Release Notes IBM DB2 Connect Release Notes Version 6 © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2002. All rights reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule contract with IBM Corp. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table of Contents Welcome to DB2 Connect Version 6.1! 1.0 The Client Configuration Assistant (CCA) Does Not Support DDCS Version 2.4 Configuration Profiles 2.0 Password Encryption Support with DB2 for OS/390 3.0 Connection Pooling 4.0 DB2CONNECT_IN_APP_PROCESS (New Profile Registry Variable for DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition) 5.0 Integrated SNA Support (DB2 Connect Personal Edition) 6.0 Bidirectional CCSID Support 7.0 Incorrect Information about Java Applets in the DB2 Connect Personal Edition Quick Beginnings Book ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to DB2 Connect Version 6.1! This file contains information about the following products that was not available when the DB2 manuals were printed: IBM DB2 Connect Personal Edition, Version 6.1 IBM DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition, Version 6.1 A separate Release Notes file, installed as RELEASE.TXT, is provided for the following products: IBM DB2 Universal Database Satellite Edition, Version 6.1 IBM DB2 Universal Database Personal Edition, Version 6.1 IBM DB2 Universal Database Workgroup Edition, Version 6.1 IBM DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Edition, Version 6.1 IBM DB2 Data Links Manager for AIX, Version 6.1 IBM DB2 Data Links Manager for Windows NT, Version 6.1 IBM DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for AIX, Version 6.1 IBM DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for Windows NT, Version 6.1 IBM DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition for the Solaris Operating Environment, Version 6.1 IBM DB2 Query Patroller for AIX, Version 6.1 IBM DB2 Query Patroller for the Solaris Operating Environment, Version 6.1 IBM DB2 Personal Developer's Edition, Version 6.1 IBM DB2 Universal Developer's Edition, Version 6.1 The What's New book contains both an overview of some of the major DB2 enhancements for Version 6.1, and a detailed description of these new features and enhancements. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.0 The Client Configuration Assistant (CCA) Does Not Support DDCS Version 2.4 Configuration Profiles The Client Configuration Assistant (CCA) no longer supports DDCS Version 2.4 configuration profiles; that is, configuration profiles exported using DDCS Version 2.4 cannot be imported by CCA Version 6. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.0 Password Encryption Support with DB2 for OS/390 You must install the fix for this APAR to enable password encryption in DB2 for OS/390: APAR PQ21252: DRDA4 Password encryption server support. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0 Connection Pooling You must install the fix for one of these DB2 for OS/390 APARs to enable DB2 Connect connection pooling: APAR PQ24584: Enhances DB2/390 V5.1 servers to support DB2 Connect connection pooling. APAR PQ26179: Enhances DB2/390 V6.1 servers to support DB2 Connect connection pooling. Type 2 connections that use SNA to connect will not be pooled. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.0 DB2CONNECT_IN_APP_PROCESS (New Profile Registry Variable for DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition) A new profile registry variable, DB2CONNECT_IN_APP_PROCESS, has been added for DB2 Connect EE. The default setting is TRUE. When set to FALSE, local applications that connect to a host or AS/400 from the DB2 Connect EE server will pass through the DB2 Connect server. This allows these local applications to take advantage of both the system monitoring and sysplex exploitation features of the DB2 Connect EE server. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.0 Integrated SNA Support (DB2 Connect Personal Edition) DB2 Connect Personal Edition ships with the "integrated SNA stack", which is IBM eNetwork Personal Communications Access Feature Version 4.3 (PComm) bundled with the product; in pre-Version 6 releases, the integrated stack was Wall Data's RUMBA. If there is no other SNA product on your machine, the install should be seamless. If you are installing DB2 Connect Personal Edition Version 6.1 over an older version, or over DDCS Personal Edition Version 2.4, the install script will attempt to replace your old integrated SNA support (RUMBA), if one exists, with PComm. If the install script fails to end a running RUMBA process and does not uninstall RUMBA, try running the install script again. If this does not work, try terminating RUMBA processes through the Windows NT Task Manager or, if necessary, rebooting the machine. If you have another SNA product installed in addition to RUMBA (for example, Microsoft SNA Server), it will not be able to reside on the system with PComm. In this case, you would normally choose not to use integrated SNA support; but if you do, you will need to uninstall the conflicting SNA product, and run the DB2 Connect Personal Edition install again. Following are known limitations: * If the RUMBA configuration is converted to the PComm configuration by the DB2 Connect Personal Edition install program, PComm is set to start automatically during reboot on Windows NT only. If you have a default local LU (LLU) that is different from your control point (CP), the environment variable APPCLLU is also set by the install program. Issue "set APPCLLU" to verify the setting. * If you choose to install integrated SNA support on a machine that previously had no SNA support, you must use the Client Configuration Assistant (CCA) to configure integrated SNA support. If you want to start the integrated SNA support automatically during reboot on Windows NT only, issue "csstart -a". For help, issue "csstart -h". Note that the PComm configuration can be found in x:\program files\personal communications\private\db2pcomm.acg, where x is the drive on which PComm is installed. * If you want to use an LLU that is different from your CP, and the environment variable APPCLLU has not been set, you must temporarily set it by issuing "set APPCLLU=YOURLLU", where YOURLLU is your LLU. Alternatively, you can permanently set it by choosing Start->Setting->Control Panel->System->Environment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.0 Bidirectional CCSID Support Following are important considerations specific to handling Arabic data when sent to or from the host: * If the host contains "legacy data", retrieving a string containing the Arabic "lam-alef" character that is NOT followed by a space will be seen on the client side as a substitute character (hexadecimal code point 0x1A for Windows code pages, 0x7F for OS/2 code pages, and 0x3F for EBCDIC code pages). On Windows operating systems, this character appears as a small box in some Arabic fonts, and as the Arabic "Dad" in other Arabic fonts. * DB2 Connect supports exchanging data between Arabic Windows clients and DB2 databases containing data entered on left to right screens only (a screen orientation in which the tab key moves the cursor from left to right). In the case of exchanging data with right to left host applications, data transformation should be handled at the application level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.0 Incorrect Information about Java Applets in the DB2 Connect Personal Edition Quick Beginnings Book The information in the "Java Applets" subsection of the "Running Java Programs" section does not apply to the Personal Edition of the DB2 Connect product.