IBM DB2 Universal Database* for SGI IRIX** Version 5.2
                              FixPak U459871

+-- Note: ----------------------------------------------------------------+
| To read this file more easily, set your font to monospace.
| If you have received interim fixes from IBM support after 09/26/98,
| then you must contact IBM support instead of installing this FixPak, to
| request an updated version of the interim fixes.  By doing this, you are
| assured that your system is in a consistent state and no interim fixes
| are lost.

This README file contains information for the following products and

IRIX Specific
 DB2 Software Developer's Kit, V5.2
 DB2 Client Application Enabler, V5.2

1.  Contents of FixPak

2.  Installation Notes
2.1 Pre-requisites
2.2 Prior to Installation
2.3 Installation Instructions
2.4 After Installation
  2.4.1 Update Instances
  2.4.2 Rebinding bind files Rebinding to non-DRDA DB2 databases Rebinding to DRDA databases Rebinding Specific Packages
  2.4.3  Searching the HMTL Documentation Installing the HTML Search System IBM NetQuestion runtime environment installation
  2.4.4 APAR IX80098 - Journal Job History Timestamps get out of sync
  2.4.5 Building 32-bit Microfocus Cobol applications for UDB on OS/2
  2.4.6 DB2 Support for ADSM Version 3 Clients

3.  Miscellaneous
3.1 Product and Service Technical Library
3.2 Customer Support
3.3 Corrective Service

For additional information please see the following files.


where %L is the locale name.


2.  Installation Notes

2.1 Pre-requisites

This FixPak requires one of the following to already be installed on the

 DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition, V5
 DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Edition, V5
 DB2 Universal Database Extended Enterprise Edition, V5
 DB2 Software Developer's Kit, V5
 DB2 Client Application Enabler, V5

at the level:


and will upgrade to the level:


Use <'pkginfo | grep -i db2'> to determine all levels installed.

The output of the command should include the following

    application db2cliv50 DB2 client Application Enabler

2.2 Prior to Installation

Logon as root and do the following for each instance:

    su - ioname
    . $HOME/sqllib/db2profile
    db2 force applications all
    db2 terminate
    db2licd end

where ioname is the instance owner name.  Then, while still logged on as
root, do the following:

    su - aname
    . $HOME/sqllib/db2profile
    db2admin stop

where aname is the admin server name.

2.3 Installation Instructions

     run (as root):
     cd /cdrom/db2_for_sgi_v520_fixpak1

2.4 After Installation

2.4.1 Update Instances

For each instance, issue the command:

    ./opt/IBMdb2/V5.0/instance/db2iupdt iname

BUT for the das instance, issue the command

    ./opt/IBMdb2/V5.0/instance/dasiupdt iname

where iname is the instance name.

2.4.2 Rebinding bind files

Due to the new bind (.bnd) files that have been shipped with this FixPak,
you will need to rebind your DB2 utilities against all your databases
after the FixPak installation.  This step is necessary for the fixes in
this FixPak to become effective.  The procedure of rebinding, outlined
below, only needs to be performed once per database.  Rebinding to non-DRDA DB2 databases

After applying fixes, you must do the following:

- At a command prompt:
       db2 terminate
       db2 CONNECT TO <dbname>
       db2 BIND <path>/@db2ubind.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC
       db2 BIND <path>/@db2cli.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC
       db2 terminate

- At the DB2 command line:
       CONNECT TO <dbname>
       BIND <path>/@db2ubind.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC
       BIND <path>/@db2cli.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC

Where <dbname> is the name of a database to which the utilities should be
bound, and where <path> is the full path name of the directory where the
bind files are located, such as /sqllib/bnd.  Examine the DB2PATH
environment variable to determine the correct path.  DB2UBIND.LST and
DB2CLI.LST contain lists of commonly required bind files used for DB2.

