Release Notes

36.4 Connector for the Web

If you have problems running the Connector for the Web, IBM Service might request that you send a trace for the Connector.

To enable tracing for the Connector for the Web, set the Warehouse Center agent trace to a level greater than 0. The trace file is named WSApid.log, where pid is the Windows process ID for the agent. The trace file is created in the \sqllib\logging directory.

36.4.1 Installation Prerequisites

Install the Java run-time environment (JRE) or Java virtual machine (JVM), version 1.2.2 or later, and make it your default. To make a version of the JRE your default, add the path for the 1.2.2 JRE to your system PATH variable (for example, C:\JDKs\IBM\java12\bin;). After you change your default JRE, you must reboot the machine. If you do not have Java installed, you can install it from the Data Warehouse Connectors installation CD.

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