Release Notes (FixPak 3)

Federated systems restrictions

For users of DB2 Universal Database for UNIX and Windows Version 7.2 federated databases

To successfully create nicknames for DB2 Universal Database for UNIX and Windows Version 8 tables and views, you must apply the DB2 Universal Database for UNIX and Windows Version 7.2 Fixpak 8 on your DB2 Universal Database for UNIX and Windows Version 7.2 federated database. If you do not apply Fixpak 8 on your DB2 Universal Database for UNIX and Windows Version 7.2 federated database, an error will occur when you access the nicknames.


The federated documentation indicates that the LONG VARCHAR and LONG VARGRAPHIC data types used by the DB2 family of products are unsupported. This is not entirely accurate. You can create nicknames for DB2 Universal Database for UNIX and Windows data source objects that contain LONG VARCHAR and LONG VARGRAPHIC data type columns. These remote columns will be mapped to DB2 Universal Database for UNIX and Windows LOB data types. For the other DB2 family of products, you can create a view that omits or recasts these data types and then create a nickname for the view.

WITH HOLD cursors

1You can use the WITH HOLD semantics on a cursor that is defined on a 1nickname or in a PASSTHRU session. However, you will receive an error 1if you try to use the semantics (with a COMMIT) and the data source does not 1support the WITH HOLD semantics.

Data sources

3Previously unsupported data sources are supported as of Version 38.1.2 using DB2 Information Integrator relational and 3nonrelational wrappers. For a full list of supported data sources, see 3the DB2 Information Center for DB2 Information Integrator: Product 3Overview > Federated systems - overview > Data sources > Supported 3data sources

Support for DB2 Universal Database Server for VM and VSE

Federated support for DB2 Universal Database Server for VM and VSE has been added in Version 8.1.2.

Product support

3Previously unsupported products are now supported through 3Information Integrator: 3

Unsupported operating systems

Federated systems are not supported on the Windows ME operating system.

Setting up the federated server to access data sources

The COMPACT installation option does not install the necessary access to the DB2 family or Informix(TM) data sources. You must use the TYPICAL or CUSTOM installation to access the DB2 family data sources. The CUSTOM installation option is the only option you can use to install access to both the DB2 family and the Informix data sources.

3Update federated database in order to create wrapper

3If you are using a federated database with DB2 Universal Database Version 38.1.2 that was created using DB2 Universal Database Version 38.1 or DB2 Universal Database Version 8.1 FixPak 1, you must 3update your federated database using the db2updv8 command.


3                               '--u--userid---p--password-'

3If you do not update your database to Version 8.1.2, you will 3get one of the following error messages when you try to create a wrapper from 3the Federated Database Objects folder in the Control Center: 3

Cataloging DB2 family data sources in the federated system database directory

When the name of the remote database is more than 8 characters, it is necessary to create a database connection services (DCS) directory entry.

An example of cataloging an entry in the DCS directory for the database using the CATALOG DCS DATABASE command is:



Is the name of the remote database you entered in the CATALOG DATABASE command.

Is the name of the target host database that you want to catalog.

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