Installation notes

On UNIX(R) and Linux(TM) platforms, these Installation notes apply to installation of new products only. To apply a FixPak, see the FixPak's Readme.

On Windows(R) platforms, these Installation notes apply to both the installation of new products and the application of FixPaks. If you are applying a FixPak, these Installation notes should be used in conjunction with the FixPak Readme.

Review this entire section before installing DB2 Universal Database(TM).

New options for the DB2 Setup wizard (Windows)

Specifying the installation path at the command line

The DB2(R) Setup wizard allows the installation path to be specified at the command line using the new option:

-p Installation Directory

This option overrides any value specified in the response file. The new -p [INSTALLDIR] option can be used to change the installation path of the product without changing the response file.

New NO_CONFIG option to the installation

The NO_CONFIG keyword, when added to the response file, disables any up and running operations. The installation still sets environment variables and performs other basic setup that is required to create instances and to create the DB2(R) Administration Server manually after the installation has completed. No nonessential configuration is done.

If this option is specified in the response file, any keywords that are used during up and running setup are validated, but the configuration associated with these keywords is not done.

Progress display

A new option has been provided to display only the progress window of the DB2(R) Setup wizard when running an unattended installation.

The new -m option must be used in conjunction with -u [response file] parameter. If the -m option is specified without the response file option, the installation returns a message indicating that the argument is incorrect. If the -m option is specified, only the windows that do not require any user input are displayed.

For example, once the setup.exe command is run, the installation displays windows, but it does not prompt for any input. When the installation ends, the windows close and the setup.exe process finishes.

Changes to the DB2 Setup wizard (Windows)

DB2 Setup wizard options (setup.exe)

The setup.exe file that starts the DB2 installation now waits until the installation exits before returning. This setting is the default behavior. Currently, a -w option exists, however this parameter no longer changes the behavior of the DB2 Setup wizard.

You can use the new -c option to force the DB2 Setup wizard to exit immediately after starting the installation. If you select this option, the return code of the installation is not available by monitoring the exit code of the setup.exe file.

An error is returned if the -w and -c options are specified together.

Extended security installation restrictions (Windows)

DB2 Universal Database(TM) (UDB) Version 8.2 introduced a new feature that secures access to DB2 resources by exploiting the security features in the NTFS file system and security features of the Windows(R) operating system. Secure access is accomplished mainly by modifying the Access Control Lists (ACL) of DB2 files, registry entries and runtime memory objects.

By default, the DB2 installation wizard enables this new security feature. Windows(R) extended security can be disabled by performing a custom installation and clearing the Enhanced Windows(R) security checkbox in the Enable operating system security for DB2 objects window.

The only recommended way to disable the new security feature is by running the db2secv82 command. However, the db2secv82 command must be run immediately following installation. More information on the db2secv82 command can be found in the DB2 Information Center at for details.

You can install DB2 UDB with a user ID, but unless that user ID belongs to one of the DB2ADMNS, DB2USERS, or the Local Administrators groups, that user ID will not be able to run any DB2 commands. Only users who belong to the DB2ADMNS, DB2USERS, or Local Administrators groups have access to the DB2 system files, registry keys, network shares, and DB2 services on the local computer where DB2 UDB runs.

Generally, users that belong to the DB2ADMNS group, as well as users that belong to the Local Administrators group, have full control of DB2 resources. Users that belong to the DB2USERS group have write and execute access.

After installing DB2 UDB Version 8.2, users who need read access (to run queries, for example) must be added to the DB2USERS groups. Users who need full control access, such as database administrators, must be added to the DB2ADMNS groups.

User management needs to be done in accordance with the security policies in your environment.

Affects of the new security measures on a typical installation

During a typical installation of DB2 UDB on Windows, extended security is enabled by default. By default, DB2 UDB creates the DB2ADMNS and DB2USERS groups. If there is a conflict with existing group names, you will be prompted to change the group names. If required, you can specify your own values.

If you choose to use an existing security group, the security policies for that group will be modified to satisfy what is required by DB2 UDB. When you choose an existing security group, you might be elevating users' privileges if the users already exist in that group.

