IBM DB2 Universal Database* Version 6.1 f〉 Windows 95** und Windows NT** PTF-Nummer: WR21302 VRMF: 06.01.0000.0060 +-- Hinweis: -------------------------------------------------------------+ | | Diese Datei k馬nen Sie leichter lesen, wenn Sie Ihre Schriftart auf | Monospace-Schrift einstellen. | | Wenn Sie nach dem 01.04.2002 Zwischen-Fixes von der IBM | Unterst》zungsfunktion erhalten haben, m《sen Sie statt der | FixPak-Installation eine aktualisierte Version der Zwischen-Fixes | von der IBM Unterst》zungsfunktion anfordern. Auf diese Art k馬nen Sie | sicherstellen, da sich Ihr System in einem konsistenten Zustand | befindet und keine Fixes verlorengegangen sind. | | In diesem Dokument bezieht sich X: stets auf das CD-ROM-Laufwerk, in | dem sich die FixPak-CD-ROM befindet, und C:\SQLLIB bezeichnet das | Verzeichnis, in dem die DB2-Produkte installiert sind. | | | Throughout this document X: is used to refer to the cdrom drive into | which the FixPak CD is placed and C:\SQLLIB is where the DB2 products | are installed. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Diese Informationsdatei enthlt Informationen zu den folgenden Produkten und Komponenten: Windows NT/95-spezifisch ------------------------ DB2 Connect Personal Edition Version 6.1 DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition Version 6.1 DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Edition Version 6.1 DB2 Universal Database Workgroup Edition Version 6.1 DB2 Universal Database Personal Edition Version 6.1 DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition Version 6.1 DB2 Software Developer's Kit Version 6.1 DB2 Data Links Manager Version 6.1 DB2 Administration Client Version 6.1 DB2 Run-Time Client Version 6.1 DB2 Satellite Edition, V6.1 DB2 Query Patroller, V6.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Inhalt des FixPaks 2. Hinweise zur Installation 2.1 Vorbedingungen 2.1.1 Vorbedingungen f〉 APAR IX73249 2.2 Vor der Installation 2.3 Installationsanweisungen 2.4 Anweisungen f〉 die nicht|erwachte Installation 2.5 Nach der Installation 2.5.1 Erneutes Binden an Nicht-DRDA-DB2-Datenbanken 2.5.2 Erneutes Binden an DRDA-Datenbanken 2.5.3 Erneutes Binden bestimmter Pakete 2.5.4 Replikationsverwaltungs-Tool von DataJoiner (DataJoiner Replication Administration Tool) 2.6 Hinweise zum Entfernen der Installation 2.7 Satellite Information 2.7.1 Changes to the Generalize Function for V6.1 FixPak 2 2.7.2 Execution of the Update Batch Step Containing the asnsat Command 2.8 Stored Procedures with PROGRAM TYPE MAIN 2.9 Java Method Signature in PARAMETER STYLE JAVA procedures and functions 3. Verschiedenes 3.1 Product and Service Technical Library 3.2 Kundenunterst》zung 3.3 Fehlerberichtigung 3.4 MIN_DEC_DIV Database Configuration Parameter Weitere Informationen finden Sie in den folgenden Dateien: C:\SQLLIB\RELEASE.TXT X:\APARLIST.TXT =========================================================================== 2. Hinweise zur Installation 2.1 Vorbedingungen F〉 dieses FixPak mu mindestens ein Produkt von DB2 UDB f〉 Windows NT/95 Version 6.1 bereits auf Ihrem System installiert sein. Geben Sie 'regedit' an einer MS-DOS-Eingabeaufforderung ein, und |erpr’en Sie die folgenden Werte unter dem Registrierungsschl《sel HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\DB2\\Current Version, um die Version und die Stufe des derzeit installierten DB2-Produkts zu ermitteln. Sie sollten folgende Werte erhalten: Version "6" Release "1" Modifikation "0" Servicestufe "WR21204" 2.1.1 Vorbedingungen f〉 APAR IX73249 Falsche Ausgabe f〉 DB2 LIST DCS APPLICATIONS SHOW DETAIL APAR PQ11645 f〉 DB2 f〉 MVS mu zusammen mit APAR IX73249 f〉 DB2 Connect angewendet werden, um eine aussagekrftige Korrelations-Token-Anzeige sowohl f〉 den Befehl LIST DCS APPLICATIONS als auch f〉 den Befehl DB2 MVS DSP THD zu erhalten. 2.2 Vor der Installation Vor der Anwendung dieses FixPaks m《sen Sie alle Datenbankaktivitдen stoppen. Stoppen Sie alle Anwendungen, und setzen Sie folgende Befehle ab: db2stop db2admin stop 2.3 Installationsanweisungen F”ren Sie X:\SETUP.EXE aus, um das FixPak zu starten. 2.4 Anweisungen f〉 die nicht|erwachte Installation Die mit diesem FixPak gelieferte Version von SETUP.EXE enthlt eine Option f〉 eine "nicht|erwachte Installation". Informationen zur Syntax dieser Funktion finden Sie im Handbuch 'Einstieg'. Im FixPak ist bereits eine Beispielantwortdatei (DB2FIXPK.RSP) enthalten. 