcc.maxTransportObjectIdleTime value are deleted from the pool.

The default value for the db2.jcc.maxTransportObjects configuration property is -1, which means that there is no limit to the number of transport objects in the global transport object pool.

Specifies the lower limit for the number of transport objects in a global transport object pool for the connection concentrator and Sysplex workload balancing. When a JVM is created, there are no transport objects in the pool. Transport objects are added to the pool as they are needed. After the db2.jcc.minTransportObjects value is reached, the number of transport objects in the global transport object pool never goes below the db2.jcc.minTransportObjects value for the lifetime of that JVM.

The default value for the db2.jcc.minTransportObjects configuration property is 0. Any value less than or equal to 0 means that the global transport object pool can become empty.

DB2 Universal JDBC Driver DataSource properties for connection concentrator and Sysplex workload balancing

Each of the following DB2 Universal JDBC Driver DataSource properties is used for connection concentrator and Sysplex workload balancing

Indicates whether the connection concentrator function of the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver is enabled. The connection concentrator function is available only for connections to DB2 UDB for z/OS servers.

The data type of the enableConnectionConcentrator property is boolean. The default is false. However, if enableSysplexWLB is set to true, the default is true.

Indicates whether the Sysplex workload balancing function of the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver is enabled. The Sysplex workload balancing function is available only for connections to DB2 UDB for z/OS servers.

The data type of the enableSysplexWLB property is boolean. The default is false. However, if enableSysplexWLB is set to true, enableConnectionConcentrator is set to true by default.

Specifies the maximum number of transport objects that can be used for all connections with the associated DataSource object. Transport objects are used for the connection concentrator and Sysplex workload balancing. The maxTransportObjects value is ignored if the enableConnectionConcentrator or enableSysplexWLB properties are not set to enable the use of the connection concentrator or Sysplex workload balancing.

The data type of this property is integer (int.).

If the maxTransportObjects value has not been reached and a transport object is not available in the global transport objects pool, the pool creates a new transport object. If the maxTransportObjects value has been reached, the application waits for the amount of time that is specified by the db2.jcc.maxTransportObjectWaitTime configuration property. After that amount of time has elapsed, if there is still no available transport object in the pool, the pool throws an SQLException.

The maxTransportObjects property does not override the db2.jcc.maxTransportObjects configuration property. The maxTransportObjects property has no effect on connections from other DataSource objects. If the maxTransportObjects value is larger than the db2.jcc.maxTransportObjects value, maxTransportObjects does not increase the db2.jcc.maxTransportObjects value.

The default value for the maxTransportObjects property is -1, which means that the number of transport objects for the DataSource is limited only by the db2.jcc.maxTransportObjects value for the driver..

Example of enabling the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver connection concentrator and Sysplex workload balancing functions in WebSphere Application Server

The following procedure is an example of enabling the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver connection concentrator and Sysplex workload balancing functions with WebSphere(R) Application Server.


Server requirements:

Client requirements:


To enable the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver connection concentrator and Sysplex workload balancing functions with WebSphere Application Server:

  1. Verify that the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver is at the correct level to support the connection concentrator and Sysplex workload balancing functions by issuing the following command in the command line processor on z/OS, or in System Services on UNIX(R) :
    java -version
    Find a line in the output like this:
    [ibm][db2][jcc] Driver: IBM DB2 JDBC Universal Driver Architecture n n
    n should be 2.7 or later.
  2. Set DB2 Universal JDBC Driver configuration properties to enable the connection concentrator or Sysplex workload balancing for all DataSource instances that are created under the driver.

    Set the configuration properties in a file.

    1. Create a file or edit the existing file.
    2. Set the following configuration properties:
      • db2.jcc.minTransportObjects
      • db2.jcc.maxTransportObjects
      • db2.jcc.maxTransportObjectWaitTime
      • db2.jcc.dumpPool
      • db2.jcc.dumpPoolStatisticsOnScheduleFile
      Start with settings similar to these:
    3. Add the directory path for to the WebSphere Application Server DB2 Universal JDBC Driver classpath.
  3. Set DB2 Universal JDBC Driver data source properties to enable the connection concentrator or Sysplex workload balancing functions.

