Release Notes

37.17 Additional Information for DB2 Query Patroller Tracker GUI Tool

The accounting table is used by the Tracker tool when used to display or analyze historical job data. In order to use Tracker, the administrator must first use Query Administrator to change the Accounting Status on the System Administrator panel to Write To Table. Then, whenever a job completes, extra information is saved in a job accounting table.

Next, the administrator must log on to the Query Patroller server as user iwm and run the iwm_tracker (Tracker backend) tool. This tool should be run periodically when the system load is low, or just before when the Tracker tool is used.

Finally, when these two tasks are completed, you can run the Tracker GUI tool to view or analyze the job data.

If the cost factor is one, which is the default, then the cost displayed for each job using the Tracker is the same value as the cost displayed using Query Monitor. In both cases, the time is in timerons.

However, you may want to use other units of value. Suppose you want to bill each user for their use of the system. If, for example, the charge is one dollar for 10 000 timerons of work, then you would enter a cost factor of 0.0001. This has the Tracker converting, storing, and displaying each job's cost in dollars.

The Query Patroller Administration Guide discusses dollars per megabyte which is incorrect and should be replaced by dollars per timeron.

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