
14.6 Chapter 3. Load

14.6.1 Pending States After a Load Operation

The first two sentences in the last paragraph in this section have been changed to the following:

The fourth possible state associated with the load process (check pending state) pertains to referential and check constraints, DATALINKS constraints, AST constraints, or generated column constraints. For example, if an existing table is a parent table containing a primary key referenced by a foreign key in a dependent table, replacing data in the parent table places both tables (not the table space) in check pending state.

14.6.2 Load Restrictions and Limitations

The following restrictions apply to generated columns and the load utility:

14.6.3 totalfreespace File Type Modifier

The totalfreespace file type modifier (LOAD) has been modified to accept a value between 0 and 2 147 483 647.

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