Release Notes

6.8 Accessing Informix Data Sources (new chapter)

Before you add Informix data sources to a DB2 federated server, you need to install and configure the Informix Client SDK software on the federated server. See the installation procedures in the documentation that comes with Informix database software for specific details on how to install the Client SDK software. As part of the installation, make sure that you include the Informix Client SDK libraries.

To set up your federated server to access data stored on Informix data sources, you need to:

  1. Install DB2 Relational Connect. See 6.3.3, Installing DB2 Relational Connect.
  2. Apply the latest DB2 FixPak.
  3. Add Informix data sources to your federated server.

This chapter discusses step 3.

The instructions in this chapter apply to AIX, Solaris Operating Environment, and HP-UX operating systems. Specific operating system differences are noted where they occur.

6.8.1 Adding Informix Data Sources to a Federated Server

To add a Informix data source to a federated server, you need to:

  1. Set the environment variables and update the profile registry.
  2. Link DB2 to the Informix client software.
  3. Recycle the DB2 instance.
  4. Create the Informix sqlhosts file.
  5. Create the wrapper.
  6. Optional: Set the DB2_DJ_COMM environment variable.
  7. Create a server.
  8. Create a user mapping.
  9. Create nicknames for tables, views and Informix synonyms.

These steps are explained in detail in this section. Step 1: Set the environment variables and update the profile registry

Set data source environment variables by modifying the db2dj.ini file and issuing the db2set command. The db2dj.ini file contains configuration information about the Informix client software installed on your federated server. The db2set command updates the DB2 profile registry with your settings.

In a partitioned database system, you can use a single db2dj.ini file for all nodes in a particular instance, or you can use a unique db2dj.ini file for one or more nodes in a particular instance. A nonpartitioned database system can have only one db2dj.ini file per instance.

To set the environment variables:

  1. Edit the db2dj.ini file located in the sqllib/cfg directory, and set the following environment variables:
    |You can create this file yourself if it is not already on the |system. |


    Set the INFORMIXDIR environment variable to the path for the directory where the Informix Client SDK software is installed; for example:



    This variable identifies the name of the default Informix server.


    Note: Although the Informix wrapper does not use the value of this variable, the Informix client requires that this variable be set. The wrapper uses the value of the node server option, which specifies the Informix database server that you want to access.


    If you are using the default path for the Informix sqlhosts file ($INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts), you do not need to set this variable. However, if you are using a path for the Informix sqlhosts file other than the default, then you need to set this variable to the full path name of the Informix sqlhosts file. For example:

  2. Update the .profile file of the DB2 instance with the Informix environment variables. You can do this by issuing the following commands to set and export each variable:
    export PATH
    export INFORMIXDIR

    where informix_client_path is the path on the federated server for the directory where the Informix client is installed. Use double quotes (") around the path if a name in the path contains a blank.

  3. Execute the DB2 instance .profile by entering:
    . .profile
  4. Issue the db2set command to update the DB2 profile registry with your changes. The syntax of this command, db2set, is dependent upon your database system structure. This step is only necessary if you are using the db2dj.ini file in any of the following database system structures:

    If you are using the db2dj.ini file in a nonpartitioned database system, or if you want the db2dj.ini file to apply to the current node only, issue:

    db2set DB2_DJ_INI=sqllib/cfg/db2dj.ini 
    |The pathnames in this section should be fully qualified. For |example, my_home/my_instance/sqllib/cfg/db2dj.ini |

    If you are using the db2dj.ini file in a partitioned database system, and you want the values in the db2dj.ini file to apply to all nodes within this instance, issue:

    db2set -g DB2_DJ_INI=sqllib/cfg/db2dj.ini

    If you are using the db2dj.ini file in a partitioned database system, and you want the values in the db2dj.ini file to apply to a specific node, issue:

    db2set -i INSTANCEX 3 DB2_DJ_INI=sqllib/cfg/node3.ini 


    Is the name of the instance.

    Is the node number as listed in the db2nodes.cfg file.