2.5 Nach der Installation Aufgrund der neuen Bindedateien (BND), die in diesem FixPak enthalten sind, m《sen Sie Ihre Dienstprogramme nach der FixPak-Installation gegen alle Datenbanken erneut binden. Hierdurch werden die in diesem FixPak enthaltenen Fixes wirksam. Die unten beschriebene Vorgehensweise zum erneuten Binden mu nur einmal pro Datenbank ausgef”rt werden. 2.5.1 Erneutes Binden an Nicht-DRDA-DB2-Datenbanken Nach der Anwendung von Fixes m《sen Sie folgende Befehle eingeben: db2 terminate db2 CONNECT TO db2 BIND C:\SQLLIB\BND\@db2ubind.lst GRANT PUBLIC db2 BIND C:\SQLLIB\BND\@db2cli.lst GRANT PUBLIC db2 terminate Dabei ist der Name einer Datenbank, an die die Dienstprogramme gebunden werden sollen. Die Umgebungsvariable DB2PATH gibt den richtigen Pfad an. Die Dateien DB2UBIND.LST und DB2CLI.LST enthalten eine Liste der normalerweise f〉 DB2 erforderlichen Bindedateien. Wenn eine Datenbank aus DB2 Version 1.x bezeichnet, binden Sie DB2CLI.LST nicht. Verwenden Sie statt dessen DB2CLIV1.LST, oder binden Sie DB2CLICS.BND, DB2CLIUR.BND, DB2CLIRR.BND und DB2CLIV1.BND einzeln. 2.5.2 Erneutes Binden an DRDA-Datenbanken Wenn Sie DB2 Connect f〉 den Zugriff auf Host-Datenbanken verwenden, m《sen Sie auch die neuen Bindedateien binden. Stellen Sie eine Verbindung zur Host-Datenbank her (wie oben beschrieben), und binden Sie die Dienstprogramme dann wie folgt: HOST BEFEHL ===== =================================================================== MVS BIND C:\SQLLIB\BND\@ddcsmvs.lst BLOCKING ALL SQLERROR CONTINUE GRANT PUBLIC VM BIND C:\SQLLIB\BND\@ddcsvm.lst BLOCKING ALL SQLERROR CONTINUE GRANT PUBLIC VSE BIND C:\SQLLIB\BND\@ddcsvse.lst BLOCKING ALL SQLERROR CONTINUE GRANT PUBLIC OS400 BIND C:\SQLLIB\BND\@ddcs400.lst BLOCKING ALL SQLERROR CONTINUE GRANT PUBLIC 2.5.3 Erneutes Binden bestimmter Pakete Wenn Sie nur die spezifischen BND-Dateien an die Datenbank binden m把hten, geben Sie den folgenden Befehl f〉 jede Datenbank ein. (Dabei ist der Name der Bindedatei und ist der Name Ihrer Datenbank.) db2 terminate db2 CONNECT TO db2 BIND C:\SQLLIB\BND\ BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC db2 terminate 2.5.4 Replikationsverwaltungs-Tool von DataJoiner (DataJoiner Replication Administration Tool) Das Replikationsverwaltungs-Tool von DataJoiner (DataJoiner Replication Administration Tool, DJRA, djra.exe) wird jetzt im Verzeichnis SQLLIB\DJRA installiert. 2.6 Hinweise zum Entfernen der Installation Beim Erweitern oder Entfernen der Installation von DB2-Produkten auf einem Windows NT-System m《sen Sie m波licherweise alle DB2-Services und -Prozesse auf Ihrer Maschine manuell beenden. Wenn die Datei PSAPI.DLL auf Ihrem System in einem der in der Umgebungsvariablen PATH angegebenen Verzeichnisse vorhanden ist, sollten die Services und Prozesse automatisch beendet werden. Wenn PSAPI.DLL nicht auf Ihrem System vorhanden ist, m《sen Sie alle DB2-Services manuell beenden, bevor Sie die Erweiterung oder das Entfernen der Installation ausf”ren k馬nen. 2.7 Satellite Information The sections that follow provide information that applies to the satellite environment. 2.7.1 Changes to the Generalize Function for V6.1 FixPak 2 For FixPak 2, a number of enhancements have been made to the generalize function. Automatic Cataloging of the Replication Target, Control, and Source Servers When you generalize a replication subscription, the Satellite Administration Center requires that connections be made to the replication control, source, and target servers when it generalizes the replication subscriptions for an application version. In addition, when a satellite replicates data, it needs to connect to the replication control and source servers. At the FixPak 1 level, you had to catalog the replication control, source, and target servers at the DB2 control server instance (that is, the instance where the SATCTLDB resides). You also had to catalog the replication control and source servers at the satellite. For FixPak 2, the generalize function will attempt to catalog the replication control, source, and target servers at the DB2 control server instance. The generalize function will also create a batch step that catalogs the replication control and source servers on the satellite. The satellite will execute this batch step when it synchronizes. TCP/IP is the only supported communications protocol between the satellite and its replication control and source servers. If a replication control or source server does not support TCP/IP communications, the generalize function does not return an