Affects of the new security measures on a custom or FixPak installation

During a custom or FixPak installation of DB2 UDB on Windows, the Enable operating system security for DB2 objects panel opens. If you want to enable the enhanced Windows security, you can accept the default by clicking Next.

If you want to disable the enhanced Windows security, you can clear the Enable operating system security check box in the Enable operating system security for DB2 objects window.

Adding user IDs to access DB2 UDB after installation

After a typical or custom installation, you must add your user IDs to the appropriate DB2ADMNS and DB2USERS user groups to give them access to DB2 UDB. To add users to the appropriate group:

  1. Start the Users and Passwords Manager tool.
  2. Select the user name you want to add from the list.
  3. Click Properties. In the Properties window, click the Group Membership tab.
  4. Select the Other radio button.
  5. Select the appropriate group from the drop-down list.

Enabling the enhanced Windows security after installation

If you installed DB2 UDB and chose not to enable the new security feature, you can still do so after installation by running the db2secv82.exe command.

Once you enable this security feature using the db2secv82.exe command, you have two options for backing out:

Option 1
Immediately run the db2secv82.exe -r command again without making any additional changes to the system. If there have been any changes at all made to the system you must use option 2.
Option 2
Add the Everyone group to the DB2ADMNS and DB2USERS groups. Adding the Everyone group to these security groups effectively gives all users all privileges to use DB2 UDB.

However, it is not recommended that you disable security because this could result in unwanted security exposures. Disabling security could result in some users being unable to use DB2 UDB because the ACL created by DB2 UDB at runtime no longer matches the ACL that has been applied to the file system.

Directory path cannot contain blanks (Linux and UNIX)

If the db2setup program is run from a directory whose path includes a blank, the setup will fail with the following error:

<file>: not found  

Place the installable image in a directory whose path does not include spaces.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Requirement

The compat-libstdc++-33 package must be installed prior to installing DB2 Universal Database for Linux(TM) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux(R) 4.

JDK levels for DB2 UDB (Linux on IA64 and Linux on POWER)

When you install Version 8.2 of DB2 Universal Database (UDB) on Linux, the RPM-based installation attempts to install the IBM(R) Java(TM) RPM (IBMJava2-SDK-ppc-1.4.1-2.0.ppc.rpm).

If a later level of the RPM (such as IBMJava2-SDK-ppc-1.5.0-2.0.ppc.rpm) already exists, the back-level RPM is not installed.

However, in this case, the installation leaves the JDK_PATH database configuration parameter pointing to the Java 1.4 path, /opt/IBMJava2-14/. As a result, none of the Java-dependant functionality, including the installation of the DB2 Tools Catalog, will work.


You must run the following command as the instance owner.


  1. To point DB2(R) UDB to the correct IBM(R) Developer Kit, run the following command:
    db2 update dbm cfg using JDK_PATH path
    where path is the 1.5 installation path, such as /opt/IBMJava2-15.

Uncompressing installation images (Linux and UNIX)

Some installation images are delivered in compressed or gzipped format on the product CDs. Before you can install DB2 Universal Database (UDB) from these formats, you need to copy the installation image to a temporary directory and uncompress or gunzip the installation image.

The compressed or gzipped installation images on the CD have the file name PRODUCT.tar.Z or PRODUCT.tar.gz, where PRODUCT is the DB2 product you are installing. For example, if you are installing DB2 UDB Enterprise Server Edition, the compressed image on the relevant CD might be called either ese.tar.Z or ese.tar.gz.

In addition to the software disk requirements, you must have a file system with 2 gigabytes of free space to contain the tar.Z or tar.gz file and the uncompressed installation image.


