Release Notes


Welcome to DB2 Universal Database Version 7 FixPak Release Notes!
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The DB2 Universal Database and DB2 Connect Support site is updated regularly. Check for the latest information.

This file contains information for the following products that was not available when the DB2 manuals were printed:

   IBM DB2 Universal Database Personal Edition, Version 7.2
   IBM DB2 Universal Database Workgroup Edition, Version 7.2
   IBM DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Edition, Version 7.2
   IBM DB2 Data Links Manager, Version 7.2
   IBM DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition, Version 7.2
   IBM DB2 Query Patroller, Version 7.2
   IBM DB2 Personal Developer's Edition, Version 7.2
   IBM DB2 Universal Developer's Edition, Version 7.2
   IBM DB2 Data Warehouse Manager, Version 7.2
   IBM DB2 Relational Connect, Version 7.2
	IBM DB2 Connect Personal Edition, Version 7.2
	IBM DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition, Version 7.2

An additional Release Notes file, installed as READCON.TXT, is provided for the following products:

   IBM DB2 Connect Personal Edition, Version 7.2
   IBM DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition, Version 7.2

Documentation for the DB2 Life Sciences Data Connect product is available for download from the IBM software site:

Information about this product is available online at

The following books were updated for FixPak 4, and the latest PDFs are available for download online at

Administration Guide 
Application Building Guide
Application Development Guide
Command Reference
Data Recovery and High Availability Guide and Reference
Data Warehouse Center Administration Guide
Message Reference
SQL Reference
DB2 Warehouse Manager Installation Guide

The information in these notes is in addition to the updated references. All updated documentation is also available on CD. This CD can be ordered through DB2 service using the PTF number U478862. Information on contacting DB2 Service is available at

The What's New book contains an overview of some of the major DB2 enhancements for Version 7.2. If you don't have the 7.2 version of the What's New book, you can view it and download it from

For the latest information about the DB2 family of products, obtain a free subscription to "DB2 Magazine". The online edition of the magazine is available at; instructions for requesting a subscription are also posted on this site.

Throughout these Release Notes, when reference is made to Windows NT, this includes Windows 2000. The reference further includes Windows XP when in the context of products listed in 4.9, Support for Windows ME, Windows XP and Windows 2000 Datacenter Edition Platforms, unless otherwise specified.
A revision bar (|) on the left side of a page indicates that the line has been added or modified since the Release Notes were first published.

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