
8.3 Appendix E. National Language Support (NLS)

|8.3.1 Country/Region Code and Code Page Support:

|In the table of Supported Languages and Code Sets, code page 5488 is also |known as GB 18030, and code page 1394 is also known as ShiftJIS X0213.

|8.3.2 Import/Export/Load Considerations -- Restrictions for Code Pages 1394 and 5488

|Data in code pages 1394 (ShiftJIS X0213) and 5488 (GB 18030) can be moved |into a Unicode database using the load or import utilities. The export utility |can be used to move data from a Unicode database to a data file in code pages |1394 and 5488.

|Only connections between a Unicode client and a Unicode server are supported, |so you need to use either a Unicode client or set the DB2 registry variable |DB2CODEPAGE to 1208 prior to using the load, import, or export utilities.

|Con版本 from code page 1394 or 5488 to Unicode may result in expansion. |For example, a 2-byte character may be stored as two 16-bit Unicode characters |in the GRAPHIC columns. You need to ensure the target columns in the Unicode |database are wide enough to contain any expanded Unicode byte.

|8.3.3 Datetime Values

| String Representations of Datetime Values


|Values whose data types are DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP are represented in |an internal form that is transparent to the SQL user. Dates, times, and time |stamps can also, however, be represented by strings, and these representations |directly concern the SQL user because there are no constants or variables |whose data types are DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP. Thus, to be retrieved, a datetime |value must be assigned to a string variable. The string representation is |normally the default format of datetime values associated with the country/region |code of the client, unless overridden by specification of the DATETIME format |option when the program is precompiled or bound to the database.

|When a valid string representation of a datetime value is used in an operation |with an internal datetime value, the string representation is converted to |the internal form of the date, time, or time stamp before the operation is |performed. Valid string representations of datetime values are defined in |the following sections.

Graphic string representations of datetime values are supported |only in Unicode databases. |

| Date Strings


|A string representation of a date is a string that starts with a digit |and has a length of at least 8 characters. Trailing blanks may be included; |leading zeros may be omitted from the month part and the day part of the date.

|The table "Formats for String Representations of Dates" remains unchanged.

| Time Strings


|A string representation of a time is a string that starts with a digit |and has a length of at least 4 characters. Trailing blanks may be included; |a leading zero may be omitted from the hour part of the time, and seconds |may be omitted entirely. If you choose to omit seconds, an implicit specification |of 0 seconds is assumed. Thus, 13:30 is equivalent to 13:30:00.

|The table "Formats for String Representations of Times" remains unchanged.

| Time Stamp Strings


|A string representation of a time stamp is a string that starts with a |digit and has a length of at least 16 characters. The complete string representation |of a time stamp has the form yyyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.ss.nnnnnn. Trailing blanks may be included; leading zeros may be omitted from |the month, day, or hour part of the time stamp, and microseconds may be truncated |or omitted entirely. If you choose to omit any digit of the microseconds part, |an implicit specification of 0 is assumed. Thus, 1991-3-2-8.30.00 is |equivalent to 1991-03-02-

| Character Set Considerations

|Date and time stamp strings must contain only characters and digits.

| Date and Time Formats

|The string representation of date and time formats is the default format |of datetime values associated with the country/region code of the application. |This default format can be overridden by specifying the DATETIME format option |when the program is precompiled or bound to the database.

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