
|12.2 db2updv7 - Update Database to Version 7 Current Fix Level

|This command updates the system catalogs in a database to support the current |FixPak in the following ways: |



|Required Connection
|Database. This command automatically establishes a connection to the |specified database.

|Command Syntax
|                                '--u--userid---p--password-'
|   '--h-'

|Command Parameters

|-d database-name
|Specifies the name of the database to be updated.

|-u userid
|Specifies the user ID.

|-p password
|Specifies the password for the user.

|Displays help information. When this option is specified, all other |options are ignored, and only the help information is displayed. |

|After installing the FixPak, update the system catalog in the sample |database by issuing the following command:
|db2updv7 -d sample

|Usage Notes
|This tool can only be used on a database running DB2 Version 7.1 or |Version 7.2 with at least FixPak 2 installed. If the command is issued more |than once, no errors are reported and each of the catalog updates is applied |only once.

|To enable the new built-in functions, all applications must |disconnect from this database and the database must be deactivated if it has |been activated. |

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