Release Notes

29.3 Using the OS/390 Agent to Run a Trillium Batch System JCL

The OS/390 agent now supports the Trillium Batch System user-defined program that is created from the Data Warehouse Import Metadata notebook. Previously, to run a Trillium Batch System JCL file, you had to use the Windows, AIX, or Solaris Operating Environment agent to run the JCL remotely. With this update, you can start the JCL with the OS/390 agent.

When you create the Trillium Batch System user-defined program step using the Import Metadata notebook for the Trillium Batch System, you must select Remote host as your connection for the OS/390 agent, even when the JCL is on the same system as the agent. All parameters for the Remote host connection must be entered.

After you create the Trillium Batch System user-defined program step, use the Properties notebook of the Trillium Batch System step to change the agent site to the OS/390 agent site that you want to use.

If the name of the JCL or the output error file contains any blanks or parentheses, you must enclose them in double quotation marks when you enter them into the Script or JCL, or Output error file fields.

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