error when it attempts to create the cataloging batch step. If a replication control or source server is not enabled for TCP/IP communications, and you generalize the replication subscription, the generalize action will not fail, but, if you examine the batch step that sets up the cataloging, you will notice that the batch step does not contain all the catalog statements that are required for the satellite to replicate data when it synchronizes. If a replication control or source server does not support TCP/IP communications, you must delete the replication subscriptions that you generalized for the application version. Then enable the replication server for TCP/IP communications. Finally, generalize the replication subscription again for the application version. If any of the replication control, source, or target servers are instances that are remote to the Control Center, they are likely already set up for TCP/IP communications. If, however, any of these instances are local to the machine where Control Center is running, and in a different instance than that from which the Control Center is run (likely DB2), the TCP/IP protocol may not be configured for the other instance. If TCP/IP is not set up, you will receive the following error: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT] SQL0902C A system error (reason code = "-20475") occurred. Subsequent SQL statements cannot be processed. SQLSTATE=58005 You can use the Control Center to set up the instance for TCP/IP communications as follows. For this example, the name of the instance that is the replication server is assumed to be REPLINST. 1. Right click on the REPLINST instance in the object tree, and select Communications from the pop-up menu. 2. On the Setup Communications window, click on the Properties button for TCP/IP. 3. On the Configure TCP/IP window, click Default, then click OK. You will receive a message confirming that the TCP/IP configuration is complete. Close the message window. 4. On the Setup Communications window, click OK. 5. Right click on the REPLINST instance, and select Stop from the pop-up menu. 6. Right click on the REPLINST instance, and select Start from the pop-up menu. The restart of the instance activates the TCP/IP listeners. The REPLINST instance is now configured for TCP/IP communications. Reverse Engineering of the Model Replication Target for the Satellite At the FixPak 1 level, you had to set up the replication target, and any associated database objects on the satellite. For FixPak 2, the generalize function reverse engineers the model replication target and its associated database objects. That is, the generalize function will generate the CREATE DATABASE command, and any DDL statements (for example, CREATE TABLESPACE, CREATE TABLE (and so on)) that are required to set up the replication target on the satellite. Note that the generalize function can only reverse engineer the model replication target if the target is a database that is a DB2 Universal Database database that runs on a workstation. If the satellite participates in an update anywhere replication scenario, you must retain the logs so that the Capture program has access to the changes that occur to the target on the satellite. For more information, see "Retaining Logs for Update Anywhere Replication." Toleration of Pre-Existing Replication Targets If you generalize the replication subscription using the FixPak 2 generalize function, and the replication target already exists on the satellite, the generalize function will still reverse engineer the model replication target. The existing target on the satellite, however, will be tolerated. Retaining Logs for Update Anywhere Replication If your satellites participate in an update anywhere replication scenario, you must configure the satellite to retain the logs. The Capture program uses the logs to replicate data that is on the satellite. Two options are available for you to retain the logs: - If you require that the satellite database be enabled for forward recovery, you must set the LOGRETAIN database configuration parameter to either ON or RECOVERY. After changing the database configuration, you must take a backup of the database. - If you do not require forward recovery for the satellite database, set LOGRETAIN to CAPTURE. You cannot have LOGRETAIN set to the default value of OFF because the Capture program cannot capture changes that are made to replica tables in the satellite database. You can