
|9.1 New Method for Specifying DMS containers on Windows 2000 and Later Systems

|DB2 now uses a new method to specify DMS raw table space containers on |Windows 2000 and later systems. Each basic disk partition or dynamic volume |is assigned a globally unique unique identifier (GUID) at creation time. This |GUID can be used as a device identifier when specifying the containers in |a tablespace definition. Because the GUIDs are unique across the system, |a multi-node configuration has unique GUID for each node, even if the disk |partition definitions are the same.

|A tool called db2listvolumes.exe has been |provided to help display the GUIDs for all the disk volumes defined on a Windows |system. The tool creates two files in the current directory that you run it. |One file, volumes.xml, contains information |about each disk volume. It is designed for easy viewing in any XML-enabled |browser. The other file, tablespace.ddl, contains |the required syntax for specifying the table space containers. Before you |use tablespace.ddl, you must update it to include |the remaining information needed for a table space definition.

|The db2listvolumes tool does not require any command-line arguments.

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