Release Notes

4.16 Stopping DB2 Processes Before Upgrading a Previous Version of DB2

This information refers to the migration information in your DB2 for Windows Quick Beginnings book.

If you are upgrading a previous version of DB2 that is running on your Windows machine, the installation program provides a warning containing a list of processes that are holding DB2 DLLs in memory. At this point, you have the option to manually stop the processes that appear in that list, or you can let the installation program shut down these processes automatically. It is recommended that you manually stop all DB2 processes before installing to avoid loss of data. The best way to ensure that DB2 processes are not running is to view your system's processes through the Windows Services panel. In the Windows Services panel, ensure that there are no DB2 services, OLAP services, or Data warehouse services running.

You can only have one version of DB2 running on Windows platforms at any one time. For example, you cannot have DB2 Version 7 and DB2 Version 6 running on the same Windows machine. If you install DB2 Version 7 on a machine that has DB2 Version 6 installed, the installation program will delete DB2 Version 6 during the installation. Refer to the appropriate Quick Beginnings manual for more information on migrating from previous versions of DB2.

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