
9.3 Beispiel für "Erweitern der Steuerzentrale"

Das im Anhang "Erweitern der Steuerzentrale" aufgeführte Beispiel ist nicht korrekt und funktioniert daher nicht. Verwenden Sie statt dessen die folgenden Informationen für das Java-Beispiel:

Das Beispielprogramm befindet sich im Unterverzeichnis samples/java. wird zusammen mit DB2 Application Development Client installiert. Zur Kompilierung von müssen folgende Anweisungen in classpath enthalten sein:

Erstellen Sie die Datei mit allen Klassen, die durch die Kompilierung von generiert wurden. Diese Datei sollte nicht komprimiert sein. Setzen Sie z. B. folgenden Befehl ab:

   zip -r0 PluginEx*.class

Dieser Befehl nimmt alle CLASS-Dateien in die Datei auf und behält den relativen Pfad bei.

Folgen Sie den Anweisungen in der Datei, um das Beispiel zu kompilieren und auszuführen.

Die Schnittstelle CCObject enthält statischere Konstanten als die im Anhang zur Erweiterung der Steuerzentrale im Handbuch "Systemverwaltung" aufgeführten. Im Folgenden sind die Java-Schnittstellen zur Erweiterung der Steuerzentrale aufgeführt (CCExtension, CCObject, CCM enuAction, CCToolBarAction). Diese Schnittstellen dienen hier nur zur Referenz.


//  Licensed Materials -- Property of IBM
//  (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1999.
//      All Rights Reserved.
//  US Government Users Restricted Rights -
//  Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by
//  GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
 * The CCExtension interface allows users to extend the Control Center user
 * interface by adding new toolbar buttons, new menu items and
 * remove some predefined set of existing menu actions.
 * To do so, create a java file which imports the 
 * package and implements this interface.
 * The new file provides the implementation of the getObjects() and
 * getToolbarActions() function.
 * The getObjects() function returns an array of CCObjects which defines
 * the existing
 * objects which the user would like to add new menu actions or remove
 * the alter or configure menu actions.
 * The getToolbarActions() function returns an array of CCToolbarActions
 * which is added to the Control Center main toolbar.
 * A single CCExtension subclass file or multiple CCExtension subclass
 * files can be used to define the Control Center extensions.  In order
 * for the Control Center to make use of these extensions, use the
 * following setup procedures:
 * (1) Create a "" file which contains all the CCExtension
 *     subclass files.  The files should not be compressed. For example,
 *     if the CCExtension files are in the plugin package and they are 
 *     located in the plugin directory, issue
 *        zip -r0 plugin\*.class
 *     This command will put all the plugin package class files into the 
 * file and preserve their relative path information.
 * (2) To run WEBCC as an applet, put the file in where the 
 *     <codebase> tag points to in the WEBCC html file. 
 *     To run the Control Center as an application, put
 *     the in a directory pointed to by the CLASSPATH 
 *     envirnoment variable and where the Control Center is run.
 * For browsers that support multiple archives, just add "" 
 * to the archive list of the WEBCC html page. Otherwise, all the 
 * CCExtension, CCObject, CCToolbarAction, CCMenuAction subclass files 
 * will have to be in their relative path depending on which package
 * they belong to.
public interface CCExtension
    * Get an array of CCObject subclass objects which define
    * a list of objects to be overrided in the
    * Control Center
    * @return CCObject[] CCObject subclass objects array
   public CCObject[] getObjects();
    * Get an array of CCToolbarAction subclass objects which represent
    * a list of buttons to be added to the Control Center
    * main toolbar.
    * @return CCToolbarAction[] CCToolbarAction subclass objects array
   public CCToolbarAction[] getToolbarActions();


