Release Notes

42.3 Reading Message Text Online

It is assumed that you are familiar with the functions of the operating system where DB2 is installed.

The following DB2 messages are accessible from the operating system command line:


messages generated by DB2 Replication

messages generated by the Client Configuration Assistant

messages generated by Call Level Interface

messages generated by the Control Center and the Database Administration Utility

messages generated by installation and configuration

messages generated by the command line processor

messages generated by the Data Warehouse Center

messages and reason codes generated by the Information Catalog Manager

messages generated by the DB2 Spatial Extender

messages generated by DB2 Satellite

messages generated by the sync point manager

messages generated by Embedded SQL in Java (SQLJ)

messages generated by the database manager when a warning or error condition has been detected.

As well, the message text associated with SQLSTATE values is available on-line.

Message identifiers consist of a three character message prefix (see above list), followed by a four or five digit message number. The single digit letter at the end which describes the severity of the error message is optional.

To access help on these error messages, enter the following at the operating system command prompt:

db2 "? XXXnnnnn"
where XXX represents the message prefix
and where nnnnn represents the message number.
The message identifier accepted as a parameter of the db2 command is not case sensitive, and the terminating letter is not required.

Therefore, the following commands will produce the same result:

If the message text is too long for your screen, use the following command (on unix-based systems and others which support 'more'):

db2 "? XXXnnnnn" | more

Help can also invoked in the interactive input mode. To enter the interactive input mode, enter the following at the operating system command prompt:


Once in the interactive input mode, you can enter commands at the following command prompt:

db2 =>

To get DB2 message help in this mode, type the following at the command prompt:

? XXXnnnnn
If the message text exceeds the length of the screen, users with non-graphical workstations can pipe the output to the 'more' (on unix-based systems) program or redirect the output to a file which can then be browsed.

The message text associated with a given SQLSTATE value can be retrieved by issuing:

db2 "? nnnnn"
db2 "? nn"

where nnnnn is a five digit SQLSTATE (alphanumeric) and nn is the two digit SQLSTATE class code (first two digits of the SQLSTATE value).

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