To uncompress the installation images, perform the following steps:

  1. Copy the compressed or gzipped installation image to a temporary file system containing at least 2 gigabytes of free space.
  2. Change to the directory where you copied the installation image by entering cd /TMP, where /TMP represents the directory where you copied the compressed image.
  3. If the product has the *.tar.Z extension, enter the following command to uncompress the installation image:
       zcat PRODUCT.tar.Z | tar -xvf -
    where PRODUCT is the DB2 product you are installing.
  4. If the product has the *.tar.gz extension, enter the following command to uncompress the installation image:
       gunzip -c PRODUCT.tar.gz | tar -xvf - 
    where PRODUCT is the DB2 product you are installing.
    1. gunzip is part of the AIX 5L(TM) default installation setup. If you do not have gunzip, install the rpm.rte file set from the AIX 5L installation media. The rpm.rte file set contains gunzip.
    2. You can also download gzip for AIX 5L, which includes gunzip, from
  5. To perform the installation using the DB2 Setup wizard, see the Installing DB2 UDB from installation images (Linux and UNIX) section.

DB2 UDB does not allow non-English installation path (Windows)

During DB2 Universal Database (UDB) installation on Windows, you can enter the directory path for DB2 UDB. However, the directory path name you enter can contain only English characters.

Downloading and uncompressing FixPaks for multiple products (Windows)

Starting with DB2 Version 8 for Windows Fixpak 3, IBM is providing product-specific FixPaks instead of one general FixPak. This change affects only DB2 Version 8 products on Windows platforms.

If you have more than one DB2 product installed then you will be required to download and uncompress an image for each DB2 product before installing.

For example, if you have DB2 UDB Enterprise Server Edition Version 8 and DB2 Spatial Extender Version 8 installed on the same Windows system, you must download the DB2 UDB Enterprise Server Edition FixPak image and the Spatial Extender FixPak image. You must then uncompress each of these FixPak images to the same directory. All images must be uncompressed for the GUI installation or silent installation to proceed.

For complete FixPak installation instructions, see the latest DB2 UDB FixPak Readme.

Installing DB2 UDB from installation images (Linux and UNIX)


Before you start the DB2 Setup wizard:


If the installation images are delivered in compressed or gzipped format on the product CDs, you must uncompress or gunzip the installation image before you can install DB2 UDB. See the Uncompressing installation images (Linux and UNIX) section for details.

To perform the installation using the DB2 Setup wizard, enter the following command:


where PRODUCT is the DB2 product you are installing. For example, if you are installing DB2 UDB Enterprise Server Edition, enter ./ese/db2setup.

The installation Launchpad opens. Proceed through the installation panels.

Installing DB2 UDB from installation images (Windows)


Before you start the DB2 Setup wizard:

To perform the installation using the DB2 Setup wizard, insert the CD into the drive. If enabled, the auto-run feature automatically starts the DB2 Setup launchpad.


If the auto-run feature is not enabled, you can start the DB2 Setup wizard manually:

  1. Click Start and select the Run option.
  2. In the Open field, enter the following command:
     x:\setup /i language
    • x: represents the CD drive
    • language is the territory identifier for your language (for example, EN for English).
    The /i language parameter is optional. If it is not specified, the DB2 Setup wizard runs in the same language as your operating system.
  3. Click OK. The DB2 Setup launchpad opens.

Proceed through the installation panels.

The DB2 Run-Time Client Lite product uses other command line parameters. Visit the DB2 Information Center at for details.

Disk space required for a DB2 UDB response file installation

When you install a DB2 Universal Database product using a response file, 1 MB of free disk space is required in the etc directory.

If you receive error message DBI1191I during a response file installation, the message indicates there is not enough free disk space in the root directory. This message is misleading. Check the amount of free disk space in the etc directory. A minimum of 1 MB of free disk space is required before re-running the installation.

Restrictions to adding products using the db2setup command (Linux and UNIX)

Once a DB2 product has been installed, additional DB2 products can be added. If you use the db2setup command to add products the following recommendations and restrictions apply.


Both the installed product and the product being added should be at the same code level. For example, DB2 Universal Database (UDB) Enterprise Server Edition Server Version 8 FixPak 5 is already installed and you want to add the DB2 Information Integrator product. In this case, DB2 Information Integrator should also be at the Version 8 FixPak 5 level.


