Release Notes

15.15 Chapter 15. Capture and Apply Messages

|Message ASN0017E should read:


|The Capture program encountered a severe internal error and could |not issue the correct error message. The routine name is |"routine". The return code is "return_code".

Message ASN1027S should be added:


There are too many large object (LOB) columns specified. The error code is "<error_code>".

Explanation: Too many large object (BLOB, CLOB, or DBCLOB) columns are specified for a subscription set member. The maximum number of columns allowed is 10.

User response: Remove the excess large object columns from the subscription set member.

Message ASN1048E should read as follows:


The execution of an Apply cycle failed. See the Apply trail table for full details: "<text>"

Explanation: An Apply cycle failed. In the message, "<text>" identifies the "<target_server>", "<target_owner, target_table, stmt_number>", and "<cntl_server>".

User response: Check the APPERRM fields in the audit trail table to determine why the Apply cycle failed.

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