Release Notes (version 8.1.2)

Back-level DB2 server support

If you migrate your DB2 client systems to version 8 before you have migrated all of your DB2 servers to version 8, several restrictions and limitations apply.

For version 8 clients to work with version 7 servers, you need to configure and enable the use of DRDA(R) application server capability on the version 7 server. For information on how to do this, refer to the version 7 Installation and Configuration Supplement. You cannot access a DB2 Connect(TM) Version 7 server from a DB2 Version 8 client.

When accessing version 7 servers from version 8 clients, there is no support available for the following:

There are similar limitations and restrictions for version 8 tools working with version 7 servers.

The following version 8 GUI tools, products, and Centers support only version 8 servers:

The following version 8 tools support version 7 servers (with some restrictions):

In general, any version 8 tool that is only launched from within the navigation tree of the Control Center, or any details view based on such a tool, will not be available or accessible to version 7 and earlier servers. You should consider using the version 7 tools when working with version 7 or earlier servers.

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