Release Notes

|38.2 Additional Notes for Distributing Compiled SQL Procedures

|On UNIX systems, ensure that the instance owner (i.e., the |user under which the DB2 engine executes) and the owner of the |$DB2PATH/adm/.fenced file belong to the same primary |group. Alternatively, each of these two users should belong to the |other's primary group.

|If a GET ROUTINE or a PUT ROUTINE operation (or their corresponding |procedure) fails to execute successfully, it will always return an error |(SQLSTATE 38000), along with diagnostic text providing information about the |cause of the failure. For example, if the procedure name provided to |GET ROUTINE does not identify an SQL procedure, diagnostic "100, 02000" text |will be returned, where "100" and "02000" are the SQLCODE and SQLSTATE, |respectively, that identify the cause of the problem. The SQLCODE and |SQLSTATE in this example indicate that the row specified for the given |procedure name was not found in the catalog tables.

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