    In the WebSphere Application Server administrative console, set the following properties for the data source that your application uses to connect to the database server:

    • enableSysplexWLB
    • enableConnectionConcentrator
    • maxTransportObjects
    Assume that you want the connection concentrator function as well as the Sysplex workload balancing function. Start with settings similar to these:
    Table 26. Example of data source property settings for DB2 Universal JDBC Driver connection concentrator and Sysplex workload balancing functions
    Property Setting
    enableSysplexWLB true1
    maxTransportObjects 100
    1. The enableConnectionConcentrator property is set to true by default because the enableSysplexWLB property is set to true.
  4. Restart WebSphere Application Server.

Methods for monitoring DB2 Universal JDBC Driver connection concentrator and Sysplex workload balancing functions

To monitor the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver connection concentrator and Sysplex workload balancing functions, you need to monitor the global transport objects pool. You can monitor the global transport objects pool in either of the following ways:

Configuration properties for monitoring the global transport objects pool

The db2.jcc.dumpPool, db2.jcc.dumpPoolStatisticsOnSchedule, and db2.jcc.dumpPoolStatisticsOnScheduleFile configuration properties control tracing of the global transport objects pool.

For example, the following set of configuration property settings cause Sysplex error messages and dump pool error messages to be written every 60 seconds to a file named /home/WAS/logs/srv1/poolstats:


An entry in the pool statistics file looks like this:

time Scheduled PoolStatistics npr:2575 nsr:2575 lwroc:439 
hwroc:1764 coc:372 aooc:362 rmoc:362 nbr:2872 tbt:857520 tpo:10

The meanings of the fields are:

The total number of requests that the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver has made to the pool since the pool was created.
The number of successful requests that the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver has made to the pool since the pool was created. A successful request means that the pool returned an object.
The number of objects that were reused but were not in the pool. This can happen if a connection object releases a transport object at a transaction boundary. If the connection object needs a transport object later, and the original transport object has not been used by any other connection object, the connection object can use that transport object.
The number of objects that were reused from the pool.
The number of objects that the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver created since the pool was created.
The number of objects that exceeded the idle time that was specified by the db2.jcc.maxTransportObjectIdleTime configuration property and were deleted from the pool.
The number of objects that have been deleted from the pool since the pool was created.
The number of requests that the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver made to the pool that the pool blocked because the pool had reached its maximum capacity. A blocked request might be successful if an object is returned to the pool before the db2.jcc.maxTransportObjectWaitTime configuration value is exceeded and an exception is thrown.
The total time in milliseconds for requests that were blocked by the pool. This time can be much larger than the elapsed execution time of the application if the application uses multiple threads.
The number of objects that are currently in the pool.
Application programming interfaces for monitoring the global transport objects pool

You can write applications to gather statistics on the global transport objects pool. Those applications create objects in the DB2PoolMonitor class and invoke methods to retrieve information about the pool.

For example, the following code creates an object for monitoring the global transport objects pool:

DB2PoolMonitor transportObjectPoolMonitor =  
	DB2PoolMonitor.getPoolMonitor (DB2PoolMonitor.TRANSPORT_OBJECT);

After you create the DB2PoolMonitor object, you can use the following methods to monitor the global transport objects pool.

public int getMonitorVersion()

Retrieves the version of the DB2PoolMonitor class that is shipped with the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver.

public int totalRequestsToPool()

Retrieves the total number of requests that the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver has made to the pool since the pool was created.

public int successfullRequestsFromPool()

Retrieves the number of successful requests that the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver has made to the pool since the pool was created. A successful request means that the pool returned an object.

public int numberOfRequestsBlocked()

Retrieves the number of requests that the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver made to the pool that the pool blocked because the pool had reached its maximum capacity. A blocked request might be successful if an object is returned to the pool before the db2.jcc.maxTransportObjectWaitTime configuration value is exceeded and an exception is thrown.

public long totalTimeBlocked()

