Release Notes (version 8.1.2)

Restrictions for the Clean Data transformer

Linking restrictions

You cannot link any OS/390 data resources such as tables or views with a new Clean Data step. You can still link OS/390 data resources with the deprecated programs Clean Data step.

Parameter restrictions

For the Find and Replace parameter: If your new Clean Data transformer rules table contains different data types for the Find and Replace columns, you must change the Target column data type in both the Target Table properties page and the Column Mapping page before you promote the transformer to test mode.

For the Discretize parameter: If your new Clean Data rules table contains different data types for the Bounds and Replace columns, you must change the Target column data type in both the Target Table properties page and the Column Mapping page before you promote the transformer to test mode.

iSeries platform restrictions

On the iSeries platform, the new Clean Data transformer does not perform error processing. You can generate the All Matches match type only on the iSeries platform.

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