
41.10 Appendix D. Extended Scalar Functions

41.10.1 Date and Time Functions

The following functions are missing from the Date and Time Functions section of Appendix D "Extended Scalar Functions":

DAYOFWEEK_ISO( date_exp )
Returns the day of the week in date_exp as an integer value in the range 1-7, where 1 represents Monday. Note the difference between this function and the DAYOFWEEK() function, where 1 represents Sunday.

WEEK_ISO( date_exp )
Returns the week of the year in date_exp as an integer value in the range of 1-53. Week 1 is defined as the first week of the year to contain a Thursday. Therefore, Week1 is equivalent to the first week that contains Jan 4, since Monday is considered to be the first day of the week.

Note that WEEK_ISO() differs from the current definition of WEEK(), which returns a value up to 54. For the WEEK() function, Week 1 is the week containing the first Saturday. This is equivalent to the week containing Jan. 1, even if the week contains only one day.

DAYOFWEEK_ISO() and WEEK_ISO() are automatically available in a database created in Version 7. If a database was created prior to Version 7, these functions may not be available. To make DAYOFWEEK_ISO() and WEEK_ISO() functions available in such a database, use the db2updb system command. For more information about db2updb, see the "Command Reference" section in these Release Notes.

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