Retrieves the total time in milliseconds for requests that were blocked by the pool. This time can be much larger than the elapsed execution time of the application if the application uses multiple threads.

public int lightWeightReusedObjectCount()

Retrieves the number of objects that were reused but were not in the pool. This can happen if a connection object releases a transport object at a transaction boundary. If the connection object needs a transport object later, and the original transport object has not been used by any other connection object, the connection object can use that transport object.

public int heavyWeightReusedObjectCount()

Retrieves the number of objects that were reused from the pool.

public int createdObjectCount()

Retrieves the number of objects that the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver created since the pool was created.

public int agedOutObjectCount()

Retrieves the number of objects that exceeded the idle time that was specified by the db2.jcc.maxTransportObjectIdleTime configuration property and were deleted from the pool.

public int removedObjectCount()

Retrieves the number of objects that have been deleted from the pool since the pool was created.

public int totalPoolObjects()

The number of objects that are currently in the pool.

OleDbReportIsLongForLongTypes CLI/ODBC configuration keyword

The OleDbReportIsLongForLongTypes keyword is supported by the following database servers:

Keyword description:
Makes OLE DB flag LONG data types with DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG.
db2cli.ini keyword syntax:
OleDbReportIsLongForLongTypes = 0 | 1
Equivalent statement attribute:
Default setting:
LONG types (LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, LONG VARGRAPHIC and LONG VARGRAPHIC FOR BIT DATA) do not have the DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG flag set, which may cause the columns to be used in the WHERE clause.
Usage notes:

OLE DB's client cursor engine and OLE DB .NET Data Provider's CommandBuilder generate update and delete statements based on column information provided by the IBM(R) DB2(R) OLE DB Provider. If the generated statement contains a LONG type in the WHERE clause, the statement will fail because LONG types cannot be used in a search with an equality operator. Setting the keyword OleDbReportIsLongForLongTypes to 1 will make the IBM DB2 OLE DB Provider report LONG types (LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, LONG VARGRAPHIC and LONG VARGRAPHIC FOR BIT DATA) with the DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG flag set. This will prevent the long columns from being used in the WHERE clause.

OleDbSQLColumnsSortByOrdinal CLI/ODBC configuration keyword

The OleDbSQLColumnsSortByOrdinal keyword is supported by the following database servers:

Keyword description:
Makes OLE DB's IDBSchemaRowset::GetRowset(DBSCHEMA_COLUMNS) return a row set sorted by the ORDINAL_POSITION column.
db2cli.ini keyword syntax:
OleDbSQLColumnsSortByOrdinal = 0 | 1
Equivalent statement attribute:
Default setting:
IDBSchemaRowset::GetRowset(DBSCHEMA_COLUMNS) returns the row set sorted by the columns TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME.
Usage notes:

The Microsoft(R) OLE DB specification requires that IDBSchemaRowset::GetRowset(DBSCHEMA_COLUMNS) returns the row set sorted by the columns TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME. The IBM DB2 OLE DB Provider conforms to the specification. However, applications that use the Microsoft ODBC Bridge provider (MSDASQL) have been typically coded to get the row set sorted by ORDINAL_POSITION. Setting the OleDbSQLColumnsSortByOrdinal keyword to 1 will make the provider return a row set sorted by ORDINAL_POSITION.

DB2 Data Source property group for the IBM DB2 OLE DB Provider

The IBM DB2 OLE DB Provider has added a new property group: DB2 Data Source. The property set for DB2 Data Source is DBPROPSET_DB2DATASOURCE.

The GUID for the property set is {0x8a80412a,0x7d94,0x4fec,{0x87,0x3e,0x6c,0xd1,0xcd,0x42,0x0d,0xcd}}

DBPROPSET_DB2DATASOURCE has three properties:


Property group: DB2 Data Source 
Typical R/W: R/W
Description: Report IsLong for Long Types

OLE DB's client cursor engine and OLE DB .NET Data Provider's CommandBuilder generate update and delete statements based on column information provided by the IBM DB2 OLE DB Provider. If the generated statement contains a LONG type in the WHERE clause, the statement will fail because LONG types cannot be used in a search with an equality operator.

