Release Notes

50.13 DB2's SNA SPM Fails to Start After Booting Windows

If you are using Microsoft SNA Server Version 4 SP3 or later, please verify that DB2's SNA SPM started properly after a reboot. Check the \sqllib\<instance name>\db2diag.log file for entries that are similar to the following:

2000-04-20-   Instance:DB2   Node:000
PID:291(db2syscs.exe)   TID:316   Appid:none
common_communication  sqlccspmconnmgr_APPC_init   Probe:19 
SPM0453C  Sync point manager did not start because Microsoft SNA Server has not 
been started.
2000-04-20-   Instance:DB2   Node:000
PID:291(db2syscs.exe)   TID:302   Appid:none
common_communication  sqlccsna_start_listen   Probe:14 
DIA3001E "SNA SPM" protocol support was not successfully started.
2000-04-20-   Instance:DB2   Node:000
PID:291(db2syscs.exe)   TID:316   Appid:none
common_communication  sqlccspmconnmgr_listener   Probe:6 
DIA3103E Error encountered in APPC protocol support. APPC verb "APPC(DISPLAY 1 
BYTE)". Primary rc was "F004". Secondary rc was "00000000".

If such entries exist in your db2diag.log, and the time stamps match your most recent reboot time, you must:

  1. Invoke db2stop.
  2. Start the SnaServer service (if not already started).
  3. Invoke db2start.

Check the db2diag.log file again to verify that the entries are no longer appended.

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