IBM DB2 Universal Database* for Solaris** (64-bit) Version 7 FixPak 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contents About this FixPak readme for IBM DB2 Universal Database* for Solaris** (64-bit) Version 7 FixPak 8 * 1.1 Who should read this readme file * 1.2 How to get help Solaris (64-bit) installation notes * 2.1 Prerequisites * 2.2 Prior to installation * 2.3 Installation instructions * 2.4 Migration to 64-bit Solaris * 2.5 After installation o 2.5.1 Updating instances to use the new fix level o 2.5.2 Updating instances to use 64-bit o 2.5.3 Enabling the new SQL built-in scalar functions o 2.5.4 Rebinding bind files + Rebinding to non-DRDA DB2 databases + Rebinding to DRDA databases + Rebinding specific packages * 2.6 Known problems and workarounds o 2.6.1 Loss of Control Center functionality o 2.6.2 Using DB2 XML Extender o 2.6.3 Restoring backup images created under FixPak 4 or greater o 2.6.4 Merant Driver Manager Notices ------------------------------------------------------------------------ About this FixPak readme for IBM DB2 Universal Database* for Solaris** (64-bit) Version 7 FixPak 8 IBM DB2 Universal Database* for Solaris** (64-bit) Version 7 FixPak 8 PTF No: U484614 VRMF: Note: If you have received special fixes from IBM support since 11/10/2002, then you must contact IBM support to request an updated version of the special fixes instead of installing this FixPak. By doing this, you are assured that your system is in a consistent state and no special fixes are lost. This readme file contains information for the following products and components: * DB2 Application Development Client, Version 7.2 * DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition, Version 7.2 * DB2 Run-Time Client, Version 7.2 * DB2 UDB Enterprise Edition, Version 7.2 * DB2 UDB Enterprise-Extended Edition, Version 7.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.1 Who should read this readme file The information in this readme file should be read by database administrators who seek to upgrade their present version of DB2 with the latest FixPak. This readme file contains platform specific information about the latest changes and known problems and workarounds for DB2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.2 How to get help Web-based support for DB2 products, including documentation, FixPaks, and APAR information, is provided at and DB2 FixPaks can also be downloaded from IBM's anonymous FTP server at Go to ps/products/db2/fixes/%L/%P/ where %L is the appropriate locale (for example, english-us, spanish, german), and %P is the product name/version (for example db2sun64v7). The main Usenet newsgroup for DB2-related questions is To contact DB2 Customer Service by phone: * In the United States, call 1-800-237-5511. * In Canada, call 1-800-IBM-SERV (426-7378). * Worldwide, call 1-404-238-1234 (charges may apply). For information on IBM offices in your country or region, consult IBM's Directory of Worldwide Contacts at For additional information on changes to the product, review the product Release Notes: /opt/IBMdb2/V7.1/Readme/%L/Release.Notes where %L is the locale name. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Solaris (64-bit) installation notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.1 Prerequisites You must have DB2 UDB V7.2 or DB2 UDB V7.1 with FixPak 3 (64-bit) or greater already installed before installing this FixPak. See section 2.4, "Migration to 64-bit Solaris", below, for more information. Use the following command to determine the current level of DB2 installed on the system: pkginfo -l db2cliv71 | grep VERSION Look for the following output: VERSION: 7.1.1.y where y >= 40. If you receive an error, DB2 version 7 is not installed on your system. If you cannot find "VERSION: 7.1.1.y" but only "VERSION: 7.1.0.z", then you have 32-bit DB2 for Solaris installed. If you want to migrate to 64-bit DB2 for Solaris, you need to check section 2.4 "Migration to 64-bit Solaris". Otherwise, you should get the DB2 32-bit FixPak for Solaris. To find details about the prerequisites of 32-bit DB2 Fixpaks, check the FixpakReadme.txt file for the 32-bit DB2 UDB FixPak for Solaris. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.2 Prior to installation Log on as root and enter the following commands for each instance: su - iname . $HOME/sqllib/db2profile db2 force applications all db2 terminate db2stop db2licd -end # run at each physical node exit where iname is the instance owner name. Then, while still logged on as root, enter the following commands: su - aname . $HOME/sqllib/db2profile db2admin stop exit where aname is the administration server name. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.3 Installation instructions In previous FixPaks, a script called installallpatch was used to start the FixPak installation process. Beginning with FixPak 6, the installation script has been called installFixPak. The installFixPak script is the recommended method for installing this FixPak. The installFixPak script prevents the installation of 32-bit FixPaks on top of a 64-bit installation. Starting from FixPak 8, the installFixPak script can also properly check the prerequisites for 64-bit FixPaks. See sections 2.1 and 2.4 for information about prerequisites and migration for 64-bit FixPaks. To install the FixPak: su - root cd ./installFixPak where is the top directory in which the FixPak image is located. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.4 Migration to 64-bit Solaris To migrate from 32-bit DB2 to 64-bit DB2, apply the 64-bit version of FixPak 3. After you install the 64-bit version of FixPak 3, you cannot install any more 32-bit FixPaks. Instead, you install the appropriate 64-bit FixPak. Starting with FixPak 1, all 32-bit fixes are also included in the corresponding 64-bit FixPak. For example, if you want to move from a 32-bit image to a 64-bit FixPak 8 image, do the following: 1. Apply FixPak 3 (64-bit). 2. Apply FixPak 8 (64-bit). You can download FixPak 3 (64-bit) from the same location as this FixPak. It has PTF number U475378. The VRMF for FixPak 3 (64-bit) is Note: If you have already applied 32-bit FixPaks and you decide to move to 64-bit, it is highly recommended that you use a 64-bit FixPak of at least the same level so you do not lose any fixes that you had before moving to 64-bit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.5 After installation 2.5.1 Updating instances to use the new fix level Note: You need to be logged on as root to update the instances. For each instance, issue the command: /opt/IBMdb2/V7.1/instance/db2iupdt iname where iname is the instance name. Note: If you are running both Enterprise - Extended Edition (EEE) and Enterprise Edition (EE) on the same computer, then you need to run db2iupdt with the "-k" option. Otherwise, it will check to see if EEE filesets exist; if they do, it will perform the update as if it was an EEE instance. For the DAS instance, issue the command: /opt/IBMdb2/V7.1/instance/dasiupdt dasname where dasname is the DAS instance name. For more information on the db2iupdt or dasiupdt commands, run db2iupdt or dasiupdt with the "-h" option. 2.5.2 Updating instances to use 64-bit Once the instance has been updated to the current fix level with the above command, you may update individual instances to use 64-bit DB2. For each instance that you want to migrate to 64-bit, issue the command: /opt/IBMdb2/V7.1/instance/db2iupdt -w 64 iname where iname is the instance name. Once the instance has been migrated to 64-bit, it can not be migrated back to 32-bit. Only migrations from 32- to 64-bit require the -w 64 flag. Applying further fixes to an existing 64-bit instance will not need the -w 64 flag. 2.5.3 Enabling the new SQL built-in scalar functions FixPak 2 and later of Version 7 delivers new SQL built-in scalar functions. Refer to the SQL Reference and updates in the Release Notes for a description of these new functions. The new functions are not automatically enabled on each database when the database server code is upgraded to FixPak 2 or later of Version 7.1. To enable these new functions, you must login as the instance (or a SYSADM user) and issue the command db2updv7, specifying each database for each instance. This command makes an entry in the database that ensures that database objects created prior to executing this command use existing function signatures that may match the new function signatures. Note: FixPak 8 is the minimum prerequisite if you want to use a V8 client to connect to a V7 server. Therefore, anyone updating to FixPak 8 will also have to run the db2updv7command. ATTENTION : If you intend to issue the db2updv7 command, you must be aware that it will change the database so it runs only with Version 7.1 FixPak 2 (or higher) of the database manager. You will not be able to run this database with any previous FixPak level. You must perform a full offline backup of the database prior to running db2updv7 in order to have the ability to restore to a previous FixPak level. 2.5.4 Rebinding bind files Due to the new bind (.bnd) files that have been shipped with this FixPak, you will need to rebind your DB2 utilities against all your databases after the FixPak installation. This step is necessary for the fixes in this FixPak to become effective. The procedure of rebinding, which follows, only needs to be performed once per database. Rebinding to non-DRDA DB2 databases After applying fixes, you must do the following: - At a command prompt: db2 terminate db2 CONNECT TO db2 BIND /@db2ubind.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC db2 BIND /@db2cli.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC db2 terminate or, - At the DB2 command line: TERMINATE CONNECT TO BIND /@db2ubind.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC BIND /@db2cli.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC TERMINATE Where is the name of a database to which the utilities should be bound, and where is the full path name of the directory where the bind files are located, such as /sqllib/bnd. DB2UBIND.LST and DB2CLI.LST contain lists of commonly required bind files that are used for DB2. Rebinding to DRDA databases If you are using DB2 Connect to connect to host databases, you will also need to bind the new bind files to the host. As above, use the DB2 Command Line Processor to connect to the host database, and then bind the utilities as follows: HOST COMMAND ======= =================================================== MVS BIND /@ddcsmvs.