Values Meaning
VARIANT_TRUE Will make the IBM DB2 OLE DB Provider report LONG types (LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, LONG VARGRAPHIC, and LONG VARGRAPHIC FOR BIT DATA) with the DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG flag set. This will prevent the long columns from being used in the WHERE clause.

Property group: DB2 Data Source 
Typical R/W: R/W
Description: Return Char as WChar

Values Meaning
VARIANT_TRUE OLE DB describes columns of type CHAR, VARCHAR, LONG VARCHAR, or CLOB as DBTYPE_WSTR. The code page of data implied in ISequentialStream will be UCS-2. This is the default.
VARIANT_FALSE OLE DB describes columns of type CHAR, VARCHAR, LONG VARCHAR, or CLOB as DBTYPE_STR. The code page of data implied in ISequentialStream will be the local code page of the client.

Property group: DB2 Data Source 
Typical R/W: R/W
Description: Sort By Ordinal

The Microsoft OLE DB specification requires that IDBSchemaRowset::GetRowset(DBSCHEMA_COLUMNS) returns the row set sorted by the columns TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME. The IBM DB2 OLE DB Provider conforms to the specification. However, applications that use the Microsoft ODBC Bridge provider (MSDASQL) have been typically coded to get the row set sorted by ORDINAL_POSITION.

Values Meaning
VARIANT_TRUE Will make the provider return a row set sorted by ORDINAL_POSITION.
VARIANT_FALSE Will make the provider return a row set sorted by TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME. This is the default.

Incorrect URL syntax in the DB2Binder syntax diagram

In the topic "Installing the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver", the DB2Binder syntax diagram incorrectly defines the URL syntax for the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver. The correct representation of the URL syntax for DB2Binder is shown in the following diagram:

DB2Binder syntax
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram>>>
>---url jdbc:db2://server-+---------+-/database----------------->
>---user user-ID---password password--+---------------+--------->
                                      '--size integer-'
   '--collection collection-name-'
   |              .-,------------. |  '--help-'
   |              V              | |
   '--tracelevel ---trace-option-+-'

Rerouting DB2 Universal JDBC driver clients

The automatic client reroute feature in DB2 Universal Database(TM) (UDB) for Linux(TM), UNIX(R), and Windows(R) allows client applications to recover from a loss of communication with the server so that they can continue to work with minimal interruption.

Whenever a server locks up, each client that is connected to that server receives a communication error, which terminates the connection and results in an application error. When availability is important, you should have a redundant setup or failover support. (Failover is the ability of a server to take over operations when another server fails.) In either case, the DB2 Universal JDBC driver client attempts to reestablish the connection to a new server, or to the original server, which might be running on a failover node. When the connection is reestablished, the application receives an SQLException that informs it of the transaction failure, but the application can continue with the next transaction.



After the database administrator specifies the alternate server location on a particular database at the server instance, the primary and alternate server locations are returned back to the client at connect time. The DB2 Universal JDBC driver creates an instance of Referenceable object DB2ClientRerouteServerList and stores that instance in its transient memory. If communication is lost, the DB2 Universal JDBC driver tries to reestablish the connection using the server information that is returned from the server.

The clientRerouteServerListJNDIName DataSource property provides additional client reroute support at the client; clientRerouteServerListJNDIName has two functions:

The clientRerouteServerListJNDIName identifies a JNDI reference to a DB2ClientRerouteServerList instance in a JNDI repository for alternate server information. After a successful connection to the primary server, the alternate server information that is provided by clientRerouteServerListJNDIName is overwritten by the information from the server. The DB2 Universal JDBC driver will attempt to propagate the updated information to the JNDI store after a failover if the clientRerouteServerListJNDIName property is defined. If clientRerouteServerListJNDIName is specified, primary server information specified in DB2ClientRerouteServerList will be used for connection. If the primary server is not specified, serverName information specified on the data source will be used.

