Release Notes

37.11 Data Source Administration

In Chapter 3, Using Query Administrator to Administer DB2 Query Patroller, there are some new and changed descriptions for the data source parameters.

Static Cost is the DB2 estimated cost of the query in timerons. This cost is stored in the job entry for each job. You can see it as the Estimated Cost when using Query Monitor to look at the job details of a job.

Zero Cost Query is the query with a static cost, or estimated cost, of zero. No query actually has an estimated cost of zero (even the very simplest ones have a cost of around 5). Rather, this occurs if a job is submitted with the do not do cost analysis option. You can only choose this option if you have set up the user profile to allow it. In most cases, you will not have your user profiles set up in this way. You should keep this option for superusers like other administrators, selected special users, or yourself. These users can then run whatever queries they want. The system treats queries from these users as zero cost so that the queries are treated as high priority.

Cost Time Zero, Cost Time Slope, Cost Time Interval, and Cost Time Min are no longer used.

The Cost Factor is the multiplier to convert the Static Cost in timerons is not the cost in the accounting table. The cost in the accounting table is equal to the Static Cost multiplied by the Cost Factor.

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