Release Notes (FixPak 3)

1Secure Windows environments

1You may experience file permission problems if you are using DB2 Universal 1Database on Windows and are not an administrator on the Windows system. 1If you receive a SQL1035N, SQL1652N, or SQL5005C error message, possible 1causes and workarounds are as follows:

1User does not have sufficient authority on the sqllib directory


1Received an SQL1035N or SQL1652N error when trying to open DB2 CLP or 1command window. The DB2 Universal Database code (core files) are 1installed into a directory structure where write privileges are limited, but 1some DB2 Universal Database tools need to write and create files in the 1DB2INSTPROF directory.

1Create a new directory where you can grant users, at minimum, the MODIFY 1permission and use either db2set -g db2tempdir to point to the new 1directory, or set the db2tempdir variable in the Windows system 1environment. 1

1User does not have sufficient authority to write to the 1sqllib\<instance_dir> directory even though user belongs to 1SYSADM_GROUP


1Received an SQL5005C system error when trying to update the database 1manager configuration file (update dbm cfg). The user does not have the 1required NTFS permissions to write to the sqllib\instance_dir 1directory even though you have added this user to the SYSADM_GROUP.

1First workaround

1Grant the users, at minimum, the MODIFY permission on the 1instance_dir directory at the file system level.

1Second workaround
1Create a new directory where you can grant the user, at minimum, the 1MODIFY permission. Use the db2set db2instprof to point to 1the new directory. You will either need to recreate the instance so 1that the information is stored under the new instance directory specified by 1db2instprof, or you will need to move the old instance directory to the new 1directory. 1

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