DB2ClientRerouteServerList is a serializable Java(TM) bean with four properties:

Getter and setter methods for accessing these properties are provided. The definition of the DB2ClientRerouteServerList class is as follows:

public class DB2ClientRerouteServerList 
  public String[] alternateServerName;
  public synchronized void 
    setAlternateServerName(String[] alternateServer);
  public String[] getAlternateServerName();
  public int[] alternatePortNumber;
  public synchronized void 
    setAlternatePortNumber(int[] alternatePortNumberList);
  public int[] getAlternatePortNumber();
  public synchronized void 
    setPrimaryServerName (String primaryServerName);
  public String getPrimaryServerName ();
  public synchronized void setPrimaryPortNumber (int primaryPortNumber)
  public int getPrimaryPortNumber (); 

A newly established failover connection is configured with the original data source properties, except for the server name and port number. In addition, any DB2 UDB special registers that were modified during the original connection are reestablished in the failover connection by DB2 Universal Driver JDBC driver.

When a communication failure occurs, the DB2 Universal JDBC driver first attempts recovery to the primary server. If this fails, the driver attempts to connect to the alternate location (failover). After a connection is reestablished, the driver throws a java.sql.SQLException to the application with SQLCODE -4498, to indicate to the application that the connection has been automatically reestablished to the alternate server. The application can then retry its transaction.

Procedure for make DB2ClientRerouteServerList persistent

To setup storage to make DB2ClientRerouteServerList persistent, follow these steps:

  1. Create an instance of DB2ClientRerouteServerList and bind that instance to the JNDI registry. For example:
    // Create a starting context for naming operations
    InitialContext registry = new InitialContext();
    // Create a DB2ClientRerouteServerList object
    DB2ClientRerouteServerList address=new DB2ClientRerouteServerList();
    // Set the port number and server name for the primary server
    // Set the  port number and server name for the alternate server
    int[] port = {50002};
    String[] server = {""};
    registry.rebind("serverList", address);
  2. Assign the JNDI name of the DB2ClientRerouteServerList object to DataSource property clientRerouteServerListJNDIName. For example:

Customizing the DB2 Universal JDBC driver configuration properties

The DB2 Universal JDBC driver configuration properties let you set property values that have driver-wide scope. Those settings apply across applications and DataSource instances. You can change the settings without having to change application source code or DataSource characteristics.

Each DB2 Universal JDBC driver configuration property setting is of the following form:


If the configuration property begins with db2.jcc.override, the configuration property is applicable to all connections and overrides any Connection or DataSource property with the same property name. If the configuration property begins with db2.jcc or db2.jcc.default, the configuration property value is a default. Connection or DataSource property settings override that value.


To set configuration properties:

You can set the following DB2 Universal JDBC driver configuration properties. All properties are optional.

Enables the DB2 Universal JDBC driver trace for Java driver code, and specifies the name on which the trace file names are based.

Specify a fully qualified file name for the db2.jcc.override.traceFile property value.

The db2.jcc.override.traceFile property overrides the traceFile property for a Connection or DataSource object.

For example, specifying the following setting for db2.jcc.override.traceFile enables tracing of the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Java code to a file named /SYSTEM/tmp/jdbctrace:


You should set the trace properties under the direction of IBM Software Support.

Specifies the action that the DB2 Universal JDBC driver takes when an uncustomized SQLJ application runs. db2.jcc.sqljUncustomizedWarningOrException can have the following values:
The DB2 Universal JDBC driver does not generate a Warning or Exception when an uncustomized SQLJ application runs. This is the default.
The DB2 Universal JDBC driver generates a Warning when an uncustomized SQLJ application runs.
The DB2 Universal JDBC driver generates an Exception when an uncustomized SQLJ application runs.

db2secFreeToken function removed

The db2secFreeToken function (Free memory held by token) is no longer part of the db2secGssapiServerAuthFunctions_1 user authentication plug-in API.

Deploy custom security plug-ins carefully

The integrity of your DB2 Universal Database (UDB) installation can be compromised if the deployment of security plug-ins are not adequately coded, reviewed, and tested. DB2 UDB takes precautions against many common types of failures, but it cannot guarantee complete integrity when user-written security plug-ins are deployed.