    Is the modified and renamed version of the db2dj.ini file. Step 2: Link DB2 to Informix client software

To enable access to Informix data sources, the DB2 federated server must be link-edited to the client libraries. The link-edit process creates a wrapper library for each data source with which the federated server will communicate. When you run the djxlinkInformix script you create the Informix wrapper library. To issue the djxlinkInformix script, type:


|The djxlinkInformix script only creates the Informix wrapper |library. There is another script, the djxlink script that attempts to |create a wrapper library for every data source that DB2 Universal Database |supports (Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, etc.). If you only have |the client software for some of the data sources installed, you will receive |an error message for each of the missing data sources when you issue the |djxlink script.

|You need UNIX Systems Administrator (root) authorization to run the |djxlinkInformix and djxlink scripts.

|The djxlinkInformix and djxlink scripts write detailed error and warning |messages to a specific file, depending on the operating system. For |example, on AIX, the djxlinkInformix script writes to |/usr/lpp/db2_07_01/lib/djxlinkInformix.out and the djxlink |script writes to /usr/lpp/db2_07_01/lib/djxlink.out.

|The djxlinkInformix and djxlink scripts create the wrapper library in a |specific directory, depending on the operating system. For example, on |AIX, the libinformix.a wrapper library is created in the |/usr/lpp/db2_07_01/lib directory.

|Check the permissions on the libinformix.a wrapper library after it |is created to make sure that it can be read and executed by DB2 instance |owners. If the DB2 instance owners are not in the System group, then |permissions on the libinformix.a wrapper library will need to be |-rwxr-xr-x root system...libinformix.a. | Step 3: Recycle the DB2 instance

To ensure that the environment variables are set in the program, recycle the DB2 instance. When you recycle the instance, you refresh the DB2 instance to accept the changes that you made.

Issue the following commands to recycle the DB2 instance:

On DB2 for AIX, Solaris Operating Environment, and HP-UX servers:

| Step 4: Create the Informix sqlhosts file

|The file specifies the location of each Informix database server and the |type of connection (protocol) for the database server. There are |several ways to create this file. You can copy it from another system |that has Informix Connect or Informix Client SDK connected to an Informix |server. You can also configure the Informix Client SDK on the DB2 |server to connect to an Informix server, which creates the sqlhosts |file.

|After the sqlhosts file is copied or created, the DB2 instance owner should |use Informix dbaccess (if it is on the DB2 server) to connect to and query the |Informix server. This will establish that the Informix Client SDK is |able to connect to the Informix server before you try to configure DB2 |Relational Connect to work with the Informix Client SDK.

|For more information on setting up this file, refer to the Informix manual Administrators Guide for Informix Dynamic Server.


If you do not define the Informix database server name in the sqlhosts file, then when you perform an operation that requires connecting to the Informix database server, you will receive an error. Step 5: Create the wrapper

Use the CREATE WRAPPER statement to specify the wrapper that will be used to access Informix data sources. Wrappers are mechanisms that federated servers use to communicate with and retrieve data from data sources. The following example shows a CREATE WRAPPER statement:


where informix is the wrapper_name; informix is the default wrapper name used with Informix Client SDK software.

You can substitute the default wrapper name with a name that you choose. However, if you do so, you must also include the LIBRARY parameter and the name of the wrapper library for your federated server in the CREATE WRAPPER statement. See the CREATE WRAPPER statement in the DB2 SOL Reference for more information about wrapper library names.

The wrapper library names for Informix are: Step 6: Optional: Set the DB2_DJ_COMM environment variable

To improve performance when the Informix data source is accessed, set the DB2_DJ_COMM environment variable on the Federated server. This variable determines whether a wrapper is loaded when the Federated server initializes. Set the DB2_DJ_COMM environment variable to include the wrapper library that corresponds to the wrapper that you specified in the previous step. If you are using the Korn shell or Bourne shell command line interfaces, use these export commands:

On DB2 for AIX servers:
export DB2_DJ_COMM

On DB2 for Solaris Operating Environment servers:
export DB2_DJ_COMM

On DB2 for HP-UX servers:
export DB2_DJ_COMM

Ensure that there are no spaces on either side of the equal sign (=).

