Release Notes

25.4 Support for Setting Result Set Properties

In FixPak 7, the Stored Procedure Builder has improved performance when running stored procedures that return result sets.

With the Stored Procedure Builder, you can run a stored procedure for testing purposes. Running stored procedures using the Stored Procedure Builder allows you to test for a successful build to a database and for the presence of a result set. If your stored procedure returns a large result set, you might want to limit the number of rows and columns that display in the result pane.

To edit result set properties for stored procedures:

  1. Click File -> Environment Properties.
  2. Click the Output tab in the Environment Properties notebook.
  3. To display all rows of a stored procedure result set in the result pane, select the Display all rows check box. To limit the number of rows displayed in the result pane, clear the Display all rows check box and type a number in the Number of rows to display field.
  4. To display all of the data in each column of a stored procedure result set in the result pane, select the Display all data in each column check box. To limit the column width displayed in the result pane, clear the Display all data in each column check box and type a number (representing the number of characters) in the Maximum column width field. Data is truncated to fit the specified maximum column width when it is displayed in the result pane.
  5. Click OK to apply your changes.

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