Security plug-ins

If you are using your own customized security plug-in, you can use a user ID of up to 255 characters on a connect statement issued through the CLP or a dynamic SQL statement.

Security plug-in APIs

For the db2secGetGroupsForUser, db2secValidatePassword, and db2secGetAuthIDs APIs, the input parameter, dbname, can be null and its corresponding length input parameter, dbnamelen, will be set to 0.

Security plug-in naming conventions (Linux and UNIX)

.so is now accepted as a file name extension for user-written security plug-in libraries on all Linux and UNIX platforms.

On AIX(R), security plug-in libraries can have an extension of .a or .so. If both versions of the plug-in library exist, the .a version is used.

For HP-UX on PA-RISC, security plug-in libraries can have an extension of .sl or .so. If both versions of the plug-in library exist, the .sl version is used.

On all other Linux and UNIX platforms, .so is the only supported file name extension for security plug-in libraries.

Restrictions on security plug-in libraries

On AIX, security plug-in libraries can have a file name extension of .a or .so. The mechanism used to load the plug-in library depends on which extension is used:

Plug-in libraries with a file name extension of .a
Plug-in libraries with file name extensions of .a are assumed to be archives containing shared object members. These members must be named shr.o (32-bit) or shr64.o (64-bit). A single archive can contain both the 32-bit and 64-bit members, allowing it to be deployed on both types of platforms.

For example, to build a 32-bit archive style plug-in library:

  xlc_r -qmkshrobj -o shr.o MyPlugin.c -bE:MyPlugin.exp
  ar rv MyPlugin.a shr.o
Plug-in libraries with a file name extension of .so
Plug-in libraries with file name extensions of .so are assumed to be dynamically loadable shared objects. Such an object is either 32-bit or 64-bit, depending on the compiler and linker options used when it was built. For example, to build a 32-bit plug-in library:
  xlc_r -qmkshrobj -o MyPlugin.c -bE:MyPlugin.exp

On all platforms other than AIX, security plug-in libraries are always assumed to be dynamically loadable shared objects.

| | |

GSS-API plug-in support for DB2 Universal JDBC Driver


With the release of DB2 UDB Version 8.2 for Linux, UNIX, Windows, you can |create your own authentication mechanisms in the form of plug-ins (loadable |libraries). The DB2 UDB engine loads and accesses these plug-ins to perform |user authentication. In order to support customer applications written in |Java, DB2 Universal JDBC Driver provides security plug-in support in DB2 UDB |V8.2, FixPak 4.


For Java applications using the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver to perform plug-in |authentication, users need to implement their own plug-in by extending the |abstract class and setting the following properties:

| |

Note the following example:

   java.util.Properties properties = new java.util.Properties();
|   properties.put("user", "db2admin");
|   properties.put("password", "admindb2");
|   properties.put("pluginName", "gssapi_simple");
|   properties.put("securityMechanism",
|   new String(""""));
|   properties.put("plugin", new JCCSimpleGSSPlugin());
|   Connection con = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(url, properties);

GSS-API security plug-ins do not support multiple-flow authentication

GSS-API authentication is limited to flowing one token from the client to the server and one token from the server to the client. These tokens are obtained from gss_init_sec_context() on the client and from gss_accept_sec_context() on the server. GSS-API plug-ins attempting additional flows will generate a security plug-in unexpected error, causing the connection to fail.

GSS-API security plug-ins do not support message encryption and signing

Message encryption and signing is not available in GSS-API security plug-ins.

Implicit ending of transactions in stand-alone applications

All application terminations (normal and abnormal) implicitly roll back outstanding units of work, regardless of operating system.

Distributed transaction support

In the What's new documentation for DB2 Universal Database (UDB) Version 8.2, the Distributed transaction support information for the DB2 Universal JDBC driver improvements section has incorrect information. The last sentence of this section is incorrect. The correct information is:

As of Version 8.2, DB2 UDB provides support for distributed transaction processing that conforms to the XA specification. This support implements the Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) Java Transaction Service (JTS) and Java Transaction API (JTA) specifications.

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