The following table summarizes the db2setup combinations:

Table 6. db2setup combinations
DB2 fixpak level Additional product fixpak level Is this combination permitted?
Version 8 FixPak 3 Version 8 FixPak 3 Yes. This is recommended.
Version 8 FixPak 3 Version 8 GA Yes, but Version 8 FixPak 3 must be reapplied. See the appropriate FixPak Readme for instructions to reapply the fixpak by going to the DB2 Support Web site.
Version 8 FixPak 3 Version 8 FixPak 5 No. DB2 must first be brought to the higher fix pack level (in this example, Version 8 FixPak 5) before installing the additional product. See the appropriate FixPak Readme for instructions to install the required Version 8 FixPak by going to the DB2 Support Web site.

The DB2 Support Web site address is

DB2 Web Tools

The application servers supported by DB2 Web Tools for the following languages are required to be compliant with the Servlet 2.3 specification:

Binding Query Patroller packages after applying fixpaks

If you have Query Patroller installed, after applying a fixpak and performing all post-fixpak installation tasks, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in as a user with DBADM authority.
  2. Change to the proper directory: where INSTPATH is the DB2 UDB instance path.
  3. Run the following commands:
      db2 connect to dbname
      db2 bind @qpserver.lst blocking all grant public

Query Patroller installation at FixPak 3 level or later

Query Patroller is a query management system used to control the flow of queries against your DB2 UDB database. In DB2 UDB Version 8.1.2, DB2 Query Patroller became a stand-alone product. It is no longer a component of the DB2 Warehouse Manager.

If you have DB2 UDB Version 8 FixPak 3 or later installed and you install the DB2 Query Patroller base or GA version, you must reapply DB2 UDB FixPak 3 or later. Otherwise, the Query Patroller changes are not applied to the DB2 UDB FixPak level you are at.

If you are installing the Query Patroller server, you must also update the DB2 UDB instances after reapplying the DB2 UDB FixPak level. The instances must be restarted after they are updated.

Query Patroller server installation

When you are installing Query Patroller server note the following:

Defining a new database partition group in Query Patroller

When you define a new table space during Query Patroller installation in a partitioned environment, you can select an existing database partition group. Alternatively, you can set up a new database partition group for the new table space. If you choose to set up a new database partition group, you can select only one database partition from the list box on the install panel for that new database partition group. If you want to add additional partitions into the new database partition group, you must add them manually after the installation is complete.

Query Patroller client tools installation

DB2 clients do not require the Query Patroller client tools to be installed on them in order to submit queries to the Query Patroller server.

Recreating beta versions of databases

If you created databases in a beta version of DB2 UDB Version 8.2, you must recreate them in the official version of Version 8.2.

This includes recreation of spatial databases for of DB2 Geodetic Extender Version 8.2.

Installing MDAC files for national language versions of DB2 UDB

If you do not install the national language version of Microsoft(R) Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.7 prior to installing the national language version of DB2 Universal Database (UDB) Version 8.2, DB2 UDB installs English MDAC files by default. This installation causes the Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator panels to appear untranslated if your operating system is in a language other than English. To fix this problem, install the "MDAC 2.7 RTM - Refresh" bundle from the Microsoft Web site at

Choose the language that you want to install, download the required executable file, and run it. This procedure installs the translated ODBC Data Source Administrator files.

DB2 license policy for DB2 Universal Database Workgroup Server Edition

The Internet license policy is not valid for DB2 Universal Database Workgroup Server Edition. If you require a license for Internet users, you need to purchase DB2 Universal Database Workgroup Server Unlimited Edition.

Installing additional Asian fonts (Linux)

IBM offers additional font packages for Linux that contain additional double-byte character set (DBCS) support for Asian characters. These font packages are necessary with some versions of Linux that install only the fonts required to display the country-specific or region-specific characters.

If you run the db2setup command and find missing characters in the DB2 setup wizard interface, it is likely that your Linux system does not have all the necessary fonts installed. To enable the db2setup command to properly refer to the fonts embedded in the installation CD, perform the following task:

  1. Enter the following command:
    export JAVA_FONTS=/<cdrom>/db2/<linux_platform>/java/jre/lib/fonts

    where <cdrom> is the location of the installation image and <linux_platform> is a directory name with a Linux prefix.

