Release Notes (FixPak 3)

3Application Development Guide: Programming Client Applications


3Generated columns

3Location in the DB2 Information Center accessed from a browser
3Concepts -> Application development -> General 3application programming. This topic was last updated at DB2 Version 38.1.

3Location in PDF and printed manuals
3Book Title: IBM DB2 Universal Database Application 3Development Guide: Programming Client Applications
3Chapter Title: Common DB2 Application Techniques

3The example CREATE TABLE statement should have a data type defined for the 3fourth column (c4). The statement is changed to the following:
3                   c3 DOUBLE GENERATED ALWAYS AS (c1 + c2),
3                   c4 SMALLINT GENERATED ALWAYS AS 
3                     (CASE
3                        WHEN c1 > c2 THEN 1 
3                        ELSE NULL
3                      END)
3                  );

3Identity columns

3Location in the DB2 Information Center accessed from a browser
3Concepts -> Application development -> General 3application programming. This topic was last updated at DB2 Version 38.1.

3Location in PDF and printed manuals
3Book Title: IBM DB2 Universal Database Application 3Development Guide: Programming Client Applications
3Chapter Title: Common DB2 Application Techniques

3Identity columns in a table cannot be changed with the ALTER TABLE 3statement. In this topic's opening paragraph, the closing sentence 3is changed to the following: To create an identity column, include the 3IDENTITY clause in the CREATE TABLE. 3

3Limitations for ADO applications

3Location in the DB2 Information Center accessed from a browser
3Concepts -> Application development -> APIs (application 3programming interfaces) -> Windows -> IBM OLE DB Provider 3-> Supported Applications -> ADO. This topic was last 3updated at DB2 Version 8.1.

3Location in PDF and printed manuals
3Book Title: IBM DB2 Universal Database Application 3Development Guide: Programming Client Applications
3Chapter Title: Writing Applications Using the IBM OLE
3DB Provider for Web Services

3The following limitations for ADO applications are added: 3
  • 3When inserting a new row using a server-side scrollable cursor, use the 3AddNew() method with the Fieldlist and Values arguments. This is more 3efficient than calling AddNew() with no arguments and with Update() calls for 3each column. Each AddNew() and Update() call is a separate request to 3the server and therefore, is less efficient than a single call to 3AddNew().
  • 3Newly inserted rows are not updateable with a server-side scrollable 3cursor.
  • 3Tables with long data type, LOB, or Datalink columns are not updateable 3when using a server-side scrollable cursor. 3

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