Net.Data for Solaris Version 2.0.8 README Contents --------------- * Net.Data Web Home Page * Software and Hardware Requirements * What new V2 features are supported on this platform? * Net.Data Installation * Net.Data Configuration * Developing Net.Data Applications * Questions? Comments? Net.Data Web Home Page ---------------------- Net.Data's home page is This site contains documentation, demos, and other relevant information. We recommend that you check this site to get the latest information. Software and Hardware Requirements ---------------------------------- See the README.TXT file on this CDROM or go the the website at What new V2 features are supported on this platform? ---------------------------------------------------- Please refer to the Net.Data Web site at or review the README.TXT file on this CDROM. Net.Data Installation --------------------- If you have installed the previous version of Net.Data, un-install it first. Net.Data is distributed as a tar file. Please note the tar file consists of all the message catalog files for the languages supported on this platform. You will need to select the appropriate message catalog in the d2wmsg directory for the language of your choice. Store this tar file in your installation directory, , and use 'tar' command to extract this file. tar -xvf NDSOLV2.tar When you extract the tar file, you will see following sub-directories: : Net.Data CGI executable program or : Net.Data NSAPI shared libraries : Net.Data db2www.ini file : Net.Data executable and a configuration files for live connection : Net.Data runtime shared libraries : Net.Data template macro file, 'template.d2w' : Net.Data message catalog file : Net.Data SQL assist files : Net.Data Studio SmartGuides To be able to complete installation, PAY CAREFUL ATTENTION TO THESE TWO FILES: 1. /cgi-bin/db2www: move/copy this Net.Data CGI executable file to your Web Server CGI directory. 2. /docs/db2www.ini: move/copy this Net.Data initialization file to your Web Server document root directory. Net.Data Configuration ---------------------- Customizing the Net.Data Initialization File -------------------------------------------- Configuration information for Net.Data is in the file 'db2www.ini'. Modify this configuration file appropriately to comply with your system environment. Refer to the Net.Data Administration and Programming Guide when you need information on the configuration values. Configuring live Connection --------------------------- The Live Connection configuration file, 'dtwcm.cnf', is located in the 'connect' subdirectory in the Net.Data installation directory. The Net.Data Administration and Programming Guide describes the entries in the configuration file. The configuration file is initially configured for database SAMPLE DB. Change all occurences of SAMPLE DB to the name of your database. The other default entries will work in most environments. After updating the configuration files, Live Connection can be started by simply typing 'dtwcm' in the 'connect' subdirectory. Type CONTROL-c to stop Live Connection. Configuring NSAPI ----------------- All necessary files are installed into /ns_api directory. The following steps are necessary to enable Net.Data's NSAPI support: 1. Stop the Web server. 2. Move files into the appropriate Web server directory. The files '', '', '', and '' need to be moved from the NSAPI directory to the Web server's httpd directory. Normally this directory is: /opt/netscape/server/bin/httpd. 3. Modify the Web server configuration files. Normally these files are located at /opt/ns-home/https-host/config where "host" is the name of your computer. Please make the following updates: File Changes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- obj.conf Add the following line: Init fn="load-modules" shlib=/opt/ns-home/bin/https/ funcs="dtw_nsapi" obj.conf Add to the Services directives: Service fn="dtw_nsapi" method="(GET|HEAD|POST)" type="magnus-internal/d2w" mime.types Add this type: type=magnus-internal/d2w exts=d2w 4. Move the Net.Data macro files into the Web server's document directory. Normally this directory is /opt/ns-home/docs 5. Modify the Net.Data initialization file, "db2www.ini". The MACRO_PATH should specify the Web server's document directory (see previous step). 6. Change the URLs to invoke Net.Data macro files. To use Net.Data's NSAPI support instead of the standard CGI, the "cgi-bin/db2www" part of the URL needs to be removed. For example, a macro that was invoked with the URL now needs to be invoked with the following URL: 7. Restart the Web server. Note!!!: -------- On Solaris, the limitation of Netscape Server is not be able to pick up your lib-path environment variables. To make sure your Web server know where Net.Data DLLs are, before starting your web server, add this line to your 'obj.conf' file: Init fn="init-cgi" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/ns_api" then restart the Web server Developing Net.Data Applications -------------------------------- The information necessary to write Net.Data applications is provided in the Net.Data Application and Programming Guide. The Net.Data home page has macro samples to help you get started. Also, a template macro file (template.d2w) is placed in the macro subdirectory in your installation directory. Questions? Comments? -------------------- Please report problems or defects to IBM service and support. The Net.Data Forum can be reached from the Net.Data support page at This forum is available to customers who wish to discuss Net.Data among users of the product. *** Solaris is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.