If <dbname> is a DB2 v1.x database, do not bind db2cli.lst.  Instead, use
the db2cliv1.lst or specifically bind db2clics.bnd, db2cliur.bnd,
db2clirr.bnd, and db2cliv1.bnd individually.  Rebinding to DRDA databases

If you are using DDCS to connect to host databases, you will also need
to bind the new bind files to the host.  As above, use the DB2
Command Line Processor to connect to the host database, and then
bind the utilities as follows:

  ======= ===================================================
  MVS     BIND <path>/@ddcsmvs.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC
  VM      BIND <path>/@ddcsvm.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC
  VSE     BIND <path>/@ddcsvse.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC
  OS400   BIND <path>/@ddcs400.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC

Please refer to Chapter 4 "Binding Applications and Utilities" of the DDCS
User's Guide for a list of what bind files are used for your specific
client operating system.  If a bind file changes but your clients do not
use that bind file, you do not need to re-bind it.  Rebinding Specific Packages

If you wish to bind only the specific .bnd files to the database, issue
the following command for each database (where <bind_file> is the name of
the bind file, and <dbname> is the name of your database).

- At a command prompt:
       db2 terminate
       db2 CONNECT TO <dbname>
       db2 BIND <path>/<bind_file> BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC
       db2 terminate

- At the DB2 command line:
       CONNECT TO <dbname>
       BIND <path>/<bind_file> BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC

2.4.3  Searching the HMTL Documentation

You can perform searches in the online documentation for 
IBM DB2 Universal Database (DB2 UDB) using an HTML search server.
The following section describes how to set up the search server
in a UNIX environment. Installing the HTML Search System

To install the search system:

  1) Uncompress the HTML files and register the search indexes.

     The following command decompresses and untars the HTML files,
     creates links, and registers the indexes used by the search system.

         /opt/IBMdb2/V5.0/doc/db2insthtml <language>

     where :
       <language> specifies the language directory, for example
       en_US for English

     You must issue this command for each language for which HTML
     documentation is installed.  You must make sure that the original
     .tar.Z files are present before installing the fixpak and running
     this command.

  2) Installing NetQuestion: Refer to section

  3) Using the search server

     Once NetQuestion has been installed and the db2insthtml command has
     been run, the search system is ready to use.  You can search
     the DB2 HTML documentation by opening the file db2srch.html in
     the doc/html subdirectory of DB2.  (You will need the updated version
     of this file that comes with the fixpak.)  IBM NetQuestion runtime environment installation
Required operating system (can be determined by 'uname -a'):

   IRIX 6.2

System configuration requirements:

The following minimum values must be set in the file /etc/system:

    set semsys:seminfo_semmni = 256
    set semsys:seminfo_semmap = 258
    set semsys:seminfo_semmns = 512
    set semsys:seminfo_semmnu = 512
    set semsys:seminfo_semmsl = 50

Note that NetQuestion basically  requires 9 semaphores and additional
45 semaphores for every index.
Note: you must be root to perform this operation, and the machine has to be
rebooted after the changes and before continuing with the installation.

If you installed the packages without changing the system settings above,
the automatic index registration will not work properly and the Online
documentation search will fail during CGI execution.
It is REQUIRED that you:
   a) deinstall all NetQuestion packages using the deinstallation
      instructions below.
   b) change the system settings as indicated above.
   c) reboot the system, so that the changes take effect.
   d) reinstall the NetQuestion packages.

The IBM NetQuestion runtime environment consists of 3 installable
product options:

   IMNSBCS     IBM NetQuestion SBCS search engine
   IMNDBCS     IBM NetQuestion DBCS search engine
   IMNHTTPDL   IBM NetQuestion local HTTP daemon

The local HTTP daemon will automatically be installed by either search
engine you select during installation.

System requirements:

   Disk space:

        IMNSBCS      5 MB
        IMNDBCS     10 MB
        IMNHTTPDL    2 MB


        IMNSBCS      8 MB + 0.5 MB per search request
        IMNDBCS      8 MB + 0.7 MB per search request
        IMNHTTPDL    3 MB

 The variable NLSPATH must contain the following path:


 See manual pages for environ(5) for more information about NLSPATH.

