Release Notes (version 8.1.2)

IBM DB2 universal JDBC driver

The IBM DB2 Universal JDBC Driver cannot connect to databases that were created using the HP default character set, roman8. All SQLJ and JDBC applications that use the universal JDBC driver, must connect to a database created with a different character set. If your LANG is set to "C" or to a "roman8" locale, you must change it to the corresponding ISO locale. For instance, if your LANG is set to de_DE.roman8, it must be changed to de_DE.iso88591:

export LANG=de_DE.iso88591

To run the DB2 SQLJ and JDBC sample programs with the universal JDBC driver, you can create the sample database with the following commands (in this case, using the ISO locale for US English):

export LANG=en_US.iso88591
db2 terminate

Note that if the sample database already exists, you must drop it before executing these commands.

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