
36.6 New Parameters for dqpstart Command

In Chapter 2, Getting Started, under Starting and Stopping DB2 Query Patroller, the following text is to be added following the last paragraph:

New Parameters for the dqpstart command:

RESTART parameter:
Allows the user to replace the host name and/or the node type of the specified node in the dqpnodes.cfg file. DB2 Query Patroller will be started on this node.

Before running the DQPSTART command with the RESTART parameter, ensure the following:
  1. DB2 Query Patroller is already stopped on the host that is going to be replaced.
  2. DB2 Query Patroller is not already running on the new host.
The syntax is as follows:
dqpstart nodenum node_num restart hostname server | agent | none

ADDNODE parameter:
Allows the user to add a new node to the dqpnodes.cfg file. DB2 Query Patroller will be started on this node after the new node entry is added to the dqpnodes.cfg file. The syntax is as follows:
dqpstart nodenum node_num addnode hostname server | agent | none

DROPNODE parameter:
Allows the user to drop a node from the dqnodes.cfg file. DB2 Query Patroller will be stopped on this node before the node entry is dropped from the dqpnodes.cfg file. The syntax is as follows:
dqpstop nodenum node_num dropnode

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