//  Licensed Materials -- Property of IBM
//  (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1999.
//      All Rights Reserved.
//  US Government Users Restricted Rights -
//  Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by
//  GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
 * The CCObject interface allows users to define a new object to be 
 * inserted into the Control Center tree or changing the behavior of the 
 * menu actions of an existing object.
public interface CCObject
    * The following static constants defines a list of object type 
    * available to be added to the Control Center tree.
   public static final int UDB_SYSTEMS_FOLDER                          = 0;
   public static final int UDB_SYSTEM                                  = 1;
   public static final int UDB_INSTANCES_FOLDER                        = 2;
   public static final int UDB_INSTANCE                                = 3;
   public static final int UDB_DATABASES_FOLDER                        = 4;
   public static final int UDB_DATABASE                                = 5;
   public static final int UDB_TABLES_FOLDER                           = 6;
   public static final int UDB_TABLE                                   = 7;
   public static final int UDB_TABLESPACES_FOLDER                      = 8;
   public static final int UDB_TABLESPACE                              = 9;
   public static final int UDB_VIEWS_FOLDER                            = 10;
   public static final int UDB_VIEW                                    = 11;
   public static final int UDB_ALIASES_FOLDER                          = 12;
   public static final int UDB_ALIAS                                   = 13;
   public static final int UDB_TRIGGERS_FOLDER                         = 14;
   public static final int UDB_TRIGGER                                 = 15;
   public static final int UDB_SCHEMAS_FOLDER                          = 16;
   public static final int UDB_SCHEMA                                  = 17;
   public static final int UDB_INDEXES_FOLDER                          = 18;
   public static final int UDB_INDEX                                   = 19;
   public static final int UDB_CONNECTIONS_FOLDER                      = 20;
   public static final int UDB_CONNECTION                              = 21;
   public static final int UDB_REPLICATION_SOURCES_FOLDER              = 22;
   public static final int UDB_REPLICATION_SOURCE                      = 23;
   public static final int UDB_REPLICATION_SUBSCRIPTIONS_FOLDER        = 24;
   public static final int UDB_REPLICATION_SUBSCRIPTION                = 25;
   public static final int UDB_BUFFERPOOLS_FOLDER                      = 26;
   public static final int UDB_BUFFERPOOL                              = 27;
   public static final int UDB_APPLICATION_OBJECTS_FOLDER              = 28;
   public static final int UDB_USER_DEFINED_DISTINCT_DATATYPES_FOLDER  = 29;
   public static final int UDB_USER_DEFINED_DISTINCT_DATATYPE          = 30;
   public static final int UDB_USER_DEFINED_DISTINCT_FUNCTIONS_FOLDER  = 31;
   public static final int UDB_USER_DEFINED_DISTINCT_FUNCTION          = 32;
   public static final int UDB_PACKAGES_FOLDER                         = 33;
   public static final int UDB_PACKAGE                                 = 34;
   public static final int UDB_STORE_PROCEDURES_FOLDER                 = 35;
   public static final int UDB_STORE_PROCEDURE                         = 36;
   public static final int UDB_USER_AND_GROUP_OBJECTS_FOLDER           = 37;
   public static final int UDB_DB_USERS_FOLDER                         = 38;
   public static final int UDB_DB_USER                                 = 39;
   public static final int UDB_DB_GROUPS_FOLDER                        = 40;
   public static final int UDB_DB_GROUP                                = 41;
   public static final int UDB_DRDA_TABLES_FOLDER                      = 42;
   public static final int UDB_DRDA_TABLE                              = 43;
   public static final int UDB_NODEGROUPS_FOLDER                       = 44;
   public static final int UDB_NODEGROUP                               = 45;
   public static final int S390_SUBSYSTEMS_FOLDER                      = 46;
   public static final int S390_SUBSYSTEM                              = 47;
   public static final int S390_BUFFERPOOLS_FOLDER                     = 48;
   public static final int S390_BUFFERPOOL                             = 49;
   public static final int S390_VIEWS_FOLDER                           = 50;
   public static final int S390_VIEW                                   = 51;
   public static final int S390_DATABASES_FOLDER                       = 52;
   public static final int S390_DATABASE                               = 53;
   public static final int S390_TABLESPACES_FOLDER                     = 54;
   public static final int S390_TABLESPACE                             = 55;
   public static final int S390_TABLES_FOLDER                          = 56;
   public static final int S390_TABLE                                  = 57;
   public static final int S390_INDEXS_FOLDER                          = 58;
   public static final int S390_INDEX                                  = 59;
   public static final int S390_STORAGE_GROUPS_FOLDER                  = 60;
   public static final int S390_STORAGE_GROUP                          = 61;
   public static final int S390_ALIASES_FOLDER                         = 62;
   public static final int S390_ALIAS                                  = 63;
   public static final int S390_SYNONYMS_FOLDER                        = 64;
   public static final int S390_SYNONYM                                = 65;
   public static final int S390_APPLICATION_OBJECTS_FOLDER             = 66;
   public static final int S390_COLLECTIONS_FOLDER                     = 67;
   public static final int S390_COLLECTION                             = 68;
   public static final int S390_PACKAGES_FOLDER                        = 69;
   public static final int S390_PACKAGE                                = 70;
   public static final int S390_PLANS_FOLDER                           = 71;
   public static final int S390_PLAN                                   = 72;
   public static final int S390_PROCEDURES_FOLDER                      = 73;
   public static final int S390_PROCEDURE                              = 74;
   public static final int S390_DB_USERS_FOLDER                        = 75;
   public static final int S390_DB_USER                                = 76;
   public static final int S390_LOCATIONS_FOLDER                       = 77;
   public static final int S390_LOCATION                               = 78;
   public static final int S390_DISTINCT_TYPES_FOLDER                  = 79;
   public static final int S390_DISTINCT_TYPE                          = 80;
   public static final int S390_USER_DEFINED_FUNCTIONS_FOLDER          = 81;
   public static final int S390_USER_DEFINED_FUNCTION                  = 82;
   public static final int S390_TRIGGERS_FOLDER                        = 83;
   public static final int S390_TRIGGER                                = 84;
   public static final int S390_SCHEMAS_FOLDER                         = 85;
   public static final int S390_SCHEMA                                 = 86;
   public static final int S390_CATALOG_TABLES_FOLDER                  = 87;
   public static final int S390_CATALOG_TABLE                          = 88;
   public static final int DCS_GATEWAY_CONNECTIONS_FOLDER              = 89;
   public static final int DCS_GATEWAY_CONNECTION                      = 90;
   public static final int S390_UTILITY_OBJECTS_FOLDER                 = 91;
   public static final int S390_DATASET_TEMPLATES_FOLDER               = 92;
   public static final int S390_DATASET_TEMPLATE                       = 93;
   public static final int S390_UTILITY_LISTS_FOLDER                   = 94;
   public static final int S390_UTILITY_LIST                           = 95;
   public static final int S390_UTILITY_PROCEDURES_FOLDER              = 96;
   public static final int S390_UTILITY_PROCEDURE                      = 97;
    * Total number of object types
   public static final int NUM_OBJECT_TYPES                            = 98;
    * Get the name of these object
    * The function returns the name of this object. This name
    * can be of three types:
    * (1) Fully qualified name
    *     Syntax: xxxxx-yyyyy-zzzzz
    *             where xxxxx-yyyyy is the fully quality name of the parent
    *             object and zzzzz is the name of the new object.
    *     Note: Parent and child object name is separated by '-' character.
    *     If a schema name is required to identify object, the fully
    *     qualified name is represented by xxxxx-yyyyy-wwwww.zzzzz 
    *     where wwwww is the schema name.
    *     Only the behavior of the object that match this fully
    *     quality name will be affected.
    * (2) Parent fully qualified name
    *     Syntax: xxxxx-yyyyy
    *             where xxxxx-yyyyy is the fully qualified name of the
    *             parent object.
    *     When the object type is folder (ie. DATABASES_FOLDER), the 
    *     getName() should only return the fully qualified name of the 
    *     folder's parent.
    *     Only the behavior of the object that match this name
    *     and the specific type return by the getType() function will be 
    *     affected.
    * (3) null
    *     Syntax: null
    *     If null is return, the CCMenuActions returns by the 
    *     getMenuActions() call will be applied to all objects of type 
    *     returns by the getType() call.
    * @return String object name
   public String getName();
    * Get the type of this object
    * @return int return one of the static type constants defined in this 
    * interface
   public int getType();
    * Get the CCMenu Action array which defines the list of menu actions
    *  to be created for object
    * return CCMenuAction[] CCMenuAction array
   public CCMenuAction[] getMenuActions();
    * Check if this object is editable.  If not, the Alter related menu 
    * items will be removed from the object's popup menu
    * return boolean If false, the Alter menu item will be remove from the 
    * object's popup menu.
    * Return true if you do not wish to modify current Alter menu item 
    * behaviour.
   public boolean isEditable();
    * Check if this object is configurable.  If not, the configuration 
    * related menu items will be removed from the object's popup menu
    * return boolean If false, the Configuration related menu item will be
    *  removed from the object's popup menu.
    * Return true if you do not wish to modify current Configuration 
    * behaviour.
   public boolean isConfigurable();