use the Satellite Administration Center to make the change to the database configuration on the satellite. You can add an operating system script to the test level that is created (or modified) by the generalize function. The script should contain one or both of the following commands (if LOGRETAIN=RECOVERY, the script must contain both commands): DB2 UPDATE DB CFG FOR USING LOGRETAIN DB2 BACKUP DB Ensure that the name of the script has an extension of .bat (all satellite platforms) or .cmd (for Windows NT satellite platforms only). Add this command (or commands) to the setup batch after the operating system script that contains the DB2 CREATE DATABASE command. For more information about the LOGRETAIN configuration parameter, refer to the Administration Guide. 2.7.2 Execution of the Update Batch Step Containing the asnsat Command On Windows 95 and Windows 98, the execution of an operating system script in a batch step is performed by the command interpreter, The command interpreter, however, always issues a return code of 0 (zero) when it completes, regardless of whether the scripts in the batch step completed with a return code of 0. When you generalize the replication subscription, the generalization procedure puts the asnsat command (which initiates data replication on the satellite) into an operating system script within a batch step of the update batch. Because the command interpreter always returns 0 when it executes an operating system script, the batch step that contains the asnsat command is executed directly (that is, the command interpreter is bypassed). Because the command interpreter is bypassed, the correct asnsat return code can be written to the satellite's synchronization logs. (The asnsat return code is written as an external code.) The command interpreter is only bypassed if the asnsat command is the only command in the operating system script. If the script that contains the asnsat command is modified to include additional commands, the command interpreter is not bypassed. 2.8 Stored Procedures with PROGRAM TYPE MAIN To ensure family compatibility, PROGRAM TYPE MAIN stored procedures have been changed to pass in the procedure name as the first argument (ie, argv[0]). Existing PROGRAM TYPE MAIN stored procedures can be changed to use this feature by incrementing the indices used to access the argv[] argument array. Alternatively, the original behaviour of PROGRAM TYPE MAIN for Version 6.1 can be restored by turning on the registry variable DB2_RESTORE_PTMAIN_BEHAVIOUR 2.9 Java Method Signature in PARAMETER STYLE JAVA procedures and functions If specified after the Java method name in the EXTERNAL NAME clause of the CREATE PROCEDURE or CREATE FUNCTION statement, the Java method signature must correspond to the default Java type mapping for the sql signature specified after the procedure or function name. For example, the default Java mapping of the SQL type INTEGER is 'int', not 'java.lang.Integer'. If the signatures do not match, and exception will be raised when the procedure or function is invoked. 3. Verschiedenes 3.1 Product and Service Technical Library Vollstndige und aktuelle Informationen zu DB2 sowie Hinweise zu Fragen, die nach der Ver杷fentlichung dieser Informationsdatei aufgetreten sind, finden Sie in der "Product and Service Technical Library" im World Wide Web unter folgender Adresse: 3.2 Kundenunterst》zung Wenn Sie Fragen zu diesem Produkt haben, wenden Sie sich an den CSG Helpline Service (24 Stunden tglich, 7 Tage pro Woche) unter der Telefonnummer 01805-223399 oder an die DB2 Helpline unter der Telefonnummer 0190-772243. Kunden werden zudem |er elektronische Q&A-Foren unterst》zt. Der Zugriff auf diese Foren kann |er CompuServe, IBMLink und Usenet Newsgroup erfolgen. (1) CompuServe - Zum Zugriff auf die CompuServe-Foren f”ren Sie den Befehl GO IBMDB2 aus. - Wenn Sie keinen Zugriff auf CompuServe haben, k馬nen Sie unter der Telefonnummer 0130-864643 Informationen zur Mitgliedschaft erhalten. (2) Usenet Newsgroup: - Im allgemeinen Forum Internet Newsgroup k馬nen Fragen und/oder Probleme bez“lich der DB2-Produktfamilie diskutiert werden. (3) (IBMLink) Talklink OS/2 BBS - Zum Zugriff auf die IBMLink-Foren gehen Sie zu OS2BBS. 3.3 Fehlerberichtigung Fehlerberichtigungen k馬nen elektronisch mit einer der folgenden Methoden herungergeladen werden: (1) Anonymer FTP-Server (fr”er: at Wechseln Sie in das Verzeichnis 'ps/products/db2/fixes/%L/%P/'. Dabei ist %L die entsprechende