All three installation options can be installed with the installation script
'imninstall'. After starting the script the choices are:

    1) IBM NetQuestion SBCS search engine
    2) IBM NetQuestion SBCS and DBCS search engines
    3) Exit

The appropriate number, 1, 2 or 3 has to be entered, followed by the 'Enter'
key. Choice 1 or 2 installs the selected search engine whereas choice 3
terminates the installation without installing anything. During installation,
which may take a few minutes, the message 'Installing <Component(s)>..." will
display (<Components> are the selected components). In case of a successful
installation the message 'Successful Installation' will display.
Otherwise, an error message from the following list displays.  (The error
message is preceded by 'Installation failed:'.)

   * you must be root to install NetQuestion

     You are not the superuser. Login as superuser and try to install
     NetQuestion again.
   * pkgadd failed, see manual for pkgadd

     You may have an incompatible version of pkgadd. Check if your
     operating system version matches the system requirements.


     You may have an incomplete installation of the same packages
     already on your system. Use the deinstallation instructions below
     to remove all NetQuestion components and try reinstalling again.

   * can't determine free disk space

     Should never happen. Check if your operating system version
     matches the system requirements.

   * insufficient disk space

     Confirm that the disk space requirements stated above are available
     on the disk where /opt is mounted.

   * creation of user or group imnadm failed

     Should never happen. Check if your operating system version
     matches the system requirements. Optionally create user and
     group imnadm manually and then try to install NetQuestion again.

Once the selected components are installed, a soft link to S90IMNSearch is
created in /etc/rc2.d so that the search engine and the HTTP daemon will be
started automatically when the system is booted. The search engine and the
HTTP daemon are started automatically by the installation so that no reboot
is necessary.

If for any reason you don't need the local HTTP daemon (e.g. you already
installed a HTTP server on your machine), you may prevent the start of
the daemon by remove the comments from line two of the following file:


Note: This file has to be edited with system administration privileges.

   If you choose to use your installed HTTP server, ensure that the
   search CGIs and the search forms will be found by your server.  The
   location of the search CGIs and forms can be found in the product
   documentation. They should generally be installed in:

      /var/docsearch/cgi-bin    for the search CGIs
      /var/docsearch/html       for the search forms

Deinstallation Instructions:

If want to deinstall one or all of the NetQuestion packages use the following


The script will return immediately but there will a background task that
will complete the deinstallation. The deinstallation will not take longer
than 5 minutes to complete.

2.4.4 APAR IX80098 - Journal Job History Timestamps get out of sync

APAR IX80098 involves a new attribute on the job summary profile.  To allow
the changes in this APAR to take effect, you must start off with new profiles
in order to receive this fix. Before erasing your existing profiles, you
should backup the current db2jobht.prf and db2jobsm.prf files.

2.4.5 Building 32-bit Microfocus Cobol applications for UDB on OS/2

When building 32-bit Microfocus Cobol applications for UDB on OS/2, you may
encounter the following error when linking to db2gmf32.lib:

 "link386: fatal error 1104  x:\sqllib\lib\db2gmf32.lib: not a valid library"

This is because the db2gmf32.lib library is not compatible with the link386
linker.  Ilink must be used to link the library.  Microfocus Cobol 4.0.20 and
later will look first for the ilink executable in PATH.  If it isn't found,
Microfocus will call link386.

The ilink linker is available at under
/ps/products/db2/tools.  The file is called  It contains a readme
with instructions for installing ilink.  Note that the prerequisite for
Microfocus Cobol is still 4.0.20 (or later).

