
|48.1 Increasing DB2 Connect data transfer rate

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|While the blocking of rows for a query result set is nothing new, DB2 for |z/OS (formerly called DB2 for OS/390) since its Version 6.1 release has had |the capability of returning multiple query blocks in response to an OPEN or |FETCH request to a remote client, such as DB2 Connect. Rather than repeatedly |sending requests to the DB2 for z/OS server requesting one block of row data |at a time, the client can now optionally request that the server send back |an additional number of query blocks. Such additional query blocks are called |extra query blocks.

|This new feature allows the client to minimize the number of network line |turnarounds, which has a major impact on network performance. The decrease |in the number of requests sent by the client to the server for query blocks |translates into a significant performance boost because switching between |a send and receive is an expensive operation in terms of performance. DB2 |Connect can now exploit this performance enhancement by requesting extra query |blocks by default from a DB2 for z/OS server.

|To take full advantage of the return of extra query blocks (each can be |up to 32K bytes long) for the preferred network protocol of TCP/IP, Window |Scaling extensions are also enabled as architected under RFC-1323 in DB2 Connect. |This feature allows TCP/IP to dynamically and efficiently adjust the send |and receive window sizes to accommodate the potentially large amounts of data |returned by way of the extra query blocks.

|48.1.1 Extra Query Blocks

|Extra query block support in DB2 for z/OS servers on Versions 6.1 or later |is configured via the EXTRA BLOCKS SRV parameter on the DB2 DDF installation |panel. This parameter controls the maximum number of extra query blocks that |DB2 can send back to a client for a request and can be set to a value between |0 and 100. Setting the parameter value to 0 disables the return of extra |query blocks. The default value of 100 should be used to get the most benefit |out of this feature, barring any idiosyncrasies in the network that would |render this setting less than ideal.

|On the client side where the application accesses DB2 for z/OS either directly |through a co-located DB2 Connect installation, or through a separate DB2 Connect |server installation, there are various means for activating the corresponding |DB2 Connect support on a per cursor or statement basis through the use of: |

|Option 1 is not covered under in this section because it was already |implemented as part of DB2 for z/OS Scrollable Support in DB2 Connect Version |7.1 FixPak 2. Our focus is on the use of options 2 and 3 instead to enabling |extra query block support using different SQL APIs as follows: |

  1. |Embedded SQL |
  2. |CLI/ODBC |
  3. |JDBC | |

|48.1.2 RFC-1323 Window Scaling

|Window Scaling is supported as of FixPak 4 on all Windows and UNIX platforms |that support the RFC-1323 extensions for TCP/IP. This feature can be enabled |on DB2 for Windows and UNIX via the DB2 registry variable DB2SORCVBUF. To |enable Window Scaling, set the DB2 registry variable DB2SORCVBUF to any value |above 64K (for example, on DB2 for Windows or UNIX, you can issue db2set DB2SORCVBUF |=65537). The maximum send and receive buffer sizes are dependent on the specific |operating system. To ensure that buffer sizes configured have been accepted, |the user can set the database manager configuration parameter DIAGLEVEL to |4 (informational) and check the db2diag.log file for messages.

|For Window Scaling to take effect, it must be enabled on both ends of a |connection. For example, to enable Window Scaling between the DB2 Connect |workstation and the host, this feature must be active on both the workstation |and the host, either directly through the operating system TCP/IP stack, or |indirectly through the DB2 product. For instance, for DB2 for z/OS, Window |Scaling can currently only be activated through the operating system by setting |TCPRCVBUFRSIZE to any value above 64K.

|If a remote DB2 client is used for accessing host DB2 through a DB2 Connect |server workstation, Window Scaling can be enabled on the client also. By |the same token, Window Scaling can also be enabled between a remote DB2 client |and a workstation DB2 server when no host DB2 is involved.

|While Window Scaling is designed to enhance network performance, the expected |network performance improvement does not always materialize. Interaction |among factors such as the frame size used for the Ethernet or token ring LAN |adapter, the IP MTU size, and other settings at routers throughout the communication |link could even result in performance degradation once Window Scaling has |been enabled. By default, Window Scaling is disabled with both the send and |receive buffers set to 64K. The user should be prepared to assess the impact |of turning on Window Scaling and perform any necessary adjustments to the |network. For an introduction to tuning the network for improved network performance, |refer to the white paper at http://www.networking.ibm.com/per/per10.html.

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