Release Notes

30.10 Known Problems and Limitations

This section lists known limitations for DB2 OLAP Starter Kit.

Informix RDBMS Compatibility with Merant Drivers for Windows Platforms
In order for the Merant drivers for Windows platforms to work with the Informix RDBMS, the following two entries must be added to the PATH statement:

Both entries must be at the beginning of the PATH.

Possible Inconsistency Between Dimensions in OLAP Models and Associated Metaoutlines
Under certain conditions, you can create a dimension in a metaoutline that has no corresponding dimension in the OLAP model. This can occur in the following scenario:
  1. Create a new OLAP model and save it.
  2. Create a metaoutline based on the model but do not save the metaoutline.
  3. Return to the OLAP model and delete a dimension on which one of the metaoutline dimensions is based.
  4. Return to the metaoutline, save it, close it, and reopen it. The metaoutline will contain a dimension that does not have a corresponding dimension in the OLAP model.

The OLAP Starter Kit cannot distinguish between an inconsistent dimension created in this manner and a user-defined dimension in a metaoutline. Consequently, the inconsistent dimension will be displayed in the metaoutline, but the metaoutline regards it as a user-defined dimension since no corresponding dimension exists in the OLAP model.

On Windows 2000 Platforms, the Environment Variable Setting for TMP Causes Member and Data Loads to Fail
Because of a difference in the default system and user environment variable settings for TMP between Windows 2000 and Windows NT, member and data loads fail when the OLAP Starter Kit is running on Windows 2000 platforms. The resulting error message tells users that the temp file could not be created. You can work around this limitation on Windows 2000 by taking the following steps:
  1. Create a directory named C:\TEMP
  2. Set the environment variable TMP for both the system and the user to TMP=C:\TEMP

Installation of ODBC Does Not Replace Existing Merant Driver
The existing 3.6 Merant ODBC drivers will not be updated with this installation. If you are upgrading from the OLAP Starter Kit Version 7.1, fixpack 2 or earlier, you should continue using the previously-installed ODBC drivers

Using Merant Informix ODBC Drives on UNIX Platforms
To use the Merant Informix ODBC drivers on UNIX platforms, you must do one of the following:

Mixing service levels of OLAP clients and servers
IBM recommends that you keep both client and server components of the DB2 OLAP Starter Kit at the same version and fixpack level. But in some situations, you might be able to mix different service levels of client and server components:

Using clients and servers at different service levels within a version
IBM does not support, and recommends against, using newer clients with older servers. However, you might be able to use older clients with newer servers, although IBM does not support it. You might experience some problems. For example:
  • Messages from the server might be incorrect. You can work around this problem by upgrading the message.MDB file on the client to match the level on the server.
  • New server features do not work. The client, server, or both may fail when you attempt to use a new feature.
  • The client might not connect properly with the server.

Using multiple servers with a single client within a version
If you need to connect a client to several OLAP servers on different machines or operating systems, IBM recommends that you make them all the same version and service level. Your client should at least be at the same as the lowest level server. If you experience problems, you might need to use different client machines to match up with the appropriate host, or upgrade all clients and servers to the same service level.

Mixing clients and servers from different versions
IBM does not support using OLAP Starter Kit clients and servers from Version 7.1 with clients and servers from Version 7.2. When IBM OLAP products are upgraded to a new version level, there are often network updates and data format changes that require that the client and server be at the same version level.

Mixing IBM products (DB2 OLAP Starter Kit) with Hyperion products (Hyperion Essbase and Hyperion Integration Server)
IBM does not support mixing OLAP clients and servers from IBM with OLAP clients and servers from Hyperion Solutions. There are some differences in feature that may cause problems, even though mixing these components might work in some situations.

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