//  Licensed Materials -- Property of IBM
//  (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1999.
//      All Rights Reserved.
//  US Government Users Restricted Rights -
//  Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by
//  GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
 * The CCMenuAction class allows users to define a new menu item to be added
 * to a Control Center object.  The new menu item will be added at the end of
 * an object's popup menu. 
 * Note: If the object has a Control Center Refresh and/or 
 * Filter menu item, the new menu item will be inserted before the Refresh 
 * and Filter menu. The Control Center Refresh and Filter menu items are
 * always  at the end of the popup menu.
public interface CCMenuAction
    * Get the name of this action
    * @return String Name text on the menu item
   public String getMenuText();
    * Invoked when an action occurs.
    * @param e Action event
   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e);


//  Licensed Materials -- Property of IBM
//  (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1999.
//      All Rights Reserved.
//  US Government Users Restricted Rights -
//  Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by
//  GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
 * The CCToolbarAction interface class allows users to define a new action
 *  to be added to the Control Center toolbar.
public interface CCToolbarAction
    * Get the name of this action
    * @return String Name text on the menu item, or toolbar button hover help
   public String getHoverHelpText();
    * Get the icon for the toolbar button
    * Any toolbar CCAction should override this function and return
    * a valid ImageIcon object. Otherwise, the button will have no icon.
    * @return ImageIcon Icon to be displayed
   public ImageIcon getIcon();
    * Invoked when an action occurs.
    * @param e Action event
   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e);

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