  2. Re-run the db2setup command.

If you notice missing characters when using the DB2 GUI tools after installation, install the necessary fonts provided with the DB2 product. These fonts can be found in the fonts directory on any of the following CDs:

In the fonts directory, there are two typefaces available: Times New Roman WorldType and Monotype Sans Duospace WorldType. For each typeface, there is a country-specific or region-specific font. The following table lists the eight fonts provided in compressed format in the fonts directory.

Table 7. File names for additional Asian fonts
Font typeface Font file name Country or Region
Times New Roman WT J Japan and other countries or regions
Times New Roman WT K Korea
Times New Roman WT SC China (Simplified Chinese)
Times New Roman WT TC Taiwan (Traditional Chinese)
Monotype Sans Duospace WT J Japan and other countries or regions
Monotype Sans Duospace WT K Korea
Monotype Sans Duospace WT SC China (Simplified Chinese)
Monotype Sans Duospace WT TC Taiwan (Traditional Chinese)
These fonts do not replace the system fonts. These fonts are to be used in conjunction with or for use with DB2 Universal Database. You cannot engage in the general or unrestricted sale or distribution of these fonts.

To install an additional Asian font:

  1. Unzip the font package.
  2. Copy the font package to the /opt/IBMJava2-141/jre/lib/fonts directory. You need to create the directory if it does not already exist.
  3. Enter the following command:
    export JAVA_FONTS=/opt/IBMJava2-141/jre/lib/fonts
As a minimum, you need to install one font of each typeface for your country or region. If you are in China, Korea, or Taiwan, use the country-specific or region-specific versions; otherwise, use the Japanese version of the fonts. If you have space on your system, install all eight fonts.

Configuring the Development Center to use Java Development Kits (Linux)

In some cases, DB2 Universal Database does not install a Java Development Kit on the client operating system. To use the Development Center to develop Java stored procedures on these clients, you must point the Development Center to the location of an installed Java Development Kit .

Follow these steps to identify the location of a Java Development Kit:

  1. In Development Center, select the Project -> Environment Settings menu item.
  2. In the Environment Settings notebook, select the Process node.
  3. In the Java Home section of the Process page, select the JDK level that will be used to build and run Java stored procedures.
  4. In the Directory field, specify a directory path that exists or is accessible on the client where the selected JDK is installed.
  5. If the client computer is used to develop Java stored procedures on multiple DB2 servers, you might need to select additional JDK levels and specify their installed locations, depending on which JDK levels are used by these servers.

On the DB2 server, the Java Development Kit installation might not have linked some Java libraries into the system /usr/lib subdirectory. These links are needed to build and run Java stored procedures.

The section titled "Setting up the Linux Java Environment" in the Compatibility Issues section of these Release Notes shows how to create the links to a Java Development Kit on a Linux client.

Creating group and user IDs on United Linux 1.0 and SuSE Linux distributions

To create group and user IDs for a DB2 UDB Version 8.2 installation on United Linux 1.0 and SuSE Linux distributions, use the groupadd and useradd commands, respectively. The Version 8.2 Installation and Configuration Supplement incorrectly documents the mkgroup and mkuser commands to create group and user IDs, respectively.

Help system daemon does not start after installing with the db2_install command (UNIX and Linux)

If you are installing the DB2 Information Center on UNIX and Linux platforms using the db2_install command, the help system daemon (db2icd) does not start following the installation. You need to manually start the help system daemon or restart your computer to access the documentation.

See the topic titled "DB2 Information Center daemon" in the Documentation updates | Installation and configuration section of the Release Notes.

Ready for Tivoli enablement (UNIX)

When you purchase an IBM software product that carries the Ready for Tivoli(R) logo, you can manage your IBM software products through various Tivoli offerings. The Tivoli products allow you to automatically discover, monitor, and inventory one or more Ready for Tivoli applications.

