Release Notes (version 8.1.2)

Data Warehouse Center down-level server support restrictions

The following limitations exist for down-level server support for DB2 Enterprise Server Edition Version 8 Data Warehouse Center:

Large Object (LOB) support

SNA support
If you use SNA to connect to your warehouse sources and targets, you must change the configuration to be TCP/IP over SNA, or use the Windows NT(R) warehouse agent.

Support for EXPORT and LOAD utilities
When you upgrade your warehouse agent, you must also upgrade your source target databases, or replace the EXPORT and LOAD utilities in your warehouse processes with SQL Select and Insert steps. SQL Select and Insert steps use a DELETE* command followed by SELECT and INSERT commands. SQL Select and Insert steps require the database to log all transactions. As a result, the performance for SQL Select and Insert steps is not as efficient as it is for EXPORT and LOAD utilities.

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