lnderspezifische Angabe (z. B. english-us, spanish, german usw.) und %P bezeichnet Produktname/Version (z. B. db22v5, db2aixv5, etc.). (2) Mit einem Web-Browser k馬nen Sie die DB2 Service and Support Page (DB2-Service- und -Unterst》zungsseite) anzeigen: (3) In CompuServe f”ren Sie GO IBMDB2 aus. Wechseln Sie dann auf die entsprechende Bibliothek, um das FixPak zu suchen. (4) Program Fixes (FixPaks) und Client Application Enabler (CAE) f〉 alle Plattformen stehen |er die folgende Web-Seite zum Herunterladen zur Verf“ung: Wenn Sie auf keine der oben genannten Adressen zugreifen k馬nen, fordern Sie diese FixPaks bitte unter einer der folgenden Telefonnummern an: 01805-223399 CSG Helpline 06131-845542 Mainz 3.4 MIN_DEC_DIV_3 Database Configuration Parameter The addition of the MIN_DEC_DIV_3 database configuration parameter is provided as a quick way to enable a change to computation of the scale for decimal division in SQL. It is possible that this may not continue as this exact same database configuration parameter in the future. Default=NO. Values: YES, NO. This db cfg parameter changes the resulting scale of a decimal arithmetic operation involving division. If the value is NO, the scale is calculated as 31-p+s-s' (see SQL Reference, Chapter 3, "Decimal Arithmetic in SQL"). If set to YES, the scale is calculated as MAX(3, 31-p+s-s'). This causes the result of decimal division to always have a scale of at least 3 (precision is always 31). Attention: Changing this db cfg parameter may cause changes to applications for existing databases. This can occur when the resulting scale for decimal division would be impacted by changing this db cfg parameter. Here are some possible scenarios that may impact applications. A view that was defined in an environment with one setting could fail with SQLCODE -344 when referenced after the db cfg parameter was changed to the other setting if the resulting scale of one of the view columns is changed. The message SQL0344N refers to recursive common table expressions, however, if the object name (first token) is a view, then you will need to drop the view and create it again to avoid the error. A static package will not change behaviour until the package is rebound, either implicitly or explicitly. For example, after changing from NO to YES, the additional scale digits may not be included in the results until rebind occurs. For any static packages that may experience this change, an explicit rebind command can be used to force a rebind. A check contraint involving a decimal division may restrict some values that were previously accepted by the check constraint. Such rows now violate the constraint but will not be detected until the one of the columns involved in the check constraint row is updated or SET INTEGRITY with IMMEDIATE CHECKED is processed. To force checking of such a constraint, ALTER TABLE to DROP the check constraint and then ALTER TABLE to ADD the constraint again. If any of these scenarios are possible on a database server with existing databases, the implications of changing the MIN_DEC_DIV_3 setting should be carefully considered. Also Note: there are no new message text for this parameter in the v6 or v71 timeframe. This implies the following two limitations: 1) The command "GET DB CFG FOR " will not display the MIN_DEC_DIV_3 setting. The best way to determine the current setting is to observe the side-effect of a decimal division result. For example, if the following db2 statement: VALUES (DEC(1,31,0)/DEC(1,31,5)) Returns sqlcode sql0419n, then the database does not have MIN_DEC_DIV_3 support or it is set to OFF. But if the statement returns "1.000", then MIN_DEC_DIV_3 is ON. 2) The command "? UPDATE DB CFG" displays a list of "config-keywords". MIN_DEC_DIV_3 does not appear in the list. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mit * gekennzeichnete Namen sind in gewissen Lndern Marken oder eingetragene Marken der IBM Corporation. Mit ** gekennzeichnete Namen sind Marken oder eingetragene Marken der entsprechenden Rechtsinhaber. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************************************************************ ** ** ** (C) COPYRIGHT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 2001. ** ** ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ** ** (C) COPYRIGHT IBM DEUTSCHLAND INFORMATIONSSYSTEME GMBH, 2001. ** ** ALLE RECHTE VORBEHALTEN. ** ** ** ************************************************************************