If you are using the C shell command line interface, set the environment variables using these commands:

setenv DB2_DJ_COMM 'libinformix.a' (DB2 for AIX servers)
setenv DB2_DJ_COMM '' (DB2 for Solaris Operating Environment servers)
setenv DB2_DJ_COMM '' (DB2 for HP--UX servers)

Refer to the DB2 SQL Reference for more information about wrapper library names and the DB2_DJ_COMM environment variable. Step 7: Create the server

Use the CREATE SERVER statement to define each Informix server whose data sources you want to access. The syntax for this statement is:

CREATE SERVER server_name TYPE server_type VERSION server_version
	WRAPPER wrapper_name
OPTIONS (NODE 'node_name', DBNAME 'database_name')


|Is a name you assign to the Informix database server. This name |must be unique and not duplicate any other server_name defined in the |federated database. The server_name must not be the same as the name of |any table space in the federated database.

TYPE server_type
Specifies the type of data source to which you are configuring access.
|For the Informix wrapper, the server_type must be informix. |

VERSION server_version
Is the version of Informix database server that you want to access. The supported Informix versions are 5, 7, 8, and 9.

WRAPPER wrapper_name
Is the name you specified in the CREATE WRAPPER statement.

NODE 'node_name'
Is the name of the node where the server_name resides. The node_name must be defined in the Informix sqlhosts file (see step 4). Although the node_name is specified as an option in the CREATE SERVER SQL statement, it is required for Informix data sources. This value is case-sensitive. See the DB2 SQL Reference for information on additional options.

DBNAME 'database_name'
Is the name of the Informix database that you want to access.

The following is an example of the CREATE SERVER statement:

CREATE SERVER asia TYPE informix VERSION 9 WRAPPER informix 
OPTIONS (NODE 'abc', DBNAME 'sales')

The FOLD_ID and FOLD_PW server options affect whether the wrapper folds the user ID and password to uppercase or lowercase before sending them to Informix. An example of the CREATE SERVER statement with the FOLD_ID and FOLD_PW server options is:

CREATE SERVER asia TYPE informix VERSION 9 WRAPPER informix 
OPTIONS (NODE 'abc', DBNAME 'sales', FOLD_ID 'U', FOLD_PW 'U') Step 8: Create a user mapping

If a user ID or password on the DB2 Federated server is different from a user ID or password on an Informix data source, use the CREATE USER MAPPING statement to map the local user ID to the user ID and password defined at the Informix data source; for example:

CREATE USER MAPPING FOR local_userid SERVER server_name 
OPTIONS (REMOTE_AUTHID 'remode_userid', REMOTE_PASSWORD 'remote_password')


Is the local user ID that you are mapping to a user ID defined at an Informix data source.

SERVER server_name
Is the name of the Informix data source that you defined in the CREATE SERVER statement.

REMOTE_AUTHID 'remote_userid'
Is the user ID at the Informix database server to which you are mapping local_userid. This value is case sensitive unless you set the FOLD_ID server option to 'U' or 'L' in the CREATE SERVER statement.

REMOTE_PASSWORD 'remote_password'
|Is the password associated with remote_userid. This |value is case sensitive unless you set the FOLD_PW server option to |'U' or 'L' in the CREATE SERVER statement.

The following is an example of the CREATE USER MAPPING statement:


You can use the DB2 special register USER to map the authorization ID of the person issuing the CREATE USER MAPPING statement to the data source authorization ID specified in the REMOTE_AUTHID user option. The following is an example of the CREATE USER MAPPING statement which includes the USER special register:


See the DB2 SQL Reference for more information on additional options. Step 9: Create nicknames for tables, views, and Informix synonyms

Assign a nickname for each table, view, or Informix synonym located at your Informix data source. Nicknames can be 128 characters in length. You will use these nicknames when you query the Informix data source. DB2 will fold the server, schema, and table names to uppercase unless you enclose them in double quotation marks ("). The following example shows a CREATE NICKNAME statement:



Is a unique nickname used to identify the Informix table, view, or synonym.

Is a three-part identifier for the remote object.

The following is an example of the CREATE NICKNAME statement:

CREATE NICKNAME salesjapan FOR asia."salesdata"."japan"

Repeat this step for each table or view to which you want create a nickname. When you create the nickname, DB2 will use the connection to query the data source catalog. This query tests your connection to the data source. If the connection does not work, you receive an error message.

See the DB2 SQL Reference for more information about the CREATE NICKNAME statement. For more information about nicknames in general and to verify data type mappings, see the DB2 Administration Guide.

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