2.4.6 DB2 Support for ADSM Version 3 Clients

DB2     | DB2 Server |Planned       | DB2 Service|  ADSM Service Level
Release | Platform   |Availability* | Level      |  
DB2 UDB | AIX 4.1.x  |June 30, 1998 | PTF:       | ADSM Client V313
V5.0    |            |              | U457227    | (U454538)
        |            |              |            | (with AIX41313G patch)
DB2 UDB | AIX 4.2.x  |June 30, 1998 | PTF:       | ADSM Client V313
V5.0    | AIX 4.3.x  |              | U457227    | (U454539)
        |            |              |            | (with AIX42313G patch)
DB2 UDB | All Other  |Sept 30, 1998 | To Be      | To Be Determined
V5.0    |            |              | Determined | 
DB2     | AIX 4.1.x  |July 31, 1998 | PTF:       | ADSM Client V313
V2.1.2  |            |              | U458628    | (U454538)
        |            |              |            | (with AIX41313G patch)
DB2     | AIX 4.2.x  |July 31, 1998 | PTF:       | ADSM Client V313
V2.1.2  | AIX 4.3.x  |              | U458628    | (U454539)
        |            |              |            | (with AIX42313G patch)
DB2 DB  | AIX 4.1.x  |July 31, 1998 | PTF:       | ADSM Client V313
Server  |            |              | U458629    | (U454538)
V4.1.2  |            |              |            | (with AIX41313G patch)
DB2 DB  | AIX 4.2.x  |July 31, 1998 | PTF:       | ADSM Client V313
Server  | AIX 4.3.x  |              | U458629    | (U454539)
V4.1.2  |            |              |            | (with AIX42313G patch)
DB2     | OS/2       |Oct  30, 1998 | To Be      | To Be Determined
V2.1.2  |            |              | Determined | 
DB2     | All Other  |None          | N/A        | N/A
V2.1.2  |            |              |            | 
DB2 PE  | AIX        |None          | N/A        | N/A
V1.2    |            |              |            | 

* Note:  The planned availability dates for the required DB2 fix packs
         are subject to change.



Platform:       AIX
Default:        (not set)
Values: YES or NO

Depending on the workload being executed and the pool agents
configuration you may run into a situation where the committed memory for
each DB2 agent will stay above 32MB even when the agent is idle.  This
behaviour is expected and usually results in good performance as the
memory is kept for fast re-use, however, on a memory constrained system,
this may not be a desirable side effect.  To avoid this condition issue
the following:

       db2set DB2MEMDISCLAIM=yes

Disclaiming memory tells the AIX operating system to stop paging the area
so that it no longer occupies any real storage.  Setting DB2MEMDISCLAIM
to YES tells DB2 UDB to disclaim some or all memory once freed,
depending on DB2MEMMAXFREE.  This will ensure that the memory is made
readily available for other processes as soon as it is freed. 



Platform:       AIX
Default:        (not set)
Values: 4000000 to 256000000

DB2MEMMAXFREE specifies the amount of free memory that is retained
by each DB2 agent.  The default is 256Mb.
You may set this variable to a value between 4 to 256 Mb.
We recommend that if you use this feature, you specify a value of 8Mb.

        db2set DB2MEMMAXFREE=8000000

3.  Miscellaneous

3.1 Product and Service Technical Library

For a complete and up-to-date source of DB2 information, including
information on issues discovered after this readme was published, use the
Product and Service Technical Library on the World Wide Web at:

3.2 Customer Support

To speak to an IBM representative regarding assistance with this product,
please call 1-800-CALL-AIX (1-800-225-5249).

Customer support is also provided via Electronic Question and Answer (Q&A)
forums.  These forums are accessible through CompuServe, IBMLink, and
Usenet Newsgroup.

(1) CompuServe
    - To access the forums on CompuServe, execute GO IBMDB2.
    - If you don't have access to CompuServe, call 1-800-848-8199 for
      membership information in Canada or the US.

(2) Usenet Newsgroup:
    - This Internet Newsgroup is a general forum for discussing questions
      and/or problems encountered using the DB2 family of products.

(3) (IBMLink) Talklink OS/2 BBS
    - To access the forums on IBMLink, go to the OS2BBS section.
    - If you don't have access IBMLink, call 1-800-547-1283 for membership
      information in Canada or the US.

3.3 Corrective Service

Corrective service can be downloaded electronically from the Internet by

 (1) FTP to anonymous server (previously known as at  Go to ps/products/db2/fixes/%L/%P/
 where %L is the appropriate locale (e.g. english-us, spanish, german,
 etc.), and %P is the product name/version (eg. db22v5, db2aixv5, etc.).


 (2) Use a World Wide Web (WWW) browser to connect to the DB2 Service and
 Support Page at:

If you do not have access to any of the above locations, please call
1-800-CALL-AIX (1-800-225-5249) to request these FixPaks be sent to you in
the mail.

For countries other than US and Canada, please contact your local DB2
Customer Service number for assistance in obtaining them.


*  are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation.
** are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.


**                    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.