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC SQLERROR CONTINUE VM BIND /@ddcsvm.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC SQLERROR CONTINUE VSE BIND /@ddcsvse.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC SQLERROR CONTINUE OS400 BIND /@ddcs400.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC SQLERROR CONTINUE Please refer to "Binding Applications and Utilities" in the DB2 Connect User's Guide for a list of bind files that are used for your specific client operating system. If a bind file changes and your clients do not use that bind file, you do not need to rebind it. Rebinding specific packages If you want to bind only the specific .bnd files to the database, issue the following commands for each database. - At a command prompt: db2 terminate db2 CONNECT TO db2 BIND / BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC db2 terminate or, - At the DB2 command line: TERMINATE CONNECT TO BIND / BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC TERMINATE where is the name of the bind file, and is the name of your database. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.6 Known problems and workarounds 2.6.1 Loss of Control Center functionality There should be no problems introduced against back-level Control Center clients by applying FixPak 2 or FixPak 3 to a DB2 server. However, in DB2 Version 7.2, back-level Control Center clients will lose nearly all functionality. Back-level in this case refers to any Version 6 client prior to FixPak 6, and any Version 7 client prior to FixPak 2. Version 5 clients are not affected. The suggested fix is to upgrade any affected clients. Version 6 clients must be upgraded to FixPak 6 or later, and Version 7 clients must be upgraded to FixPak 2 or later. 2.6.2 Using DB2 XML Extender The readme.txt file for DB2 XML Extender Version 7.1 states the following under Considerations: * The default version of DB2 UDB is DB2 UDB Version 7.1. If you want to use DB2 UDB Version 6.1 on AIX and Solaris, you should ensure that you are running with DB2 UDB V6.1 instances and with the DB2 UDB V6.1 libraries. This is incorrect. The DB2 XML Extender is supported only with DB2 Version 7.1 and 7.2. The readme.sun file lists Software Requirements of DB2 UDB Version 6.1 with FixPak FP1_U465424 or higher. This is incorrect. The DB2 XML Extender requires DB2 Version 7.1 or 7.2. 2.6.3 Restoring backup images created under FixPak 4 or greater When the RELOCATE USING option is used with the db2inidb command, the user provided configuration file is copied into the database directory (for example, SQL00001) and is renamed db2path.cfg. If the database was initialized as a snapshot, then the db2path.cfg file is removed after the necessary crash recovery completes. However, if the database was initialized as a standby, then the file will only be removed after the database is taken out of the rollforward pending or in-progress state (by stopping or cancelling the rollforward). Standby databases that do not contain SMS table spaces can be backed up when in the rollforward pending or in-progress state. If the db2path.cfg file exists for such a database, then it will be included in the backup image. Because this file is new to V7 beginning with FixPak 4, a restoration of an image containing this file will fail on any V7 level earlier than FixPak 4. If restoring from such a backup image, the instance must be running with a DB2 level of FixPak 4 or greater. 2.6.4 Merant Driver Manager If you are using the Merant Driver Manager, see "Merant Driver Manager and the DB2 UDB Version 7 ODBC Driver on Unix" in the General Installation, Migration and Configuration Information section of the Release Notes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Notices This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to: IBM Director of Licensing IBM Corporation North Castle Drive Armonk, NY 10504-1785 U.S.A. For license inquiries regarding double byte (DBCS) information, contact the IBM Intellectual Property Department in your country or send inquiries, in writing, to: IBM World Trade Asia Corporation Licensing 2-31 Roppongi 3-chome, Minato-ku Tokyo 106, Japan The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implies warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. COPYRIGHT LICENSE: This information contains sample application programs in source language, which illustrates programming techniques on various operating platforms. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM, for the purposes of developing, using, marketing or distributing application programs conforming to the application programming interface for the operating platform for which the sample programs are written. These examples have not been thoroughly tested under all conditions. IBM, therefore, cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM for the purposes of developing, using, marketing, or distributing application programs conforming to IBM's application programming interfaces. IBM, DB2, Universal Database, DYNIX/ptx, and S/390 are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. 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