Release Notes (FixPak 3)

3The Simplified Chinese locale on Red Hat V8 operating systems

3Red Hat version 8 has changed the default code set for Simplified Chinese 3from GBK (code page 1386) to GB18030 (code page 5488 or 1392).

3Since DB2 Universal Database for Linux supports the GBK code set natively 3and the GB18030 code set via Unicode, DB2 Universal Database will default its 3code set to ISO 8859-1 (code page 819), and in some operations will also 3default its territory to the United States (US).

3To work around this limitation, you have two options: 3

3If you choose to use the first option, issue the following 3statements:

3db2set DB2CODEPAGE=1386
3db2set DB2TERRITORY=86
3db2 terminate

3If you choose to use the second option, issue any one of the following 3commands:

3export LANG=zh_CN.gbk
3export LANG=zh_CN
3export LANG=zh_CN.utf8

3where the code set associated with zh_CN is eucCN or code page 1383, and 3with zh_CN.utf8 is code page 1208.

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