IBM software products that are Ready for Tivoli can be managed through products such as IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager. IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases provides support for all leading databases including DB2 Universal Database (UDB), Oracle, and Informix(R).

For additional information, point your browser to the IBM Web site at

Ready for Tivoli Instrumentation and DB2 UDB Version 8

To install and configure your instrumentation, have your Tivoli administrator do the following:

  1. The Tivoli Ready signature file for this DB2 product is named xxx.sys. As of FixPak 4 these signature files will be refreshed per FixPak instead of per version release. Confirm the signature files are installed in the directory:
       %install DB2DIR%/tivready
  2. Install and configure Tivoli GEM 2.2 Tivoli Ready enablement on all the computers that you intend to monitor. To download Tivoli Ready enablement and detailed installation and use instructions, point your browser to
  3. Advanced database manageability is achieved through IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases. The ITM for Databases product uses the new advanced edition Distributed Monitoring product (called IBM Tivoli Monitoring or ITM) and provides significant enhancement in monitoring capability based on the use of this new monitoring engine. ITM for Databases provides DB2 UDB support through a Proactive Analysis Component (PAC). This PAC is tightly integrated with DB2 UDB and provides an out-of-the-box set of monitors for quick deployment and activation. Custom monitors, thresholds, and tasks can also be defined by the DBA.

    Additional information available at:

Information on other Tivoli products is available at:

Installation image reduction tool - db2iprune (Windows)

The db2iprune command line utility can reduce the size of your DB2 Universal Database (UDB) Windows product installation image. The tool is particularly useful for large scale deployments of DB2 UDB. The tool is also useful for embedding DB2 UDB within an application.

The db2iprune tool consists of an input file and an executable file. The input file (.prn), contains a full list of removable components and is used to indicate which features and languages you would like to remove from the installation image. The db2iprune executable file (db2iprune.exe) then removes the cabinet files associated with those features and languages. The result is a new, smaller DB2 UDB image that can be installed using the regular installation methods. Fixpaks are also applied using the regular methods. When the fixpak is installed it detects and updates only the components that were installed using db2iprune.

The db2iprune tool is located in the \db2\windows\utilities\db2iprune directory on your DB2 UDB product installation CD. This directory also contains a Readme file. Refer to the db2iprune Readme for detailed instructions on how to use db2iprune.

DB2 Universal Database, Version 8 documentation installation restriction (Windows)

On Windows, do not install the DB2 Universal Database (UDB), Version 8 Information Center (HTML documentation) on a workstation or server where a DB2 UDB, Version 7 (or earlier) product is already installed. The installer detects the earlier version and removes the earlier product.

Previous installations updated to the latest level (Windows)

If you have a DB2 product that is installed at an earlier Version 8 level, the installation image detects this and updates the product to the latest level.

System requirements for the DB2 .NET Data Provider (Windows)

Before using the DB2 Universal Database (UDB) installation program to install the DB2 .NET Data Provider, you must have the .NET Framework already installed on the computer. If the .NET Framework is not installed, the DB2 UDB installation program will not register the DB2 .NET Data Provider.

If DB2 UDB is installed and the .NET Framework is not installed, the DB2 .NET Data Provider is not registered. If the .NET Framework is installed at a later date, you can run the db2nmpreg executable to register the provider. This executable resides in the sqllib\bin directory. There are no parameters.

To register DB2 .NET Data Provider, enter db2nmpreg from any command window.

Installing DB2 Version 8 Clients and DB2 Connect PE as a non-Administrator (Windows)

When installing a DB2 Administration client, DB2 Application Development client, or DB2 Connect(TM) Personal Edition, you must update your Windows TCP/IP services file if the following conditions apply:

If all of the these conditions apply, the following entries need to be added to the Windows TCP/IP services file:

Table 8. Entries required in Windows TCP/IP services file
Port name Port number
vwkernel 11000/tcp
vwd 11001/tcp
vwlogger 11002/tcp

Without these entries, the Data Warehouse Center will not function properly.

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