
15.6 Chapter 3. Data Replication Scenario

15.6.1 复制方案

查看 DataPropagator Web 站点(http://www.ibm.com/software/data/dpropr/)的 Library 页,以了解另一异机种数据复制方案。遵循该方案中的步骤,将 AIX 上的 Oracle 数据库中的复制源表中的更改复制到 DB2 Windows NT 版上的数据库的目标表中。该方案使用“DB2 DataJoiner 复制管理”(DJRA)工具、Capture 触发器、Apply 程序和 DB2 DataJoiner。

在该书的第 44 页上的第 6 步中有关创建密码文件的指示信息应为如下所示:

Step 6: Create a password file

Because the Apply program needs to connect to the source server, you must create a password file for user authentication. Make sure that the user ID that will run the Apply program can read the password file.

To create a password file:

  1. From a Windows NT command prompt window, change to the C:\scripts directory.
  2. Create a new file in this directory called DEPTQUAL.PWD. You can create this file using any text editor, such as Notepad. The naming convention for the password file is applyqual.pwd; where applyqual is a case-sensitive string that must match the case and value of the Apply qualifier used when you created the subscription set. For this scenario, the Apply qualifier is DEPTQUAL.
    The filenaming convention from Version 5 of DB2 DataPropagator is also supported.
  3. The contents of the password file has the following format:
    SERVER=server USER=userid PWD=password  

    The name of the source, target, or control server, exactly as it appears in the subscription set table. For this scenario, these names are SAMPLE and COPYDB.

    The user ID that you plan to use to administer that particular database. This value is case-sensitive for Windows NT and UNIX operating systems.

    The password that is associated with that user ID. This value is case-sensitive for Windows NT and UNIX operating systems.
    Do not put blank lines or comment lines in this file. Add only the server-name, user ID, and password information.
  4. The contents of the password file should look similar to:
    SERVER=SAMPLE USER=subina PWD=subpw
    SERVER=COPYDB USER=subina PWD=subpw

有关 DB2 认证和安全性的更多信息,参考《IBM DB2 管理指南》

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